Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Liu Hongbo: nobody bribery of bribery case

United States Avery Dennison Corporation · China company offering bribes to Chinese officials to get project. In the United States, it is inescapable. In China, this is a case of knowing what's no bribes to head case.

It is inescapable in the United States, both companies understand that recognize Alice, United States of public documents, and process the results, Avery company $ civil penalty, and are asked to hand in illicit proceeds 31.8 million.

It is in China without a head case. Strictly speaking, it does not become a lawsuit, because no one was because bribery investigation, Avery Chinese companies are also not affected by the bribery allegations. United States SFC open documents pointed out several bribery, seems to be regarded as a "foreign reporting." However, since the United States Securities and does not copy files on China's discipline and anti-corruption authorities, listed several bribery and multiple unspecified bribery, why people are naturally unable to proceed with the investigation.

Particularly interesting is that the United States securities only specified in the file name of the Agency, located in Wuxi in the Ministry of public security traffic management Science Institute, also carried out. First is the Declaration of Wuxi City Public Security Bureau and the Bureau has no associated events. Followed by the Ministry of public security traffic Science Institute official said, "confirmed that there was accepted the gift and the associated costs and other issues."

The Ministry of public security traffic "does not exist" someone to accept gifts and related costs, certainly gratifying, Avery company and United States SFC has so incomprehensible. Avery company recognized sent gifts and cost, United States, the report and the Commission have a fine, named in the receiving party that does not exist it was receiving gifts and cost, this is not very strange?

If I believe that the Ministry of public security traffic verification results of Scientific Research Institute, that had to be two possible interpretations, and one is what gifts, expense, in China and the United States have different semantics; another is that corporate bribery is China Eli Eli company and the United States securities performed by a deed, actually does not exist.

I cannot believe the difference in culture to an even greater gift and costs are not faithfulness to the extent of the translation, you can only understand Avery bribery events or scientific research Institute of the Ministry of public security traffic is verified and inaccurate or is Avery company and United States the Commission acted in deed. But ele company and United States Securities Act closely, what is necessary? according to a kind of thinking, this is slander China business environment and the role of officials of the image. However, the capital of the company but selfish Avery at the expense of such fame performance, no matter the time of the survey or analysis from the pros and cons, I am more inclined to believe that "does not exist it was accepting gifts and related costs" should not be a final conclusion.

Avery company event exposure, many people are discussing how foreign zhizhu "," Northern to China on bribery, I was interested in that. Banquet given invited admission rules, the Chinese enterprises do, foreign company will not make a fool of Gan. It has also been talk about the "foreign help China's anti-corruption", is of course also against corruption is the field of international cooperation, but also within the "sovereignty", is the country's political problems, highly sensitive, it would be to help countries, so there is help for the respective cleaning Chamber Qu?.

Liu Hongbo author of senior media people, well-known News Home

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