Saturday, January 1, 2011

US-Iran tensions in the Middle East offense and defense conversion.

U.S. breakthrough on the North Korean nuclear issue, Iranian nuclear issue has become increasingly difficult, Bush expressed the willingness to use diplomatic means to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue voice has just landed, Iran test-fired nine in the 9 missiles deter the United States and Israel, the Middle East .suddenly tense. .<P Style=MARGIN: 0px> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> Israeli intelligence agencies concluded that Iran may be the fastest between 2010 and 2015 nuclear weapons into the country, for Israel, it is difficult to allow the emergence of a has .Iranian nuclear bomb, given the very good relations with Israel, Bush will leave short of six months, Israel to pre-empt the final months of Bush's term is really the best time. .The United States also has sought to lead the Middle East, based on the fundamental national interests, but also can not allow Iran to have nuclear weapons, challenge the U.S. position in the region. .</ P> <P> However, in the face of the clamor of Iran, while condemning the United States in the expression, but frequently showing "concession" stance, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is said that the U.S. and Iran has not in military conflict .edge, some analysts believe the United States and the recent war against Iran is unlikely, and even the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral 席迈克马伦 also said that the military attack on Iran is equal to open up third front in the Middle East, which will .tremendous pressure on the U.S. military formation. .</ P> <P> reminiscent of the United States in 2003 without UN authorization to launch war against Iraq made, now five years later, Saddam's regime overthrown, U.S. troops are bogged down in the quagmire ., withdrawal and non-withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq is still a problem, only six months away from the term of the Bush probably did not want to self-slapping. .</ P> <P> Iran is different from Iraq, not the United States in the hands of any punches either. .International oil prices hit new high in the context of tensions between Iran and U.S. to the atmosphere in a short time more to soaring oil prices, Iran produced 420 barrels of oil a day, the United States in the war against Iran have repeatedly issues .weigh. .</ P> <P> Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad holds oil chips, he declared that military strikes against Iran if it will be subjected to control the Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz for oil transport channel resistance; the face of tremendous pressure of war .Iran on the one hand, never relent in the fight against aggression, Ahmadinejad said publicly that the U.S. is a spent force, as long as nothing and die for Israel, so Israel does not need war with the United States as well. .On the other hand has shown the soft diplomacy, Iran establish a good image, so that opponent to lose against Iran's excuse. .</ P> <P> Ahmadinejad's hard-line stance and determination to enrich uranium, the U.S. threat of war, and cried out sanctions against Iran, but in the Bush years, U.S. exports to Iran grew more than 10 times, .encompassing these materials, in addition to daily necessities, only the export of cigarettes a 1.58 billion U.S. dollars, no wonder the Republican presidential candidate McCain joked men, use tobacco, "destroy" Iran; more surprising is that even the export list include the United States .manufacture of weapons. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> U.S. blockade of Iran can not and will not easily start a war against Iran, it will only take the edge of the policy, Iran test-fired nuclear missiles, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency to the Secretary Ao Beilin .said the U.S. goal is to establish by 2015 a complete missile defense system, a radar base in the Czech Republic is an integral part of the system. .The U.S. Defense Department said it is Iran's recent missile tests carried out studies to test the missile type, and proved Iran's missile launch capabilities. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> In Iran test-fired more missiles, the points awarded by the U.S. Democratic and Republican parties nominate presidential candidates qualified Obama .the day of horses and McCain are on the Iranian issue a strongly worded speech, Obama said the United States needs to have direct diplomatic dialogue, and the threat of tougher economic sanctions; McCain said the European missile defense network should be strengthened. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> any case, the United States and Iran, the contest will continue, what will not use force against Iran, a war in Iraq and Afghanistan .warning of war, the United States may have to tough job faced. .</ P>.

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