Saturday, January 1, 2011

U.S. man fought off the family one day.

<P> Many wives want their husbands to think of ways to spend more time with their children along, many husbands have the same aspirations. .Today's recession is a last resort for some couples the opportunity to achieve these aspirations. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> "New York Times" (The New York Times) recently reported the New York suburbs Peihanmanuo (Pelham Manor) some of the husband, they found themselves unemployed and children .and the school community to establish a new intimacy. .Unemployment is a major thing in common they also brought them a lot of frustration and disappointment. .</ P> <P> Ai Meili (Andrew Emery) in the premonition that would be laid off work after the resignation of the insurance industry, he has been unemployed a few months at home every day to school and pick their own 8-year-old children 5 years old, renovated houses ., riding a bicycle. .Yinpeilatuo (Tom Imperato) saw their real estate business has plummeted, he is now a day for his wife and 9-year-old twin daughters to cook, but also know that Costco stores in time 11:30 am every day people .relatively small. .Ai Meili friend Levi (Jerry Levy) loss a year ago, hedge funds, and he is now spending more time with four children, actively involved parents become the parents and the school board's financial contacts .and intends to run its own school board. .</ P> <P> The report stated that on the one hand, in the school budget plan when faced with tremendous pressure, parents can be used for financial expertise from people who have get all the help. .His wife are very happy to see her husband and children home to establish a more intimate relationship. .But a few of the mouth of publicity is a kind of uncomfortable feeling: the original achievements of these splendid men now have to face the pain of unemployment and possible shame. .</ P> <P> I thought, if I lose my job, my situation may not allow me to follow a similar group of people took to the road. .I may need to quickly find another job, or our way of life will face a significant change, because our meager savings. .</ P> <P> However, if I really have the opportunity to spend more time contact with my two children and their school, I'd be interested to see the mother as the center of our community will be how to adapt to the parents. .I admit, my mother used to call me for other to discuss the child's something my wife and I save a lot of heart a matter of course. .If money allows, while unemployment will probably force me to become more active. .But of course, I shall continue to do good work at the same time. .</ P> <P> Readers, have you noticed that there are now more unemployed or underemployed men more actively involved in schools and child care go, or you are a member of them? < ./ P>.

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