Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lehman Brothers Asia-Pacific head of global financial wealth of coaching qualifications successor.

<p style=text-indent: 2em> </ p> <p style=text-indent: 2em> reporter Tan Ying from Beijing </ p> <p style=text-indent: 2em> </ p> <p .style = text-indent: 2em> Lehman Brothers recently announced the appointment of Hong Junji (joonkeehong) as managing director and head of Global Markets Asia Pacific, Hong Junji the investment bank Lehman Brothers Asia-Pacific head of Zhao Gao, co-head of global financial and larywieseneck jeffweiss .Reporting, he was responsible for the business scope of equity capital markets, capital markets, bonds, derivatives, capital markets, leveraged finance and private placement. .</ P> <p> <p style=text-indent: 2em> investment bank Lehman Brothers Asia-Pacific head of Zhao Hongjun Ji-ho welcome to join, "Mr. Hong in the Asian capital markets and derivative products on the experience .in the provision of services to our customers will be invaluable resources. "</ p> <p style=text-indent: 2em> Hongjun Ji in the investment banking industry for 13 years of industry experience, previously at UBS .(ubs) and Merrill Lynch (merrilllynch) in important positions, served as UBS AG (ubs) derivatives sales in emerging markets and global head of fixed income, head of North Asia, and as Merrill Lynch in Hong Kong's debt market, a senior position. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> recent Lehman Brothers investment bank in Asia frequent personnel changes, including the appointment of a new China, Yang served as Head of Investment Banking, Shibata excellent (masarushibata) as head of Japan's acquisition of M & A, .charlesalexander as Asia Head of Corporate Banking. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> according to Lehman Brothers released a quarterly report, investment banking, capital markets business in Europe and Asia Pacific revenues were a record high net income (total income minus .interest expense) to 38 billion dollars, up 21% over the same period in 2004, compared with the fourth quarter of 2004 increased 32%, of which investment banking revenue reached 683 million, an increase of 34%, asset management, the amount of 137 billion from the end of last year .dollars to 148 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <p style = text-indent: 2em.

New Chairman Ben Bernanke the Fed's "five challenges"

79-year-old United States Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan had to retire on 31 January, his position by the United States President's Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Ben Bernanke, to succeed. Ben Bernanke after taking office in maintaining economic growth, faces numerous challenges.

Challenge 1: end the fed, nearly two years of the interest of timing problems. Current United States economic growth has slowed, if monetary policy to maintain the long, United States economy is in a recession. But if early action in oil prices high background, inflation is likely to lose control. Ben Bernanke's decision to millions of consumers, investors and enterprises of the financial activities of decisive influence.

Challenge II: trade and fiscal deficit. Double deficit problems exist for a long time is always the danger of the United States economy, Japan, China and the United Kingdom the United States Government bonds of the largest investors lose confidence, reduction of United States bonds, United States economy is in trouble. At present national asset allocation diversified action has started to become apparent.

Challenge 3: high oil prices. High oil prices will restrain consumption, employment and overall economic activity, and enterprises will be the price increase of costs to consumers will undoubtedly increase inflationary pressures. And Ben Bernanke has always respected the inflation targeting policy also will be tested.

Challenge 4: United States real estate market overheating issues, real estate industry in recent years in support of overall economic growth in the United States played an important role, but currently this market is cooling trend. Once the real estate industry cooling too, will give the United States economy hit. For this reason, Ben Bernanke and his colleagues have early planning responses.

Challenge 5: how to communicate with the other countries of the central bankers to maintain good relations. Ben Bernanke, profound academic accumulation and good reputation, but as the new Chairman of the fed, his shoulders a burden is not easy. Ben Bernanke will find that "his greatest challenge is how to put himself in order to play."

World into the "female economy".

A revolution is quietly changing the role of women, particularly in developed countries. Might as well call it capitalism feminist movement — market forces and female talent, ambition and desire for a strong combination. Half the population of the world's women, finally got rid of the repressed their thousands of years of legal and social constraints.

We often think that capitalism and feminism is a natural ally. Conservatives are often United States consumer capitalism's greatest supporters, career women to enter the field of vision, inexplicably become hostile. At the same time, the feminist also past is called capitalism patriarchal system hold contradictory attitude.

However, fundamentally, the strength of the market economy is playing a declaration than any exercise or should, the female to the power powerful position, while the female is driving the world economy after the second world war by leaps and bounds as one of the most important motivation. The Economist (Economist) magazine has been the global gross domestic product (GDP) of the feminization of the "women in economy" (womenomics) of title, and a shocking analysis found that over the past 10 years, the number of women in the paid labour force increases on world economic growth in the contribution exceeds the rapid rise of China or new technologies.

Comparison of centuries of sex discrimination, this striking changes. The girls were so thoroughly conquered the developed classroom educators how to rescue the boy behind. This victory has continued to college — enter university woman than men. In the United States, 25 years of age in 55% of University students are women.

The increase in female knowledge training, which in turn translate into labour population, the proportion of women on the rise. In the United States, two-thirds of working-age women have paid work is the 1950 level twice, and the men's 77% of paid work has a more or less the same rate. Women also became entrepreneurs — in every four people in the United States, there is a women-owned businesses.

Capitalism one feminist impulse, is a commercial discovery: gender diversity helps to improve performance, sometimes even relatively large. PepsiCo Inc. (PepsiCo) new Chief Executive Officer of yingde La. tapanui (Indra Nooyi), and the other ten Fortune 500 Enterprise female person from consumer industry, this is no accident. Most of these companies are female consumers, so that they can show a female run better, of course. In fact, a Catalyst by consulting firms, often quoted study found that female executives more companies than those of female executives less company has better financial results.

Capitalism, feminism's second important impetus involves personal factors. Today's feminists often lament that few women describe themselves as feminists. But women are doing is making to improve the financial situation of the family. Even in work with children these worrying problem, many studies show that family financial success of their children's future is the most important factor in the decision.

Of course, the feminist movement of capitalism is far from being won: some glass ceiling seems to be indestructible. This spring, the New York Times (The New York Times) pointed out that in 2005, a major law firm in the United States, only 17% of the partner is a female. In view of the legal professional men and women graduates roughly, this proportion is very sad. Stanford University (Stanford) Neurobiology Professor Ben. Reyes (Ben Barres) believes that this phenomenon is still partly attributed to sex discrimination. He's perspectives have unusual weight: he is a degeneration of the man. Palestinian Professor original female Reyes named Barbara (Barbara), as the female and male scientists engaged in the work. Last month in his "natural" (Nature) magazine article, description of the "Barbara" your work is to be ignored, and these work only with "this" is the name of the show will be appreciated.

A more serious problem may be that people could not withdraw from the floor. The female has emerged as the paid labor force, but men yet all assume should assume the housework. However, even in the private space, market forces are beginning to make an impact. Statistics Canada (Statistics Canada) last month, the release of a time-use study found that as the wife's income increases, the husband spent on housework time increases, and the wife with the salary raise and spend the time on housework. When his wife's annual salary to $ 100 k and above, between husband and wife paid between labor and housework allocations may equal division.

Women may be in another invisible forces — population structure, discover more powerful alliance. All the rich countries are at the beginning of a population crisis, birth rates began to fall to below replacement levels. In rich countries, will continue to decline in the birth rate due to the increase in female employment seems to be logical, but statistics show the opposite result. Some of the highest birth rate in developed countries, such as the United States and Sweden, the proportion of women in paid employment actually much higher than in countries such as Japan and Italy, and its birth rate is also higher than the latter.

In regard to what causes low birth rate in developed countries, a variety of factors point to point to, job insecurity, lack of child care services provided by the State. But my personal theory is: a country of male supremacy doctrine more serious, the lower their birth rate. Market forces that employment for most women attractive, if we want to maintain the attractiveness of nurseries or social forces must adapt to the situation.

U.S. business executives take the lead in large cast shares Gates.

Although the U.S. stock market recently hit <P> 6 year high, but last month, major U.S. stock out of the hands of corporate executives and more into less, the magnitude of the stock dished out close to 20 years maximum. .Insight into the market analysts believe that they, for the next six months by the high U.S. stocks will probably fall. .</ P> <P> according to Bloomberg data analysis, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and other high-Wales boss William Kellogg executives continue to sell the stock in the last month, amounting to 8.4 billion. .</ P> <P> In November, Microsoft executives sell shares up to 594 million, of which Gates has sold a 581 million people, play a "good" lead. .</ P> <P> At the same time, these executives to buy only 133 million shares, more than sale and purchase of up to 63.18, the high rate of new high in nearly 20 years. .Last July, the United States than in stock transactions for corporate executives to a record high of 62.76 U.S. stocks fell 2.2% in the next two months will be. But last month, the amount of sale of shares within the past 20 years only the fifth highest on record, in March 2000, .corporate executives reached 13.9 billion sale of shares, when U.S. stocks hit a record high, followed by two months, fell 5.2%. Smith & Thomas Asset Management chief investment officer, said Wayne Wilbanks, the sale of shares of the market of high-level experts are wily, they .estimates tend to slow down the economy before deciding to first part of the funds can be secured. .</ P>.

United States Senate to approve formally appointed as the new Treasury Secretary Paulson

United States Senate approved on 28 June · Henry Paulson as United States new Minister of finance.

Previously, Senate Finance Committee on United States President George w. Bush nominated Paulson took over the Finance Ministers held a public hearing, the duties and to approve this nomination.

Paulson on June 27, 2008 hearing indicated that if his appointment is approved, he will focus on how to maintain and improve the competitiveness of the United States in the world. When talking about how to reduce the United States Government's substantial fiscal deficit, he thinks it is necessary to reduce the budget deficit, but opposed by raising taxes to achieve the objective of reducing the deficit.

