Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dollar "dispersed" low dollar reserves

Last week, the global foreign exchange markets felt the presence of China. Because the outside is expected China might have on its huge reserves diversified, the dollar-euro exchange rate fell to its lowest level in 10 weeks, against the pound sterling exchange rate has hit a new low of 18 months.

Chinese State television reported on Monday, the Chinese foreign exchange reserves have exceeded $ 1 trillion for the first time one of the highest in the world.

Analysts said, although it has been in the market generally expected, but it is likely to trigger a debate about RMB. Many trading partners think China renminbi underestimated.

However, the US dollar in this matter has become a focus of attention of the market, because of China's National Research Institute (National Economic Research Institute), the Chinese Central Bank's monetary policy Committee members on the issue of the exchange rate fan gang against official for the attack.

He said that the world faces the real problem is the dollar overestimated, not only is the US dollar exchange rate of RMB to overestimate, the US dollar against all major currencies are overestimated. He said: "this imbalance is the primary responsibility of the United States dollar Treasury spamming. ”

Analysts said that China's foreign exchange reserves may be 70% of US dollar assets, and the Chinese Government officials claimed that dollar overestimated, therefore, the Chinese may be considering its foreign exchange reserves constitute a radical adjustment.

China's Central Bank Governor Zhou xiaochuan, on Thursday said, China is "considered a variety of investment vehicles" to distribute foreign reserves portfolio. In his speech, the dollar fell immediately.

But Brown Brothers Harriman, New York's foreign exchange policy strategist Mark • Chandler (Marc Chandler) said that Mr Zhou's speech is not new, the weakness of the dollar investors just use such statements as an excuse to throw dollars.

Chandler said: "the dollar the true source of the current pressure, not China's $ 1 trillion in foreign reserves, but the United States of 80 billion — United States national debt at November 15, need the approximate amount of repayment. "He added, the foreign investor may gain about 40%.

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