Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Qi soar inflation in Europe and America next move the Fed to raise interest rates.

As skyrocketing food and energy prices, inflation rates in Europe and America in June hit a new high, which makes the engine of global economic prospects are two more pessimistic. .Federal Reserve (Fed) minutes released on Wednesday also showed that policy makers worried about rising inflation risks, which increases the need for rate hikes. .If the Fed to raise interest rates, the ECB will raise interest rates a firm position. .<P Align=center> U.S. CPI increase highest in 26 years peak </ P> <P> integrated media reports, the U.S. Labor Department on Wednesday, the United States in June compared with May CPI rose by 1.1% to June 1982 the largest increase since .. .Excluding food and energy prices, core CPI, including increased by 0.3% compared with May. .</ P> <P> For Fed officials, the more disturbing may be the food and energy price inflation has begun to spread to the signs of the economy, in June of housing, transportation and service prices have risen sharply .. .</ P> <P> the latest CPI data highlight the Fed officials are facing the dilemma. .For Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday said in testimony to Congress, the inflation level is too high, the Government is balancing the risks facing the U.S. economy. .</ P> <P> the FOMC meeting minutes released on Wednesday showed that the members are basically the risk that economic growth has declined, rising inflation risk is still increased, so the next policy adjustment is likely to raise interest rates. .But most members of the view that economic activity and price pressures remained very uncertain future, and thus the implementation of future policy measures in the timing and intensity are quite uncertain. .</ P> <P align=center> high euro zone inflation rate </ P> <P> In addition, Eurostat has confirmed that this June's annual inflation rate of the euro zone hit a new high of 4% .record. .May this year has been set up in 1999 reached the highest since the annual inflation rate of 3.7% in the euro area, not only in June, he returned to refresh its highest inflation rate, while the euro area than the requirements of the European Central Bank inflation rate should not exceed 2% rule .twice. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> in the euro zone in June this year, countries with the highest inflation rate was 6.8% in Slovenia and Belgium 5.8%; the lowest was 2.3% in the Netherlands and Germany, .Portugal 3.4%. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> European Central Bank was July 3 raised the benchmark interest rate to 4.25 per cent, regardless of the risk of economic slowdown, showing .its fight against inflation. .If the Fed decided to raise interest rates, no doubt the ECB will raise interest rates a firm belief. .</ P>.

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