Monday, January 3, 2011

The Fed injected 75 billion U.S. dollars and then ease the credit crunch.

U.S. Federal Reserve Board on June 3 announced that the Committee has 2 short-term loans by commercial banks to provide further auction of 750 billion dollars to ease the credit crisis. .<P> (Http://finance.) Since August last year, rising subprime mortgage defaults led to full-blown credit crisis has been dysfunctional credit markets, reduction of the inter-bank lending, the central bank and then take special measures to make .return to normal lending standards. .Analysts believe that in the past few months taken a series of rate cuts, the Fed may be the future focus more auctions and other forms of loans to help commercial banks and investment houses overcome credit crunch. .</ P> <P> Fed funds provided through the auction was to gradually expand the scale trends. .This is planned for June to the Federal Reserve's auction of three short-term loans for the first time. .The remaining two will be held at 16 and 30, to fund 75 billion U.S. dollars each. .Since last December since the auction mechanism to establish short-term loans, the Fed has held 13 auctions loans, commercial banks provided a total of 585 billion U.S. dollars capital. .</ P> <P> establishment of mechanisms for short-term loan auctions to commercial banks from the central bank have a new way to obtain short-term loans, the Fed hopes the measure will encourage lending between commercial banks and commercial banks for activities of individuals and .corporate lending activities. .</ P>.

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