May 30, Bush's nomination of United States major financial companies Goldman Sachs Company Chairman Mr Paulson's successor announced his resignation on the same day John · Snow served as Minister of finance. According to relevant laws, the nomination must be approved by the United States Senate.

Blackstone shares losing streak a week 258 million deficit and foreign investment.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, a week after falling in the U.S. Blackstone Group's stock price has finally dropped below China's national foreign exchange investment company into shares, so that the latter occurs book loss of approximately $ 33,835,000 (about 258 million .yuan). .</ P> <P> EDT June 29 (Friday) closing, Blackstone's share price is $ 29.27, the day down about 1.41%, below the issue price. .From the June 25 date, the share price is down $ 5.79 a week, down by 16.5%. .Blackstone on June 22 at the New York Stock Exchange, with the exception listed on the first day, the subsequent trading day was falling trend. .</ P> <P> Last month, the preparation of the state foreign exchange investment company bought three billion U.S. dollars to spend 101 million shares of Blackstone, representing the total share capital of which approximately 9.9% of the purchase price is $ 31 offering price in Blackstone .95.5%, about $ 29.605. .This is the state foreign exchange investment company's initial equity investment abroad. .Blackstone listed on the first day, the stock rose 13.1%, to $ 35.06, the state foreign exchange investment company record profits of $ 5.455 per share, one-day exposure of about 551 million U.S. dollars earned. .</ P> <P> However, as Blackstone's stock price fell, the state foreign exchange investment company's book profits continue to "shrink", June 29, the book loss of approximately $ 0.335 per share, a loss rate of about 1.13%. .However, according to the agreement with Blackstone, the State Foreign Exchange Investment Company is a long-term investment, commitment to at least 4 years to hold Blackstone shares. .</ P> <P> state foreign exchange investment company's losses originated from unexpected bad news. .Blackstone shares of its signing in May, and early in June, the U.S. Congress proposed a motion, proposed to increase the tax burden on listed private equity firm level, and may be implemented this month. .Blackstone is the largest private equity fund company, which currently only subject to 15% of the tax burden, the increases may reach 35%, seriously affected its profitability. .</ P> <P> So far, China is to further promote the formation of the national foreign exchange investment company. .The Ministry of Finance plans to issue special treasury bonds to purchase about 200 billion U.S. dollars of foreign exchange reserves, as the source of the company's capital. .People's Bank of China Deputy Governor Wu Xiaoling said last weekend, Central SAFE Investment Company will be incorporated into the national foreign exchange investment company, which will achieve real market operation. .</ P>.

Bernanke changed his tune changes the Fed cited a declining insurance.

<P>: Http://finance. Inquiry, the Federal Reserve to delete "further tightening," the wording, the market is expected to surge on rate cuts to stimulate the global stock markets rallied across the board. .When adjusting the interest rate issue, the financial markets are always walking in front of the Fed. .Bernanke has "reluctantly must sell" for the possible economic recession risk "buy insurance." .</ P> <P> According to "Shanghai Securities News" reported that, despite the Federal Reserve announced its sixth consecutive regular meetings to keep interest rates unchanged at 5.25%, but U.S. stocks headed almost without exception, global stock markets ahead of time fulfilled "reduce .good information, "U.S. stocks hitting the biggest one-day gain in eight months, the U.S. also hit a two-year notes the biggest increase in a week. .The same effect due to the expected interest rate cut, dollar then fell, fell to two-year low against the euro. .</ P> <P> Fed: raise interest rates? .Interest rate cuts? .</ P> <P> the Fed's policy-making body - the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 21 as scheduled unanimously approved the decision to keep interest rates unchanged. .However, given the current U.S. economic situation is very complex, on the one hand highlight the subprime mortgage crisis, and inflation pressure is high, so the outside world after the Fed's statement this particular concern, hoping to glimpse into the next interest rate .to the clues. .</ P> <P> the Fed indeed "live up to expectations." .Implemented last year by the end of June since the last rate hike, the Fed statement each regular meeting are basically the same "version", especially in the description of future interest rates, the Fed's wording is: "Further tightening of the time and amplitude, to be .depends on the ... ... "But the 21-day issued a statement after the meeting, the Fed removed rare" further tightening "is used, replaced by a more neutral" further policy adjustments, "seems to imply that it is unlikely to raise interest rates .recent choices. .However, despite the exclusion of the interest rate increase, but the Fed did not leave much room to cut interest rates, especially in inflation, the Fed said that "some of the recent acceleration in core inflation indicators," and the Fed's current "greatest policy concern" .is the inflation risk. .</ P> <P> market: interest rates cut in interest rates is greater than </ P> <P> contrast, the financial markets than the Fed seems to be more aware of their ideas. .After the introduction of the Fed statement, the performance of almost all markets are in the same direction - the Federal Reserve cut interest rates soon to be a. .</ P> <P> the first positive response to the prospect of the U.S. stock market, the main stock index hit the biggest gain since 8 months. .As of Wednesday's close, the Dow rose 1.30%, S & P 500 index rose 1.71%, the Nasdaq also rose 1.98%. .European stock markets also on Thursday (22) a substantial compensatory growth market. .Asian stock markets have also risen to three-week high. .U.S. Treasury prices also crashed to rise, a record year U.S. Treasury more than a week on Wednesday, the largest increase, reflecting the Federal Reserve more inclined to cut interest rates expected to rise. .</ P> <P> However, the exchange rate against the U.S. interest rate cut is expected to constitute a pressure. .The U.S. dollar against the euro on Wednesday fell to two-year low, as interest rate cuts will weaken the dollar-denominated assets more attractive. .</ P> <P>.

AmCham White Paper does not deal with large customers put pressure on China.

AmCham White Paper published <P> - </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, "the U.S. Congress passed legislation to avoid, tried to use the exchange rate adjustment, or other drastic measures to change the terms of trade with China. ."Recently, the Chinese American Chamber of Commerce released a new annual survey of business conditions," 2007 American Business in China "White Paper. .The report said that U.S. companies must recognize the fact that their global competitiveness increasingly depends on the performance in China, and in the exchange rate on such issues as the "big customer" pressure is clearly not wise. .</ P> <P> White Paper on China-US Chamber of Commerce, more than 2,000 U.S. businesses in China to make an investigation. .In an interview with the Chamber of Commerce member companies in the survey, 73% said it is a profitable business in China, higher than the previous annual survey, the proportion of 64%. .Most companies also said their China operations in 2006 operating margin growth achieved. .Meanwhile, at least 60% of the member companies every year since 2001, said profit margins had increased. .Most companies plan to continue to expand business in China. .</ P> <P> In fact, while living in the large trade deficit and the shadow of intellectual property disputes, China is still a lot of gold of U.S. businesses, "the Holy Land." .</ P> <P> According to U.S. Chamber of Commerce statistics, China's accession to WTO, will not only benefit U.S. exports to China have further strengthened the U.S. company's global competitiveness. ."2002 to 2006, U.S. exports to China's growth rate of 2.5 times the rest of the world in his export growth. Last year, U.S. exports to China increased by a third." </ P> <P> and increasing .the huge trade deficit with China is clearly not intended as a standard measure of trade relations between the two countries. ."Although we have a huge trade deficit with China, but the changes in global trade and investment also contributed to this phenomenon, so that the overall U.S. trade deficit mainly produced." Chamber of Commerce said that China is the second largest importer of goods, after Canada .. .Total imports in the United States, China's share from 3% in 1990, has risen to the current 14%. ."The U.S. trade deficit with a strong focus, ignoring the fact that from the other East Asian or Pacific Rim countries to reduce imports have offset the increase in imports from China." </ P> <P> with the Chinese on these issues .Government "confrontation" in comparison, chambers of commerce that the U.S. government's efforts may be more practical. ."We promote the commercial interests in China, investment funds, in general, show that our commercial interests in China and we as a nation to fight for greater market share are ready to make a major disconnect between the commitments. The United States .Government should also give U.S. businesses the necessary resources to share the results of these efforts, including the development of more friendly export control and visa policy. "Chamber of Commerce, said that these issues need to catch up the United States have been walking in front of the European Union and Japan. .</ P>.

Asian stocks rebound conceal the U.S. recession cloud.

