Thursday, December 23, 2010

Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick Ren Xinshi Bank president.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, held here this morning, the Bank's Executive Board meeting, Zoellick was unanimously approved by the World Bank for the new term. .This is the end of last month by the U.S. executive director candidates proposed by the new president Robert Zoellick after the official confirmation. .</ P> <P> headquarters here of the World Bank Board of Executive Directors composed of 24 Directors, representing 185 member countries, each office of the World Bank for five years. .But the former president Paul Wolfowitz to give his girlfriend a pay rise because the incident was investigated and the relevant agencies the World Bank, resigned in advance, former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick, the United States won the nomination. .Robert Zoellick, now fifty-year-old left the Bush administration last year and went to the famous Wall Street, Goldman Sachs consortium working. .Zoellick served as Deputy Secretary of State during the period, as proposed by China as "stakeholders" new diplomatic concept of the Bush administration and the world all the praise. .</ P> <P> Mr. Zoellick announced the World Bank Board of Executive Directors of the media after the decision that he has already done the office of the preparation. .U.S. President George W. Bush reviews Zoellick to lead World Bank is a forward dynamic leadership. .People here say Mr. Zoellick received the Executive Board and the support of the parties to the international community, showing the success of Mr. Zoellick. .</ P>.

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