Monday, January 3, 2011

Spitzer sex scandal to resign because of the Wall Street crisis worsens.

For the same Wall Street <P> its previous "enemies" together to rescue the company's share price fell </ P> <P> New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer announced his resignation on the 12th, and said his resignation will be effective 17. .Spitzer admitted sexual transactions on the 11th, the Wall Street a schadenfreude sound, but there are a lot of people are worried the scandal would bring no small impact on Wall Street. .</ P> <P> trying to use to resign for extenuating </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, informed sources close to Spitzer said on the 11th, prostitution scandal, U.S. Attorney .Spitzer began further investigation and preparation of charges. .To the source, 11, Spitzer and federal prosecutors in the bargain, would like to resign as a bargaining chip to reduce the prosecution charges against him. .Spitzer to the prostitution of the payment method may be illegal. .The sources said Spitzer and prostitution "Emperor VIP Club" financial relationships lasted several months, and the payment method strange, it seems that the purpose and intention to pay the hidden source of funds, to evade reporting obligations. .This practice related to suspected violations of U.S. financial regulations, there may be jailed for 5 years. .Previously, most analysts said that Spitzer to keep a slim chance of a seat. .TravelPod in the United States public relations consultancy strategic communication company (Levick Strategic Communications) CEO Richard said: "The law says in terms of, or morally, Spitzer is to blame." </ P .> <P> Wall Street Schadenfreude </ P> <P> Wall Street, many people do not like Spitzer, Spitzer served as New York is a Democratic state attorney general to combat financial crime on Wall Street fame. .10 afternoon local time, Spitzer acknowledged the scandal for the first time on television news, the New York Stock Exchange once the sound came a burst of schadenfreude. .An investment banker at a meeting, a moment he had it just a joke, because Spitzer was once the most feared man on Wall Street, "justice" role. .Others are stunned staring at the TV screen, and look forward to Spitzer ended his political career. ."It was a blockbuster, too shocking," said a senior banker said, "everyone is talking about this matter, many Wall Street people thought he deserved." Although the relationship between Spitzer and Wall Street has always been .poor, but not everyone on Wall Street insult to injury. .Others stressed that Spitzer's indiscretion in the personal life should not be denied that he is a good reason for policy makers. ."This news is enough to faint," University of Texas law professor Henry Hu said, "but I do not think it can completely obliterate him (Spitzer) achievements. He normative in promoting made on Wall Street .effort is denied this incident can not. "</ P> <P> the governor" to help target "price drop </ P> <P> some bankers said that early exposure to the Spitzer prostitution scandal .hints about the, "When he started, and before Wall Street's 'enemies' cooperation and hope to use political means to resolve the issue of bond insurers, they begin to pave the way for the later a series of troubles." alleged, before the scandal broke, .Spitzer is using his extensive relationships previously established, privately contact some of the top Wall Street banks (some of them he had "enemies"), such as Citigroup, Credit Suisse Group and other high-level, expect them to help both in crisis .The bond insurers Ambac Financial and MBIA predicament - if the companies fail, the subprime crisis may be further intensified. .</ P> <P>.

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