<P> In the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (Fed) on Tuesday announced a surprise decision to cut interest rates sharply after the Asian stock markets rebounded on Wednesday. .However, the strong performance of the stock market to large institutional investors have not brought much joy, they are worried about economic recession, U.S. consumers will 捂紧 cloud purse to buy Asian exports is no longer active. .</ P> <P> Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index was the biggest winner, following the previous trading day after a 8.7% plunge, the index recovered all the lost ground on Wednesday, closing up nearly 11%, to close at 24,090.17 points. .The Nikkei 225 index closed up 256.01 points to 12829.06 points, or 2%. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. China, India, Australia, Singapore and Indonesia benchmark index's gain is between 3 to 7.9 percent between. .</ P> <P> weight lifting buying climax on Wednesday before the Asian stock markets have been falling sharply for two consecutive days, like India, the important markets such as Hong Kong hit a record decline. .Looking ahead, the Asian investors worried about the market probably will not be Fed 75 basis point emergency rate cut to vanish. .</ P> <P> This is the Fed since 2001, 9? 11 terrorist attacks for the first time to take urgent action. .President of the International Investment Advisers, an investment manager specializing in the Korean stock market Henry? Saige Man (Henry Seggerman) appears, Fed move aimed at relaxing the blue-chip corporate credit environment, but the demand for Asian exports propped up consumer spending is concerned, .situation can not be the same. .</ P> <P> some investors that the heavy volume on Wednesday, China's stock market volatility in the stock market rally looks seem inadequate and for the bull market has come to an end on speculation that China provides the evidence. .The Shanghai Composite Index rose 3.1% Wednesday, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng China Enterprises Index rose to 12% that day. .</ P> <P> Although the Chinese state-owned financial press frequently reported in the headlines this week, the Shanghai Composite's performance, but what the government intends in the circumstances not mentioned. .</ P> <P> small investors urged the Government to take action, which gives Beijing has a difficult question. .Analysts said Chinese officials would very much like the stock market volatility investors are able to understand market behavior, not by policy or so. .For this reason, in the past few years, officials made comments on the stock market most of the potential risks of the stock price and the oscillation or damage the interests of investors warn of misconduct. .</ P> <P> case of Japan, the U.S. decision to cut interest rates making it out of a difficult problem: it is not should follow the footsteps of the United States lower their key interest rates? .Until recently, the economists also agree that the Bank of Japan (Bank of Japan) will increase in future interest rates. .</ P> <P> Japan's benchmark interest rate is only 0.5%, present in all the major economies at the lowest level. .Bank of Japan Governor Toshihiko Fukui (Toshihiko Fukui) has repeatedly expressed the hope to raise interest rates to more normal range, as the need to lend a helping hand when the central bank's economic development in order to have enough room to maneuver. .On Tuesday, the Fed unexpectedly cut interest rates before the Bank of Japan said that as expected the decision to keep rates unchanged. .But economists pointed out that the bank will raise interest rates in future all bets be dashed. .</ P> <P> BNP Paribas Securities in Tokyo, Ryutaro Kono, chief economist at the research report released Wednesday said that if the stock market crash, and politicians began to strong demand easing, then the Bank of Japan may cut interest rates by 25 basis points ...

US 71% experts believe the Bush Administration has been recession still "no"

15-United States President George w. Bush responded to the Democratic Party in the United States Government to rescue the economy shortchanging of criticism. He said that the Government cannot rescue the economy go too far, "one of the worst things is overkill". On the day Bush said in his speech on the radio, the recent adoption of the United States home and business tax refund of economic stimulus measures will in the second quarter, the contribution to the economy, the third quarter of this role will become more intense.

Economic slowdown causes is the real estate market downturn

According to the http://finance Senate majority leader, Harry Reid · Democratic Party members, recently said in a statement: "the President still convince myself that inaction is a panacea for economic issues. But Democrats believe that in the United States economy is sliding into recession, the wait is an irresponsible policy. "Reid says that the wages and prices in the United States decreased, while the healthcare, education, energy, etc., all in the price. "This week, crude oil, gasoline prices hit an all-time high, and the depreciation of the dollar to the lowest level in history. I hope that the awareness of these issues, the President of the slow and we needed a solution at present United States. ”

To this end, the United States President George w. Bush said the root causes of the economic slowdown is the real estate market downturn. But he said he was opposed to the current Parliament are discussing several measures. These include took out $ 400 billion acquisition of loss of redemption of housing, modify the Bankruptcy Ordinance to allow judges to adjust mortgage rates, rising to promote.

Bush said the United States, many young couples because of the price is too high could not purchase their first home, but at present the market is self adjust delay such adjustment would only unanswered questions. In his view, the economy, especially in response to the housing market crisis, cannot do too much, "or you will make the complex problems worse and eventually hurt housing all people than from our help. ”

Most economists see light-US economy

According to the Wall Street Journal on the United States economy expected latest investigative, most economists think the United States economy into recession. 51 71% of respondents felt that the economy into recession, this survey is March 7-11 April.

This pessimistic mood in large part due to the recently released employment report, statistics for the month of February, employment in the United States reduces 63000, for the second consecutive month. RBS Greenwich Capital of Stephen · Stanley said: "I decline of judgement from employment data, the numbers in my opinion is a sign of recession. ”

55 respondents of 29 people said they expected the quarter United States economic contraction appears, 25 people expect the second quarter, the economy will shrink. All respondents is the average expected weak growth in the United States economy: first quarter annualised growth 0.1% only, second-quarter growth 0.4%. Usually on the traditional definition of a recession as the gross domestic product (GDP) decreased for two consecutive quarters, but Stanley pointed out that if you look back at the 2001 recession, there was only one-quarter of GDP declining, but perhaps this recession has a quarter of GDP decline.

Economists also on the 2008 United States economic recession and perhaps more than in 2001, and 1990-1991, two are particularly concerned about the possibility of a recession. They believe that the more the average probability of severe recession is 48%, higher than the previous survey of 39%. MacroEcon Global Advisors Mark · Nielsen said, we believe that the two previous recession mild, this time if the degree of recession, may be larger than the two previous slightly more serious.

In view of the concerns of the economy, the United States Government respondents expected and United States Federal Reserve Board will take more action. About 63% of respondents indicated that the use of public funds to solve the real-estate crisis possibilities is large, and even can be said to be certain that they average expected Fed will before the end of June will be the benchmark federal funds rate from the current 3% to 2%.

The next black president or woman president?.

<P> Quadrennial U.S. presidential election is entering the stage of the primaries, Republican George W. Bush after eight years in power, who will enter the White House, from primaries to see some clues. .All the way to Hillary Clinton led the way, but in the Iowa primaries, Obama is black to catch up with the Democratic Party candidate John Edwards been the last throw in the third place. .Republican John McCain is leading. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. Hillary in the second round of primaries in New Hampshire pulled one back a tear leading Ao Boba Council is expected to get the Democratic Party candidate in the Republican Party in the official election confront .McCain. .</ P> <P> the Democratic Party from Hillary Clinton, her husband, served two terms as president, Edwards, the party lost the election in the Republican George W. Bush, George W. Bush two terms in office, and performance was flat, and in Iraq .War has attracted people complained, loss of soldiers pack will be economically debilitating, the people wanted change, expected to be good at financial management of the Democratic Party can win this general election, then Hillary and Obama may well become president, the White House. .</ P> <P> the founding of the United States two hundred years, all the way by men and white men in power. .Shouted the slogan of equality between the sexes has been a hundred years, female president, after Indira Gandhi from India, Pakistan, Benazir Chicago and by the President in power in France and other countries. .U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is the second person, Ms., and is black. .The United States is a highly democratic country, gender equality for granted, since Lincoln freed the slaves of ethnic equality since the outstanding performance of blacks in sports, the United States in the Olympic gold medal in the power board in the political and economic fields have outstanding performance, .not fall after the white. .</ P> <P> from Africa, Kenya, Barack Obama, popular and full of Africans served as United Nations Secretary-General of vocational education, the president of the nickname the world, Albright served as U.S. president if, and rare. .</ P> <P> Hillary Clinton, wife of former U.S. President, if the fore, the White House, not only break the U.S. record by a woman as president, also served as both husband and wife set a precedent for U.S. president. .</ P> <P> Obama or a Hillary who is trying to seek the Lord, also see today. .</ P>.

Slashed dividends shrinking U.S. corporate earnings hurt stock investors have no confidence.

The economic downturn, U.S. companies turned more pessimistic on the outlook, and shrinking profits in the face of enormous pressure from shareholders had to take surgery, cut its dividend payout this year's first quarter level of U.S. stock market since 1991, a record number of entrepreneurs .a new high, with outstanding performance to many profitable companies do not want to add fat dividends. .<P> (Http://finance.) American Economic Association, the National Enterprise (NABE) survey the latest quarter, American business views of the country's economy became more pessimistic, optimistic compared to most of the time last year, is quite obvious .changes. .As experienced slow sales growth and further tightening of credit, resulting in U.S. manufacturing, telecommunications, finance, retail and other sectors of the industry turned pessimistic about the U.S. economic outlook, the industry have expressed their profit margins and demand were reported during the first quarter of this year's decline. .</ P> <P> analysis for the NABE survey data of U.S. Contractors Association chief economist Simon Johnson said that in the 109 respondents who indicated that profit margins are shrinking profit margins for more than that is an increase, .This is the first time in five years. .According to Brown Brothers Harriman strategists group, as of last Friday, so far, from the unpublished report quarterly earnings and forecast earnings figures estimate the market, standard and poor first-quarter earnings will be reduced by 13.2%, as .the third consecutive quarter of profitability were declining. .</ P> <P> to withstand the impact of shrinking profits, U.S. companies have cut the payout level, so the majority of investors victimized the American Century Equity Income Fund Trader Tony said: "The time when tough times, business executives .long are not very willing to increase spending, dividends are also included. "</ P> <P> Citigroup announced in January this year slashed the payout level, a reduction of 41%, shocked financial markets, just in the past .two weeks, Washington Mutual also announced quarter dividend of 15 cents per share, from the original, cut to 1 cent, Wachovia to reduce the payout 41%, Midland Leasing (CIT Group) reduction amounted to 60%. .</ P> <P> cuts as companies scale and relationships with financial institutions to cut interest rate cut by the market is often greater concern, however, to reduce non-financial companies issued a dividend is not lost to financial firms, according to Standard & Poor's .statistics, in the first quarter, 6.2% of non-financial companies cut dividends, with interest rates of financial enterprises to reduce the proportion was 3.4%. .</ P> <P> S & P also noted that companies with interest in the first quarter of this year was quite unsatisfactory, the overall U.S. stock market listed companies issued dividends increase the number of entrepreneurs, 19% higher than same period last year, while reducing the number of homes with interest- ., then hit a new high since 1991. .</ P> <P> stock options market is the prospect of leading indicators of income distribution, which, according to the current market view, the outlook is likewise tend to be pessimistic. .Based on historical experience, the S & P Index constituent stocks five hundred companies with an average interest rate of 6% a year increase, but the equity derivatives strategy at Deutsche Bank Research Team Leader Hauck said: "The options market is currently estimated that the next two years corporate dividends .near-zero growth, the growth rate after only about 2%. "</ P>.

