Wednesday, January 5, 2011

American Chamber of Commerce reports that Chinese mixed performing WTO commitments manifested

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Local time on Tuesday, on behalf of the United States 300 000 business interests of the American Chamber of Commerce publishes assessment fulfills WTO commitments. The report confirms that China over the past year in tax cuts, implementation of foreign companies in China trade rights, progress, and again in the hope that China's IP protection more as on.

American Chamber of Commerce International Department of Asian Affairs Chairman thin Myron said that the past year, China in reducing tariffs and other progress has been made. In addition, China has also adopted a new law to bring it into conformity with WTO rules, and in the implementation of foreign companies in China trade and agricultural imports system improvements.

Thin Myron also pointed out that China in all areas of fulfilling WTO commitments on performance is still uneven.

United States Department of Commerce that day, on Tuesday announced the trade data, the United States on China trade deficit in July again set a new monthly trade deficit reached high, 177 billion.

In fact, the United States is working to alleviate the problem of trade in textiles. U.s.-China Business Summit held in New York on Tuesday morning, and the United States more than 100 economists and business people participating.

Chinese economists in the US-China Business Summit, said the United States and China's economic and trade friction to take a positive attitude to solve the problem. Economists pointed out that with the Chinese fan gang is becoming more open, Sino-US trade friction appears quite normal, "Sino-US trade conflicts between the United States and Japan far between so many, so serious. "In his view, the interests of the United States and China have been intertwined, and recommendations from the economic point of view to resolve bilateral economic and trade issues, which will enable the parties to resolve issues on investment costs are minimized.

United States Economist noted that China is currently an important transition period, the expansion of domestic demand, reduce fixed investment and reducing government intervention, is China's transition to a market economy.

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