Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fourth Sino-US economic dialogue Paulson "last post".

United States and China have announced yesterday, the two sides agreed that the fourth China-US Strategic Economic Dialogue will be held from 17 to 18 this month in the United States held in Annapolis, Maryland. .<P> Experts said that given the current change of government in the United States as well as the challenges facing the global economy as a whole specific context, the importance of this dialogue, the dialogue is matched by the first three. .As might be his last time in Sino-US strategic economic dialogue "Paulson team" is particularly want to see more substantial "legacy" left to the future of the new government. .<P> Venue of choice in the "peace capital" <P> two years ago, according to the agreement the two sides, China-US strategic economic dialogue held twice a year alternately in the two locations is the capital. .However, this is not the place of meeting in Washington, but not far from the capital, Annapolis. .<P> Annapolis from Washington, DC about less than an hour's drive, here was the United States after the War of Independence first capital, is a historic city full of peaceful means. .Last November, Bush had also in the Middle East and will be hosted here. .<P> Arrangements under the U.S. Treasury, the venue of the second Sino-US dialogue was placed in the northeast in the direction of downtown Annapolis, the U.S. Naval Academy, which is known as the "cradle of naval officers," said the only known .inferior to West Point. .Not only from here there are numerous well-known generals and politicians, even the first Nobel Prize and the American scientist Michelson, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and other big man. .<P> US strategic economic dialogue mechanism was first proposed by Chinese President Hu Jintao and U.S. President George W. Bush launched in September 2006. .September 2006 the first time, U.S. Treasury Secretary Paulson's visit to China as the two sides announced the launch strategic economic dialogue mechanism. .The dialogue mechanism to discuss mutual interest in bilateral and global strategic economic issues. .Wang <P> Paulson dialogue <P> Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said yesterday, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan and U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson will be President Hu Jintao and President Bush as Special Representative of the co-chair .dialogue, the two relevant government ministers and senior officials will participate. .<P> Experts say that Wang and Paulson, this time the significance of the meetings are extremely important. .Wang had just replaced last year, is responsible for China-US strategic economic dialogue, Wu Yi, and for Paulson, this month is likely to be chaired by the Bush administration that he represents the last Sino-US strategic economic dialogue. .<P> Economic Research Peking University yesterday, Wang Yong, director of the Center, said in an interview for Paulson's team, apparently has a subjective will want this dialogue as a "legacy" left to the future .The Government hoped that through this meeting to further consolidate bilateral relations. .<P> Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of World Economy Xu, deputy director of chess is that in this meeting, specific political and economic background, so its importance may be as much as any of the previous dialogue. .First, the change of government in the United States, the United States faced with the dialogue with the next government, "transfer" of the subject; Second, the credit crisis, despite signs of stabilization, but its effect on the United States and the negative effects of the global economy has only just begun, in the economic .cooling in the context of Sino-US economic dialogue will also be given a new meaning. .<P> <P> Chinese tour groups observe the subject for the meeting, China last month, the U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary David McCormick has said the June issue of dialogue is still primarily discussed in previous meetings .off topic, such as financial services, investment, and promote capital flows between the two countries, energy and environmental protection and so on. .The industry also believes that the two sides discussed the theme of this is expected to include the global economy, the U.S. credit crisis, high oil prices, exchange rate policy and climate change. .<P> Is worth mentioning that, according to informed sources revealed to reporters during this meeting in addition to officials of both parties and the media, the organizers also arranged a number of special audience: the first Chinese tourist group to the United States .tourists. .It is reported that Chinese tour groups will be arranged to sit in for part of this dialogue. .<P> For this move, experts say, it seems the U.S. "gimmick", but in reality is to further expand the influence of the Strategic Economic Dialogue, in particular, to make more people aware, through this high-level dialogue mechanism, the .US trade and economic relations are constantly achieving positive results. .<P> The second Sino-US dialogue as a commitment to the implementation of specific initiatives, and three times the actual outcome of the dialogue, the two sides formally signed in December last year, "the PRC Government and the Government of the United States to facilitate Chinese tourist groups to visit .United States of America memorandum of understanding on tourism ", marks the United States has officially become a tourist destination for Chinese tour groups countries. .<P> Last month, China National Tourism Administration and the U.S. Department of Commerce officially announced that from June 17 onwards, Chinese citizens can travel to the United States team in the form. .It is reported that the first United States tour group will be 17 this month in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou on the same flight. .The number of first group of three were 80 people, a total of 240 people. .</ P>.

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