American parties "torture" bailout policies.

<P> Wall Street "financial tsunami" the U.S. financial system, reshuffle, also forced the rapid introduction of new U.S. government rescue plan. .20, the U.S. government submitted to Congress for an amount of 7,000 billion financial rescue plan to give the government broad powers to purchase bad assets of financial institutions and prevent the financial crisis deepened. .This is the 30 years since the last century since the Great Depression, the U.S. government enacted the largest financial rescue plan. .</ P> <P> enormous impact as the financial crisis, not only that government officials and financiers headache, many are not concerned about the financial daily's difficult to stay out of the ordinary people. .Compared with the complicated financial issues, the U.S. government bailout money to vote the number to vote, how to save, who pay for other basic issues, attract more attention to ordinary people. .</ P> <P> topic text: Wang Xiyi </ P> <P> question one: What are people worried about? .</ P> <P> discuss the U.S. Congress submitted by the Government 21 7,000 billion bailout plan. .Democratic and Republican lawmakers have said that this huge sum of money should strengthen supervision, and develop practical policies to protect the interests of ordinary people. .</ P> <P> "We can not simply put $ 700,000,000,000 blank check to Wall Street, and then hope to get a good result." U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said so. .</ P> <P> "Parliament will take action this week, to address the financial market crisis, protect the interests of the taxpayers." Pelosi said. .She believes that the Government's $ 700,000,000,000 policy "does not include the necessary security measures." .</ P> <P> According to reports, the government submitted to parliament will be to the Treasury bailout plan privilege, it can in the next two years to buy from any non-performing assets of financial institutions, regardless of whether the headquarters of these organizations in the United States .. .</ P> <P> the same time, the Ministry of Finance will be almost free from congressional interference in the case of buy, sell, hold residential and commercial mortgage loans and loans to support these claims. .</ P> <P> "This is the largest amount I've ever seen, a fund to be bound at least." Treasury and Federal Reserve Board in the work of Brookings Institution economist Douglas El doors and more .Husband said: "Minister of Finance can do what, what to buy to buy." </ P> <P> question two: </ P> <P> Why 700 billion? .</ P> <P> the financial rescue plan involves a total of 700 billion U.S. dollars, the figure is how come from? .Can be further improved? .</ P> <P> According to reports, unless the U.S. Congress then passed legislation, the U.S. government's financial rescue plan this amount can not be over 700 billion U.S. dollars. .As for the 700 billion U.S. dollars this figure, it was halfway between the financial crisis on the cost of saving the optimistic estimate - 5000 million and pessimistic - 10000 billion. .However, this does not include 700 billion U.S. dollars after the government has come up with the $ 139,000,000,000 bailout money, including the Federal Reserve agreed to American International Group (AIG) to provide 850 billion emergency loan funded 29 billion U.S. dollars financing the acquisition of Bear Stearns, JP Morgan Chase ., and to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae at least inject 25 billion U.S. dollars (U.S. Congressional Budget Office estimated data). .</ P> <P> U.S. Senator Richard Shelby that the total cost of the government rescue may exceed 1 trillion. .</ P> <P>.

American voters are most concerned about the economic advantages of the three elections without everyone.

According to the Associated Press and Yahoo News on Monday (21 May) announced the poll, economic issues as the Iraq war over American voters most concerned about, but so far, concerns about the economy have not brought any election .of the special advantages. .<P Style=MARGIN: 0px> (http://finance.) As layoffs increase, the credit squeeze and real estate market depressed, 67% of voters said the economy is their most important issue, and in the last 11 .month this value was 46%. .As the U.S. economic downturn, most of the lives of ordinary people is experiencing tough times. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> In addition, voters concerned about the second problem is the price of oil, about 59% of people said that concern over the years, the United States .people were concerned about the war in Iraq has fallen to third place, about 48% of people expressed concern. .</ P> <P> about 2 / 3 of the annual income of 10 million dollars the following persons as extremely important the economic issues of those in the higher income figure is 60%, among Democrats is 75 .%, 60% in the Republicans. .</ P> <P> economic problems, but did not support for presidential candidates have a major impact, but those in the $ 50,000 annual income voters more inclined to support the following two Democratic candidates, not McCain, middle-income .divided by the average, so that McCain received more support. .Between the two Democratic candidates, Democratic voters were divided equally, whether they extremely concerned about the economy. .</ P> <P> survey, economic issues are a priority but did not allow voters to support candidates affected. .</ P>.

Congress has been maintained for 27 years to lift offshore drilling ban.

<P> 27 U.S. Senate approved a government spending bill that does not include the ban on offshore drilling to extend the terms. .This means that the U.S. Congress lifted the 27 years has been to maintain ban on offshore oil drilling. .</ P> <P> termination of a 27-year ban on offshore drilling may not be able to reduce U.S. dependence on oil imports 60% of U.S. gasoline will not necessarily be cheaper, but still attracted many Americans cheered. .</ P> <P> 27 years, the U.S. House of Representatives, the Government adopted in September each year the annual appropriations bills, are deprived of the Ministry of Interior (Interior Department) lease parts of the activities related to offshore oil exploration rights. .No-take areas include northern California, central and southern North Atlantic, Washington state and Oregon State, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico south of 26 degrees north latitude, 86 degrees east longitude range. .</ P> <P> September 24 this year the U.S. House of Representatives passed the appropriations bill, the ban no longer exists. .As long as a few days later the Senate also passed the bill, above the region of the state government to decide whether the future would be free to lease drilling rights to enterprises. .Generally estimated that the bill through the Senate. .</ P> <P> Americans are concerned about the possibility of offshore drilling for oil, gasoline prices is largely because the United States one-third more expensive than a year ago. .</ P> <P> for solidarity with people's lives, lifting problems will be the topic of mining campaign tried both, the Republican Party strongly advocated the abolition of ban on offshore oil development. .Search related videos in Youtube, you can see many of these scenarios: Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, leading the enthusiastic supporters who chanted the slogan the phrase has become a catchphrase: " .spud! baby, spud! (Drill, baby, drill !)"</ P> <P> the Democratic Party has always been against offshore oil, one of the reasons is the exploitation would endanger the marine environment. .</ P> <P> 1990 Alaska waters in the United States of a serious marine oil tanker spill on this habitat for marine life caused great harm. .Since then, the U.S. President has annually issued a specific ban on offshore oil drilling within the region. .The huge increases in oil prices under pressure, U.S. President George W. Bush on July 14 this year, ended the ban for offshore drilling to remove the first obstacle. .</ P> <P> President Bush after the abolition of the ban is responsible for leasing offshore drilling rights to the U.S. Department of Interior Minerals Management Plan (Department of Interiors Minerals Management Service), could not wait to start the development from 2010 to 2014 lease .program. .According to its estimates, in addition to Alaska and Hawaii, 48 states of the United States Outer Continental Shelf reserves are 180 billion barrels of crude oil and 2.2 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. .Consumption calculated according to the existing scale, respectively, to meet the United States 2.5 years and 10 years of demand. .</ P> <P> But the Democratic Party that the elimination of the ban to ease oil prices is very limited. .U.S. Department of Energy had predicted, in the Pacific, Atlantic and eastern Gulf of Mexico region extraction, "in 2030, neither will the domestic oil and natural gas production or prices have a significant impact," because within 5 km coastline of the continental shelf's oil production, .2030 has only increased by 7%, and oil reserves in these areas is more dispersed, the number is not much, a considerable part do not have commercial development value. .</ P> <P> now to lift the ban does not mean that oil production will begin in those areas quickly. .Because the procedure must include the negotiation of mining rights lease agreement - which often a year or two, then the assessment of environmental effects of oil exploration and infrastructure construction - where a new well to put up, at least be seven .eight years. .</ P> <P> as Republicans and Democrats should understand this. .Therefore, and Obama, McCain's energy policy also includes encouraging alternatives such as wind and solar energy development, great efforts to build nuclear power plant. .</ P> <P> shows in the political need to have gimmick appeal. .Politicians need to show their position, while the catchy "Drill, baby, drill!" May well be a rally for the thermal field in the perfect accompaniment. .</ P> <P> the face of urgent public expectations on oil prices lower, and even Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on offshore drilling began to turn the attitude. .(Http://finance.) 8 1 May, he was jointly submitted by 10 senators on the abolition of a ban on offshore drilling welcomed the proposals. .</ P> <P> politicians understand the art of compromise. .President Bush has declared that if the appropriations bills do not cancel the mining ban, veto veto the appropriations bill - which means that the funding next year the federal government had not landed. .</ P> <P> Thus, while the Democratic Party more seats in the House, they have no intention stubborn here. .Moreover, as long as Obama can win the general election in November next year he can be issued by the government ban on offshore drilling. .■ </ P>.

Wall Street G20 emerging economies will participate in consultation sniper combat recession.

