Thursday, December 23, 2010

Obama vowed to return to economic issues and clean up the financial system.

<P> U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama vowed to clean up 27 "distorted" the financial system and accused Wall Street, market manipulation, is seeking to promote sustainable growth rather than quick profits. .Obama involved in economic issues, highlighted the economy in the presidential election campaign this year, an important position in the growing. .Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Republican McCain, this week have made similar speeches. .</ P> <P> economic issues in the presidential election in the United States more and more important component, an overwhelming question the war in Iraq has become the most matters of concern to voters, although the same play the economic card, Obama ridiculed McCain said he was for the United States .current economic difficulties to "sit back watch" attitude, the delay in the economic downturn may be the Republican candidate McCain's bad omen, because he was loyal to the Democratic Party has attacked Republican President Bush's economic policies. .</ P> <P> According to Central News Agency reported that Illinois Senator Barack Obama delivered an important economic issue 27 speech, advocated by the thirty billion U.S. dollars economic stimulus package, to avoid a recession, and to take immediate action to save the body .mortgage crisis, homeowners trapped. .</ P> <P> Obama said: "In the Republican and Democratic administration, the underlying business operations often only in exchange for financial operations, and lack of access to productivity and sound business practices, which we are unable to Prevention of Fiscal." < ./ P> <P> He said: "We let the special interests to meddle in the economy. resulting in market distortions, create a bubble, rather than sustainable growth and stability, such a market is conducive to Wall Street, not the general public, but in the end is a lose-lose .. "</ P> <P> In addition, a former senior aide to U.S. President George W. Bush Gerson praised the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, the black star is described as a" remarkable political genius. " .Gerson believes that a prospective candidate for the Republican McCain, in November's general election, Obama is more than difficult to deal with the former first lady Hillary Clinton. .</ P> <P> was in the White House, responsible for writing speeches for George Bush's speech Gerson, told the British "Times" commented Finkelstein, editor of the visit, he was frank to say the end of the election .view. .He said that if Obama wins the election Mashun Li and the White House, will be one of American history "peak moment." .</ P> <P> While Obama recently plagued by a series of negative news, the momentum has not previously so sharp; But Gerson insisted that Obama is still the biggest threat to the Republican Party figures. .</ P> <P> Gerson pointed out that Obama left his "very deep impression." .He said: "Some people say he (Obama) may be a weaker candidate, but I think he is a remarkable political talent. He is a strong candidate. I think if McCain faced Hillary .years, but relatively easy to handle. Hillary is actually a poor candidate, and her poor political skills. "</ P>.

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