Monday, January 3, 2011

Microsoft, Yahoo to give up the three major indexes fell slightly in New York.

<P> By Yahoo and Microsoft to give up oil prices break through 120 U.S. dollars and other factors, 5, the three major New York stock market indexes fell. .</ P> <P> 3, Microsoft announced late, because the two sides failed to reach agreement on the purchase price, the company abandoned its planned acquisition of Yahoo. .Previously, Microsoft has bid will be Yahoo's upgrade from the 44.6 billion to 45.1 billion U.S. dollars, 33 dollars per share, but the asking price from $ 37 Yahoo still far apart. .Meanwhile, Citigroup Yahoo's rating from "hold," citing "sell." .Yahoo shares fell more than 5 at 15%. .</ P> <P> day, the market worried about the acquisition of Bank of America may give up the nation's largest mortgage lender, the National Finance Corporation, the leading national financial company's share price down 15%, the financial sector were suppressed. .Analyst Paul Miller said the U.S. banks are likely to be acquired by the National Finance Corporation's offer to slash $ 7 per share to between 0-2 U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> unstable supply of crude oil and the dollar fell, the day of international crude oil futures prices topped 120 U.S. dollars / barrel. .Investor fears of a resurgence of inflation, affected by the three major stock index declines to expand. .</ P> <P> to the New York stock markets closed, the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average index over the previous trading day down 88.66 points to close at 12,969.54 points, down 0.68%. .Standard & Poor's 500-stock index fell 6.41 points to close at 1407.49 points, down 0.45%. .The Nasdaq composite index fell 12.87 points to close at 2464.12 points, down 0.52%. .</ P>.

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