<P> 10 月 8 日 9 am, Washington, International Monetary Fund (IMF) a negative floor press room, looking dignified Blanchett: "Good morning, everyone, let me talk about a situation all the more concerned, as .You see, our economy is decline. "</ P> <P> Blanchett is the IMF's chief economist, he began issuing this statement," view the world economy. " .Blanchett also said: "The current world economic slowdown in developed and developing countries have significantly different levels to combat, and some countries close to the edge of recession." .</ P> <P> patient has been critical, but doctors are still on the road. .With the diagnosis and treatment of the global financial crisis years the difference is that this new doctor was also involved in consultation - the emerging market countries. .</ P> <P> 10 月 8 U Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson announced that, in addition to G7 meetings this weekend G20 finance meeting in Washington to discuss the response to the global economic crisis. .</ P> <P> The meeting was the United States since the outbreak of the economic crisis the first gathering of the Group of 20 finance ministers, reflecting the reality of the world situation. .</ P> <P> "G20 summit meeting reflects the needs of real world economic situation, a number of countries outside the G7 major impact on the world economy," U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary David McCormick said. .</ P> <P> G7 to seek cooperation in four areas </ P> <P> 20 of the Group of 7 countries from the West, China, Russia, India, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea .and Turkey composition. .</ P> <P> 10 月 10 日, G7 finance ministers meeting will focus on the problem of the current financial turmoil. .On this day, the Treasury would be a tense day. .Treasury Secretary Paulson will hold bilateral talks with some, in addition he will also attend a breakfast meeting IMF Committee and the Western finance ministers and a round-table talks. .Dinner will be held Houbaoersen deal with financial issues with other countries to share experiences. .</ P> <P> G7 finance ministers meeting this theme involves four aspects: liquidity, capital, market stability and financial regulation. .The meeting will not only discuss issues of multilateral cooperation, countries deal with financial problems will also discuss the individual circumstances. .</ P> <P> in cooperation, Deputy Treasury Secretary U.S. Treasury McCormick (David McCormick) have no objection to talking about profitable business cooperation. ."Some people hear profitable to feel disdain, it is prejudice," McCormick said. .</ P> <P> but the concrete results of the dialogue, the host country did not mind the end. ."I do not want to promise too much, the progress of the dialogue depends on the specific results may be," McCormick (David McCormick) said. .</ P> <P> See United States G20 finance ministers invited the Ministry of Finance </ P> <P> after McCormick if so, because the G7 and the developed countries is seriously ill. .</ P> <P> released on the same day under the IMF's "World economic view," predicted the economic crisis will make the G-7 members, and Spain and other developed countries in 2009 economic growth rate close to zero or negative growth. .</ P> <P> But the IMF also denied saying the global economy into recession, the organization forecast for 2009 world economy will grow by 3%. .(Http://finance.) "3% is not very high (5.0% in 2007), but not to the extent of recession," Blanchett said. .</ P> <P> While the major developed countries in Europe and America have claimed increasing the intensity and scope of intervention in the economy, but the countries have a leg to stand. .</ P> <P> 8, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer Alistair Darling announced a package of bank rescue plan, the British government will inject up to major commercial banks up to 500 million pounds of funding. .</ P> <P>.

Car loan crunch hit the U.S. economy will again impact on car sales.

The impact of high oil prices had been frozen buying the U.S. auto market, sales are not easy because of lending more difficult. .<P> Car loan lending industry tightening, supporting the auto industry will lose strength along with reduced growth, and is considered the most important economic drivers of the U.S. auto industry once the recession, the impact on the U.S. economy greatly. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) Chase, Capital One and GMAC and other auto lenders found more and more difficult to raise funds to lend, but also increasingly to the higher cost. .The industry also suffered due to the loss of borrower defaults and the scaling back of the establishment of the new loans, profit outlook is more bleak. .According to Moodys Web site, the car loan lending industry in the first quarter deficit of 3.4%, compared to three in 2002 into a much higher degree of loss. .</ P> <P> large U.S. auto lender AmeriCredit, said the car loan payment scheduled for this year amount to 30 billion U.S. dollars, but compared to last year's 9.2 billion was significantly diminished, which means that as many as 34 million vehicles this year, not .access to credit. .Market research company JDPower & Associated pointed out that car sales this year estimated at 15 million, less than last year's 16.2 million, a record low of 1995 to record. .</ P> <P> While car dealers resorted to a number of profitable benefits to stimulate new car buying, but I am afraid will continue to face several months of profit-dark period. .According to market research firm Autodata vehicle information, luxury vehicles sales fell 13% over last year. .Consumers may face loan interest rate increase and $ 4 per gallon of gasoline rose to the pressure of being dispelled plan to purchase. .</ P> <P> is worth noting that the sharp price decline in some areas also will be car sales tumbled. .Mainly due to the property market boom over the past to create thousands of jobs, consumer confidence and buoyant demand for trucks is also quite strong, but now they contribute to favorable conditions for automobile sales have ceased to exist. .</ P>.

The difficulties of SMEs - the difficulty of the State.

Recalling the history of reform and opening up, people have much to say, "left" and right views are, say, or even a heated confrontation. .With the process of reform and opening up as a grown up entrepreneurs, we also look at three years. .In our view, perhaps the theory of color rarely, there is a real self-understanding. .To simplify complex issues, like most things the entrepreneur. .Summarize the course of three decades of reform and opening up, in my view, on the whole did three events. .<P> First issue is to the right of farmers to the cultivation of land or a dominance back to the farmer. .The second big thing is to allow foreigners to China to set up factories in sub. .This is what we have said to attract foreign companies or joint ventures. .The third major event is the Chinese people can do business, they can do the factory, can be a businessman, when the entrepreneurs. .Enterprises with different SMEs, local administrative officials the birth and development of China's reform and opening up one of the greatest achievements and promote China's economic development process, to make a Chinese middle class, its influence will extend at least three years. .<P> Its flexible mechanisms for SMEs, and strong vitality and ability to adapt to the market in stabilizing the economy, creating jobs, exports and the provision of social services, plays an important role, has become China's economic development and the construction of three decades .the main force of innovation-oriented country and an important foundation for national economic development. .<P Align=center> SMEs in the present difficulties and closures <P> vigorously Memorial in the thirtieth anniversary of reform and opening up, reform and opening up one of the most important results, China's largest source of jobs and tax revenue - .even small and medium enterprises face unprecedented closures, support for three decades, "China's economic miracle" of the small and medium enterprises has now become the object of sacrifice. .<P> According to statistics from related departments, enterprises have closed down this year, more than 67,000, and I believe that this is just the tip of a prelude to the financial collapse. .Why there closures of small and medium enterprises? .At the macro background, from last year's U.S. subprime mortgage crisis triggered a chain reaction of economic recession the U.S. appears, this impact, the economic development of the European countries have begun a bit tired; from the situation in China, the RMB exchange rate .changes in raw material price inflation, labor costs increase, tightening to make it more difficult to finance a variety of factors, most directly affected in the industrial chain of low-end small and medium enterprises survive. .These are the reasons, but the underlying reasons behind the recent years is increasingly tight pressure on the resumption of private economic policies. .<P> China over the past three decades, there is one every three to five years of macroeconomic regulation and control. .Although each is followed by "macro-tight control of private enterprises," the logic, (http://finance.) Vitality of small and medium enterprises are the most tenacious. .Every regulation comes, they can always legal or illegal means to protect themselves, to which the gap to find survivors. .And this regulation, there will be closures Why it? .<P> 1998 years of macro-control is a result of the Asian financial crisis of the consumer market downturn, the central government by starting real estate, the activation of domestic demand, and thus led to the prosperity of the heavy chemical industry; in 2004, it is because the upstream .industry appeared overheated investment, decision-making for the selective punishment, will enter the steel, cement and electrolytic aluminum industry push back one by one private enterprises, while the real estate industry in a short time to control credit, in order to achieve a soft landing for the economy .. .The scene is completely different, the two most important new features: First, there never happened fifteen years of inflation, the second is the growth of foreign trade caused by RMB appreciation pressure control into a dilemma: shrinkage of external demand, domestic demand is not .up. .In other words, this time is the lack of power to stimulate the domestic demand. .As a result, small and medium enterprises to become the object of sacrifice. .<P> Tightening financial regulation and credit finance for SMEs is causing the closure of the direct cause strand breaks. .For most SMEs, despite the current severe economic pressures encountered, the cost of higher output, but as long as bank credit to help companies adjust product mix according to market demand, or you can weather the storm. .However, the country's bank credit is generally "Xianpinaifu", only "worse" can never be "timely." .Objectively speaking, the banks they could not be responsible for all the banks. .The country's macro control policy, raising the deposit reserve several times, resulting in contraction of banks, coupled with the responsibility of bank credit for life and some ridiculous policy that banks only willing intention of both insurance and high efficiency type of large state-owned monopoly enterprises or .national key projects to extend credit, and SME Bank has become a "hot potato", a sign of trouble to cause fear of recovering loans and less than the loss the bank itself. .<P> Small and medium enterprises obtain bank's normal credit, in order to continue to develop, it will inevitably turn to private capital. .This certainly gave birth to the civil illegal fund raising and the prevalence of underground banks. .By underground banks, the high rate of loan the only means to maintain their business, the current lending rate of underground banks is 22% or more, small and medium enterprises which will certainly aware of the interests of blackmail, but to maintain the normal operation of enterprises, .can only harm than good. .<P> Strange thing is, our government seems indifferent to this. .The most regrettable is that there are a number of scholars, even as the situation of forcing the emergence of the so-called theory of industrial upgrading for SMEs under. .In science and technology and national economic conditions do not meet the requirements of the situation, again forced restructuring of SMEs, to affect tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of employment, must be national disaster. .So, seeing the SME closures in terms of a wave after wave of pain do not think of saving policies, is also a national disaster! .<P>.

U.S. economic outlook for corporate profits look bad call prices decline.

