Saturday, January 8, 2011

Biography for Morgan Stanley investment bank, or only five M & Goldman Sachs.

17 Reuters quoted sources as saying the second-largest Wall Street investment bank Morgan Stanley is working with the United States fourth largest commercial bank Wachovia approached to discuss merger possibilities. .Another source said, Morgan Stanley and China CITIC Bank is in talks to buy. .<P> Learned that day, Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack received a call Wachovia, which expressed interest in acquiring. .However, just two initial contact, negotiation may be broken at any time. .Morgan Stanley and Wachovia is currently no comment on the news. .<P> According to NBC financial channel (CNBC) reported that internal sources, Morgan Stanley and China CITIC Bank is held takeover talks, other possible suitors include HSBC. .<P> CNBC reported that Morgan Stanley, some executives believe that the stock price continued to fall, the company will "be forced to find a merger partner may choose a financially strong bank." .<P> But some analysts for Morgan Stanley and Wachovia merger possible doubt, because the current difficulties facing the same two banks, Wachovia and do not have sufficient funds to implement the acquisition. .16 <P> Morgan Stanley's Quarterly Bulletin revealed that third-quarter profit of $ 1,425,000,000, down 7% year on year. .Wachovia situation is not optimistic in the second quarter loss amounted to 9.1 billion, <P> 17 Morgan Stanley shares nosedive 43% intraday, closed down 24%, as of the closing day of its market value has shrunk to 24.1 billion .. .Wachovia shares fell 21% in the day, the market value has shrunk to 197 million. .Morgan Stanley acquired <P> once, only the Wall Street investment bank Goldman Sachs, a top five. .</ P>.

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