Monday, January 3, 2011

Dissatisfaction with the EU imposed tariffs on IT products, the United States launched a trade war.

Quiet for a long time may be renewed US-European trade friction. .World Trade Organization, the U.S. will (WTO) would sue, accusing the EU of a number of technology products enter the United States imposed tariffs on European Union, in violation of 10-year-old information technology agreement (ITA). .Informed sources, Japan may join the fray with the United States on the same side. .<P> (Http://finance.) United States Trade Representative (USTR) will represent the United States, the U.S. computer flat panel displays, cable television set-top boxes and printers enter the European Union, regarding tariffs levied by the EU to provide the World Trade Organization .report due to violation of 70 countries signed the Information Technology Agreement. .</ P> <P> USTR will emphasize the purpose of information technology agreement, is to remove the electronics between production and consumption country tariffs on high-tech products, but the EU has deliberately misinterpreted agreement to some of the new technology .product out of the norm outside. .</ P> <P> U.S. exports to the EU's large flat panel displays, and cable TV set-top box, is 14% of the EU imposed the tariffs, the other multi-function printers were levied tariffs of 6%. .According to data provided by Trade Representative Office, in global exports of these products is estimated that more than 70 billion U.S. dollars last year. .</ P> <P> as the U.S. trade frictions with the European Union by drama, according to informed speculation, the other technology-producing countries, such as Japan may also join the fray alongside with the United States. .Embassy of Japan in Washington DC, declined comment. .</ P> <P> notice published in the United States Trade Representative that the United States Trade Representative Shiwa Bu (Susan Schwab) scheduled a press conference held on 28 August, will "agreement on EU matters and information technology to make a statement." .But the spokesman declined to comment on Shi Wabu. .</ P> <P> for the European Union has previously said that they tax for these products because it contains "Information Technology Agreement" signed only after the development of new technologies, Shi Wabu also refuted that according to this view, it is .Information technology products are now less able to meet duty-free treatment. .</ P> <P> she said: "The EU should cooperate with the United States to promote new technology, rather than trade protectionism and tricks, new tariffs on these products. We urge the EU to permanently cancel these new tariffs and tariff barrier to stop technology .Innovation. "</ P> <P> in accordance with WTO regulations, made in the dispute to the WTO consultations request, if the two sides can not be in the 60-day consultation period to solve the problem, file a complaint of the party can refer the issue to the WTO dispute settlement panel; .Panel may take 12 to 18 months of time to resolve disputes. .</ P>.

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