U.S. National Association of Business Economics (NABE) 21 latest survey results released Monday showed that 55% of the respondents in the second half this year, economists predict the U.S. economy will not grow or grew only 1%, of which 10% or even think there is negative growth. .And another to reveal the future direction of U.S. economic indicators showed further decline in economic activity in June. .<P Align=center> economic downturn of inflation heating up </ P> <P> (http://finance.) United States economy is facing rising raw material prices, the subprime mortgage crisis, credit crunch crisis and the multiple attack. .According to the NABE survey of U.S. business owners showed that intend to hike prices next quarter of respondents were more than interested in price nearly tripled, while only 9% of respondents said they would recruit more staff in the second half of this year, .This ratio is the lowest in five years. .</ P> <P> NABE economists in charge of the investigation, said Simon Johnson, economists are more cautious assessment of the economic situation in the second half, most of them will show the expected weak outlook, but not desperate, he predicted the United States this year .half of economic growth will be negligible. .32% of surveyed economists forecast U.S. economic growth in the second half of this year between 1% and 2%. .</ P> <P> Earlier this year, many people expected the U.S. economy this year, half of the winter, but it is expected the economy to be strong in the second half. .However, the 168 million U.S. government program of economic revitalization measures in the issuance of tax rebate checks as early as expected from the gain on the outside, which may cause economic growth in the U.S. in the second half turn weakness. .Simon Johnson pointed out that many people have given up the idea of the U.S. economy will recover. .</ P> <P> U.S. economic growth a large shrinkage in the fourth quarter, the first quarter of this year to continue to trap mud, to the second quarter as tax rebate checks issued by the Government of factors supporting this growth rate is expected a slight improvement, but some experts .concerned less with its support for the tax rebate, the U.S. economy will no longer afraid to hit the fourth quarter of this year. .</ P> <P align=center> leading index fell </ P> <P> In addition, Council 21, the U.S. economy published data also confirms that the enterprise economists worry that the leading index in June fell 0.1% to .101.7, and last week, economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires on average expected. .The private research institutions also made in May leading indicator downward revision from the original fell 0.1% to 0.2%. .</ P> <P> Economic Council economist Ken Goldstein said the U.S. economy is still no signs of improvement, a severe financial crisis and longer-than-expected downturn in the housing market depth, gasoline and food prices, weak consumer .who have confidence and the weak dollar of economic activity lasting pressure. .Goldstein said that in fact the second half of the U.S. economy is likely to continue to decline. .</ P>.

Does the United States to attract global talent behind?.

<P Align=left> </ P> <P> other developed countries are aware of human capital on economic development of a country, are making great efforts to attract the world have intellectual disabilities. .However, there are intellectual people in the world has been the most desirable of the United States began to put obstacles to prevent skilled immigrants into the United States, tinted glasses and look at domestic migration. .</ P> <P> according to Pew Hispanic research Center's research, the United States in recent years, legal immigrants are often ─ ─ ─ ─ received a good education, the number dropped by almost one-third, significantly lower than the level of education .reduce the rate of illegal immigration. .American higher education institutions the number of foreign students enrolled there the first decline since the 50s. .In addition, the Congress (Congress) failed to increase H-1B visa quota to three times the legislation through this channel into the United States the number of skilled workers has also been a rapid decline. .The treatment of people in foreign countries are Chile's ambivalence is likely to deprive the United States universities and vitality of enterprises, and this is what the U.S. innovation system to promote continued development. .</ P> <P> the U.S. economy depend. .2000 U.S. Census data show that in science and engineering fields, about a quarter of a college-educated workers are foreign-born; PhD in engineering among the workers, up to 51% of the people are foreign born .The. .</ P> <P> contraction of overseas recruitment is not the time. .Asia for the most explosive growth of higher education in many developing countries have to bring a change in the international talent pool. .Training of engineers in China and India more than the sum of all the industrialized countries. .</ P> <P> In addition, the larger developing countries there are advantages to attract new skilled workers to, and attract them to stay in the country. .Today's world, technical trades in the increasing share of service industries, and the difference is that manufacturing jobs and service industry jobs are not capital-intensive skill-intensive jobs. .Improving education in developing countries, combined with outsourcing of jobs in service industries with lower capital cost characteristics, in terms of attracting international talent becomes increasingly obvious advantages of developing countries. .</ P> <P> developed countries or to allow the voters to accept more immigrants, or to have to watch white-collar job losses overseas. .For example, in 2001, the U.S. H-1B visas issued are rapidly decreased, from 195,000 the year were dropped to the current 65,000. .India's skilled workers ─ ─ H-1B visa holders among the highest proportion of immigrants ─ ─ means the United States more and more narrow, and was followed by outsourcing jobs to India the number is increasing. .In 1978, the United States, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) was forced to close its India operations; but this year IBM donated the Indian operations than the number of employees hired any other non-US countries. .</ P> <P> decades, R & D is the strict control of transnational corporations in the "own country" in a business. .But even this is now changing. .The past decade, even if China's IPR protection is still not satisfactory, China's multinational R & D continued to show a geometric growth of number of centers. .Services can be improvement in the level of trade, more flexible contract terms, and from developing markets increasing cost pressures, which will encourage more companies to sign foreign contracts. .</ P> <P> in attracting skilled migrants in this respect, the United States and other developed countries, the company will face increasingly fierce competition between. .United States attracted a successful example of talent around the world are being emulated by other countries. .Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom immigration policy reform in order to better attract more skilled migrants. .Consider the security risk is, but progress in this regard the United States is far behind. .</ P> <P> then these highly skilled immigrants will threaten global security? .The most sought-after and most migrants have the ability to boost domestic institutional development of the people, "looting" the most talented people, especially small and poor countries to attract intellectual people in these countries may undermine the political and economic development, for .consider the worst that could allow these countries suffered a crushing defeat. .</ P> <P> for this it was proposed to provide financial assistance to these countries, to compensate for damage caused by the outflow of knowledge. .But while the money remitted back to their home more and more, this view has been misinterpreted but never three areas: </ P> <P> First of all, most of the remittances came from the less skilled workers. .Train family physicians and general manager is not needed money. .Second, the only money is not enough. .As foreign aid as a country's development can not be protected, from Haiti to Somalia, a large number of overseas workers remitted money, is not so developed. .Third, the exchange of money mostly for consumption back, although there is evidence that part of the funds used for education and small business development. .Because the system is imperfect (which are both reasons for brain drain is the result), the lack of extensive investment is not surprising. .</ P> <P>, however, do not force the rich to stop to accept immigrants is to improve the living standards of people in developing countries approach. .However, we can through relevant policies, so that immigration and country of birth more closely the links and contacts, as local political and economic development conducive to the development factors. .Short-term migrants to countries of emigration and immigration can bring the greatest benefits. .</ P> <P> critics point out that what is not really short-term migrants. .However, compared with non-skilled workers, skilled workers and less likely to illegally somewhere. .But the policy obstacles have prevented them out into, such as short-term Tanjia have to apply for a new visa after and so on. .</ P> <P> of skilled immigrants to be granted an extension with constraints, social security number is valid visa restrictions on short-term, together with other measures to encourage their return. .Pension benefits can be transferred, if they do not return, some pensions have classified their own country. .Bush (Bush) government had submitted a large-scale short-term visa program, carrots (home personal pension account when the amount of extract) and sticks (the visa is valid) simultaneously. .This is the right way. .</ P> <P> the help of professionals in foreign countries, the U.S. economy has become the world's most dynamic and most productive economy. .Foreign citizens in the United States is also the American values of time spent and the gradual transformation of social institutions is one important way. .Foreign students and workers to improve barriers to entry may be short-term political benefits, but long-term economic impact will be very negative. .</ P>.

George Soros: holdings of us debt to buy u.s. stocks have fallen into the "dollar trap"

Although it has been the Chinese Government as a heart big, but China's holdings of bonds for the United States still silently in all channels.

United States Treasury Department 17, international capital flows (TIC) shows that as of the end of China's total holdings of 9 7989 billion United States national debt, and the month of August, 18 billion, compared to increase relative to the United States Government bonds of the second and third largest foreign holder of Japan and the United Kingdom respectively up to 203 million and 224 million holdings, it is not surprising, but China still a United States national debt the largest foreign holder.

Report, there are two noteworthy data: one that States have dished out long debt duanzhai, second is China since November 2007, the investment since start United States stock. This may prove that the United States economy begins with confidence.

The total amount is still ranked first in the world

Small holdings in China September 18 billion United States debt remains the head of the States

United States Treasury Department report showed that the United States Government bonds of the second and third largest foreign holder of Japan and the United Kingdom in September are larger holdings, 203 billion respectively in the holdings and holdings of 224 billion, respectively 7515 billion and 2493 billion.

Compared with the month of August, my September a total of 18 million in the United States national debt holdings, and to hold a total of 9 month of our United States national debt, 7989 billion total is still ranked first in the world.

The report also shows that the United States September buy long-term Treasury bonds of foreign capital inflow of 557 million, of which private investors net purchase 448 billion u.s. dollars, the official agency purchases to 109 billion. At the same time, the United States residents buy foreign long-term bonds for $ 15 billion.

The Chinese Government on this quite a headache: as early as March Wen Jiabao is warned United States Government measure its fiscal and financial policy, expressed his concern about China holds huge dollar assets. But before this in Obama's visit to China, Wen Jiabao has reiterated this worry.

Data show that China's foreign exchange reserves in the third quarter of this year reached a historical high of 2.27 trillion, equivalent to gross domestic product (G D P) by 50%. Analysts estimate that this will probably have more than 2/3 ratio is US dollar assets, for how to reduce the dollar assets, China's Central Bank has no more.

September, China's holdings of United States bonds 18 billion data show that China's holdings of speed has been slowed down?

Number is still growing

Standard Chartered Bank economist Yan Jin-an interview with this newspaper yesterday said that the United States Treasury Department September China United States national debt holdings is still a total data. From the data view, the September holdings and August than change is not very big, but we each month visit from details like long-term Treasury bonds and short-term bond data. This part of the data display, September, China still bought 107 billion long-term United States national debt, selling 90 million short-term debt. Yan Jin's view, this part of the data is compared with the earlier and there is no significant change: China for long-term debt still on the increase. This is because along with the United States economic recovery, and long-term Treasury bonds than short-term bonds more secure.

Based on this, Yan Jin yesterday reaffirmed: the Ministry of finance from the United States, China, the data may be part of the United States national debt data in London to buy, and to learn more detailed information, you still need to visit United Kingdom data. While the United States next year will be given a more detailed data--United States Treasury Department's annual report-adjusts full year data holdings and adhere to the national debt, and this data will be in February or April.

Now that the data does not demonstrate China's new strategy to sell bonds in the United States. Despite the slowdown in China may be purchased, but also in purchase---whether it be buying long-term bonds in the United States, or from another financial center to purchase.

While the United States has published data include private purchase and official purchase total of data from the data view, purchases may still increase.

Nevertheless, this data is not completely without highlights.

China has purchased in September 13 billion United States stock. Although this number with the United States national debt ratio but small, since November 2007, China is not in the United States stock on the new investment. This is the month of data in a particular point. Yan Jin's view, this could prove that start from September, China on the United States have greater confidence in the stock market. But this only occupies China United States assets held by a total of 7%, is not a great share ratio.

It is difficult to hit $ waichu

In fact, the United States economist George Soros last month in Hungary Budapest is located in the Central European University, a series of lectures that will the dollar as the major international currency has resulted in a dangerous imbalance. The dollar has lost its had the trust and confidence, but no other currencies may be replaced. Now the general trend is various currencies are the gold and other commodities and transfer of tangible assets. This is harmful because it will be these assets locked and cannot be put into effective use, and fanned fears of inflation.

In the United States George Soros opinion, should not be exclusive to the wider use of special drawing rights (SD R). This allows the international community to urge China to abandon its currency pegged, but also reduce international imbalances in the best way. In the light of the special drawing right is composed of several national currency decision, no monetary enjoy unfair preference privileges. Special drawing rights are included in the scope of the currency must be expanded, some of the new currency (including RMB), may not be fully convertible. Thus, the dollar may still be set up again for more desirable reserve currency, whose premise is that the dollar is carefully regulated.

Special drawing rights as one of the great advantages, is that it allows the creation of an international currency. Special like this moment this is particularly useful in that currency will be directed to where they are most needed. For now this will be a great improvement. This mechanism has agreed to

Huh doesn't need additional reserve of rich countries, the share of their existing be transferred to countries that need to be reserved, in a small area has begun.

As George Soros said, China has been trapped in a dollar trap, if you continue to buy United States national debt, dollar and inflation risks are great, there is risk of loss of assets is very high; if you do not buy a United States national debt, United States Department of Treasury bonds supply resulted in excessive amounts of national debt prices, the same will let China stock of United States bonds held by the compromise.

In fact the Chinese officials and BJ's recent Western State officials indicated that there is no other choice but to continue its growing foreign exchange reserves of the majority of investment in the United States national debt. This remains the size and liquidity to support its large purchase behavior unique market.

Because of its huge size of foreign exchange reserves, if a massive transfer of China foreign exchange investment direction, may immediately deactivate any other target market chaos; if the institution sold too many dollars, would also give the sharp depreciation of the existing reserves. A bit reluctant to disclose names of Western officials told the financial times said.

A State-owned bank analysts then pointed out that China's huge size, regardless of the purchase waichu euros or yen are faced to the euro and the Yen's appreciation, this will result in occupies waichu scale in China for more than two-thirds of the risk of devaluation of the dollar assets.

Despite this, the Chinese Government is likely to be in talks with Obama once again raised the dollar assets security considerations, but so far, the United States national debt is relatively important part, but a short time, we also difficult foreign exchange assets investment diversification, China, US dollar or very important. Yan Jin said yesterday.

U.S. top ten ranked ninth rise of China Economic News.

<P> Robust development of China Economic News selected the top ten ranked U.S. 20, the ninth named the Associated Press Top Ten this year's U.S. economic news. .Among them, the rapid cooling U.S. housing market topped the list, followed by Enron final ranking; noticeable is the strong development momentum of China was selected as "Top Ten" ninth. .</ P> <P> the top ten economic news were: </ P> <P> 1, the housing market slowdown. .According to Moody's predicted that existing home sales median price in 2007 than in the United States decreased by 3.6% this year, which is the 20th century, 30 years since the Great Depression, U.S. home prices fell for the first time throughout the year. .</ P> <P> 2, Enron final trial. .Enron founder and former chairman Kenneth Lay and former CEO Jeffrey Skilling were convicted, Lay died before the final sentencing, Skilling will begin on December 13 of its 24 years and 4 .month long sentence. .</ P> <P> 3, option "backdating" scandal. .Many U.S. company executives involved in the disclosure of option "backdating" of fraud. .As of December 19, at least 195 companies have announced internal investigations or to accept this federal investigation, at least 59 senior executives to step down. .</ P> <P> 4, auto industry into trouble. .American cars, especially sport utility vehicle market share of the rapidly declining, resulting in troubled U.S. auto industry. .Ford and General Motors this massive layoffs, the stock has become "trash stocks." .</ P> <P> 5, oil price fluctuations. .Middle East tensions and strong demand drive oil prices was the highest ever achieved more than 78 U.S. dollars per barrel, oil companies earned pours so. .But since August, international oil prices dropped significantly, the current total decline to 20%. .</ P> <P> 6, changes in gasoline prices. .Affected by high crude oil prices, refining capacity and concerns hurricanes and other factors, this summer, gasoline prices high of $ 3.04 per gallon. .High oil prices fuel U.S. cars on the formation of a heavy blow. .Although the subsequent decline in gasoline prices, but the car still lingering fear. .</ P> <P> 7, the Fed stopped raising interest rates. .From June 2004 to 1%, the Fed would be short-term interest rates all the way to June 2006 of 5.25%. .Although the Fed stopped raising interest rates since, but Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said inflation remains vigilant, which means interest rates remains a possibility. .</ P> <P> 8, HP "phone gate" scandal. .Hewlett-Packard board's internal quarrels with this humiliating incident from the results of tapping end. .Chairman of the Board Xipateli Xiadeng En eavesdropping as directors and journalists involved in the incident have been expelled from phone board. .</ P> <P> 9, China's development momentum. .China's economic growth this year expected to exceed 10%, trade surplus with the United States reached a record high. .</ P> <P> 10, the Dow Jones index of a new high. .The Dow Jones industrial average broke through the 12,000 point mark. .Standard & Poor's 500 stock index is close to 2000 high point, only the Nasdaq composite index still had its highest ever level for some distance. .</ P>.

Korean Qihe for assistance Bush finally score

≫>>>> related reading: enter the Korean nuclear test track topics

According to news, finance. expressly accept North Korea as with assistance Exchange Protocol, the United States Qihe control nuclear proliferation efforts will make a breakthrough in the Bush (Bush) Administration repeatedly foot diplomatic team will win a victory.

Last night's bargaining continued until after midnight, North Korea, United States and the other four countries negotiated on behalf of Pyongyang stop nuclear weapons programme in a final text came to an agreement; exchange for Korea every year will receive millions of dollars of financial and energy assistance.

States negotiator has text back to the respective capitals to question their leaders, approved, and is scheduled to meet again this morning to formally sign the file. But Korean leaders may refuse to accept the agreement.

United States negotiator kelisiduofu • Hill (Christopher Hill) on the reporters said that the final draft text impeccable. Washington senior United States Government, it has been approved, the only question to North Korea's message. China, Japan and Russia ROK Quartet is also very likely to sign the agreement.

Bush to abandon its nuclear weapons program in North Korea subdued, it will be a hard-won victory, and the time for diplomacy coincided with the Iraq war and Iran impasse disputes on issues get Bush and opposition. On Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State (Condoleezza Rice), reached an agreement with North Korea is a major victory, she needed to this victory repelled from the Pentagon and Vice President Dick Cheney (Dick Cheney) Office, who helps reinforce the current regime of agreement which they oppose.

However, the agreement will enable the Conservatives and the Democratic Party is accusing the Bush administration retrogress Clinton (Clinton) Government in 1994 by the US-DPRK agreed framework. Bush at the beginning of the 2001 ruling on the one side of a framework agreement to abandon. Accusations that the Bush administration refuse to negotiate a waste of time, the opportunity to expand in to Pyongyang nuclear arsenals. While hardliners are warned North Korea do not comply with this agreement.

United States property robbed the Fed hinted that continue to rise

United States real estate industry is undergoing a major adjustment information map

"The United States real estate industry is experiencing a major adjustment, but apart from that, the United States economy continued to maintain a healthy and vibrant. "The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas District 25, said Fischer. This is from the United States currency authorities this month, 20, announced renewed interest rates remain unchanged since the first public on economic issues statement of Federal Reserve officials. However, Fischer also once again stressed that now more than economic, worrying is inflation, implying that the interest rate is not the end.

The property market is going through a major revision

Fischer acknowledged that the United States real estate industry is experiencing significant amendments, this judgement is also available from the latest data is validated.

25 day published United States August second-hand housing price for the first time in 11 years, while sales decline is reduced to the lowest since early 2004. National Association of Realtors said last month that second-hand middle price over the same period last year, sales volume decrease 1.7% by 0.5% annualised to 630 million sets.

At the same time, the housing supply is increased to over 13 years of highest level, therefore, further price cuts sales seems to be inevitable. House price fall will undoubtedly affect the United States consumer's ability to pay, and thus to the United States economy accounted for 70% of consumer spending.

The Fed is the "attention" of the housing market, Fischer said. But he also pointed out that, unlike the previous housing market slowdown, current United States banking system stability, liquidity, so do not panic.

Hillary Clinton 2008 presidential election impact.

<P> New York Senator Hillary </ P> <P> </ P> <P>: finance. News, the Roman Caesar had lofty sweep of France said, "I came, I saw, I .conquered ", and former U.S. first lady Hillary Clinton on January 20 Zeyi saying" I'm coming, I want to win, "and issued the first American woman to become president of the oath. .The strong woman eventually as people have speculated as to the presidency launched the attacks. .</ P> <P> · announced the election - know how to beat the rival </ P> <P> Hillary Clinton video posted on his Web site said the Bush led the U.S. has been 6 years, now is the time to reshape the United States, only one .bit new president to the United States to regain world respect. .She confidently said: "I'm not afraid to stand up for their beliefs, and never afraid to face the Republican machine. In their cost of nearly $ 70,000,000 in New York, the campaign against me, and I have two games after two McNair, I have .able to say, I know how Washington Republicans think, how to act, know how to beat them. "</ P> <P> for the Democratic presidential nomination as the first step, President Clinton announced the formation of exploratory committee to raise campaign funds .to employ staff. .</ P> <P>.

The White House has a "move"? Paulson introduced the new deputy, a strong focus.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, former U.S. Vice Minister of Commerce, U.S. exports to China in policy adjustment </ P> <P> to the second round of the Sino-US strategic economic dialogue has just ended, a .bit has been involved in exports to China policy adjustment White House officials, was nominated to the U.S. Treasury for International Affairs, the post of Deputy Minister. .As the position will involve the RMB exchange rate and other China-related affairs, the new appointment is quite notable. .The White House on May 31 nominated Vice President National Security Council Advisor David McCormick (David McCormick) as the above-mentioned duties. .McCormick, starting out from his current position last August, as the president's national security adviser Stephen Hadley, the deputy responsible for economic affairs. .June 2005 until he joined the Bush administration, when the Commerce Department as deputy director of high-tech exports. .Previously, McCormick has worked for two software companies in California. .</ P> <P> aware of the importance of the Chinese economy </ P> <P> McCormick graduated from West Point, there was military service experience, participated in the Gulf War. .He also has a Princeton Ph.D. in international relations. .In the United States Department of Commerce in the short term, McCormick completed a re-export control policy toward China assessment. .The new policy options to relax the procedures for some exporters, the approval of exports to China, but also increased the restrictions on exports of 47 products. .The adjustment program has been carried out public consultation, but has not yet been finalized. .According to sources familiar with the matter, the U.S. Department of Commerce export control policy toward China was originally to assess due to the pressure by the conservative forces. .Conservatives tried to use the "9.11" after the American people on national security concerns, to strengthen the control of export products for China. .Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce program initially focus on strengthening the restrictions on the product, and their experience with high-tech companies McCormick, made after taking office, to relax some of the approval process. .McCormick, who worked with former U.S. assistant secretary of commerce 彼得李奇滕 Castle (Peter Lichtenbaum) on the "First Financial Daily" said McCormick, the support for China to adjust export controls, "for growth in the .the uncertainty caused by the Chinese military on U.S. national security concerns, he was sensitive, but he also attaches importance to China in economic importance. "McCormick, the appointment of the new post, a major impact on the global economy. .United States to other countries, fiscal policy, finance, and the United States and the world banker, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other international economic organizations of the relationship, both in the context of their responsibilities. .Previously heard of Wall Street Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson intends to recruit only took up the post of dry, JP Morgan senior Jim Ryan (Jim Ryan) is the favorite candidate, but Ryan finally refused the invitation. .</ P> <P> the White House a political "pawn"? .</ P> <P> McCormick, a former Adams announced his resignation in February of this year, resigned in April. .Adams twice in the Bush presidential campaign as the key players are, is considered to be a politically significant officials. .Paulson as Treasury Secretary in the former, Adams is a positive pressure within the U.S. Treasury, requiring adjustment of the RMB exchange rate one of the senior officials, he also asked the World Bank and the IMF on this issue to play a more important and more active role. .However, his views and Paulson are not coordinated. .White House spokesman in the evaluation of McCormick, the president praised him for the coordination of economic policy has done an excellent job. ."He is a very outstanding strategic thinker, with an unusual organizational skills, is a frank, honest man." He said McCormick, the sub-adviser as the role of people outside the government .not so dramatic, but "government people know him. In this field, without him, what can be accomplished." .Li Qiteng Fort said McCormick, the very ability to be a very good rating in Washington. .He said McCormick, adding one of the reasons the Treasury Henry Paulson on China wants to strengthen his team. .As to whether the appointment of the relevant export control policy toward China, Li Qiteng Fort said that it is difficult to judge. .While another has also been serving in the Bush administration's former trade official said that part of the Ministry of Finance's China policy has been in China by the Paulson-led adviser holme, McCormick, can this impact may be very .limited. .He said the appointment reflected the Bush administration can only say that the current distress reality: As more and more people resign away, in the international economic field, qualifications and ability to outstanding senior officials have nothing left, and Sean .McCormick considered one of the few one. .Despite his financial and capital markets experience is limited, but already is able to find one of the outstanding talents. .Carnegie Foundation expert on the Chinese economy is concerned Keidel, as McCormick Adams, former officials are very strong political overtones, is the White House, the Ministry of Finance to supervise the "pawn" and therefore, the White House on wheat .Bureau of grams of the appointment of Paulson is likely not the idea, but also because of political considerations. .</ P>.

Sino-US strategic economic dialogue operation to Carlisle resigns suddenly

United States Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson's Chief · Chinese Affairs Adviser wave if · Carlisle (DeborahLehr) recently announced his resignation this distance she took office and is responsible for the operation of the "Sino-US strategic economic dialogue" mechanism is only one month.

According to the Wall Street Journal reported that the United States Department of the Treasury Department said wave if · Carlisle is resigned for personal reasons, not because she and the Government in the United States should be how to deal with China on the question of differences emerged. U.s. stakeholders in morning news reporter said Lyle's resignation will not be forthcoming strategic economic dialogue has a great effect.

It was close to Carlisle's insider, Carlisle has two young children, taking into account the position of the Ministry of Finance of long working hours and regular travel required, Lyle handed in his resignation. Lyle's husband is currently serving as Director of Goldman Sachs Group Office · John Rogers.

But the departure of Carlisle United States new after all let Paulson's team has vacancies. Former Goldman Sachs Group CEO long Paulson in July as United States Secretary of the Treasury, he will be responsible for the Bush Administration's economic policies.

In mid-September, the first official visit to China, Paulson announced that China will launch a "strategic economic dialogue" with a view to improving in recent years because of exchange rate and piracy problems cause cracks in the bilateral economic relations. He also specify Lyle as his Special Envoy to help organize and arrange the twice-yearly to this dialogue. Paulson in Goldman Sachs served, Lyle is one of his advisers.

The Wall Street Journal reported that when he told a meeting with senior Chinese officials, he let him sit near Carlisle to highlight her in the United States Department of the Treasury and the new open bilateral economic dialogue. Paulson was called, in cooperation with China is the key to be able to contact all the levels of all relevant personnel.

In Carlisle submitted a resignation letter last week, the United States Department of the Treasury to the Chinese authorities informed her will to leave messages.

The current Chairman of the United States MBP consulting company, stone bridge international Chinese Vice President of wave if · Carlisle United States had been working for the National Security Council and the United States Department of Commerce. Lyell was the Clinton Administration's trade negotiators, and China's accession to the u.s.-China trade negotiations as the Deputy Representative of the US negotiations. She also studied in Beijing dedicated to Chinese.

According to United States Treasury Department spokesman revealed that Paulson before the end of this year will visit to China to attend the first round of the Sino-US strategic economic dialogue. United States Treasury Department officials also said that since the departure of Carlisle, organizational strategy dialogue burden will fall on responsible for International Affairs Minister Timothy · Adams (TimothyAdams) and the Ministry of finance, Deputy Chief of staff changtai Asia · Smith (TaiyaSmith). Before he took office in Paulson, Adams has been responsible for the Ministry of Finance's policy towards China. But Smith served as Adviser to the United States Department of State.

Related reading: Paulsen's thematic

In the United States and the high cost of overseas companies listed on The Great Escape.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, German chemical giant BASF, local time on July 30 announced that due to cost issues, the group plans to delist from the New York Stock Exchange. .Just last month, has two German companies for similar reasons to withdraw from the New York Stock Exchange, they are Germany, Altana Chemical Co., Ltd. and SGL Carbon Group. .Pursued once the listing of overseas companies hot spot, and now has provoked the exodus of overseas companies. .Not long ago, the first Chinese company listed on the United States --- Brilliance China Automotive also said about delisting from the New York Stock Exchange. .One of the reasons the U.S. is considered to meet the reporting and registration system for increasing administrative costs. .Analysts pointed out that the high compliance costs prompted many listed companies in the United States take the initiative to quit. .As bear the Sarbanes - Oxley Act corporate governance brought about by the substantial additional costs of accounting and management, more and more foreign companies in the United States chose to take the initiative to withdraw from the U.S. market. .The German BASF Group plans to put forward this year by the end of August to the NYSE delisting application and formally withdrew on September 6. .</ P> <P> BASF CEO Jürgen Hambrecht said the delisting from the New York Stock Exchange, the main purpose is to save costs. .If the withdrawal of its stock from the New York Stock Exchange, BASF will be able to save each year the cost of five million euros. .The group is third in the world, Germany's second place to large multinational chemical industry as the main chemical company, operates in 170 countries and regions the world. .Group spokesman said: "BASF shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange's trading volume is very small, since U.S. investors can be located in the direct trading of Deutsche Börse Frankfurt, BASF shares." </ P>.