Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Clinton: Hillary will fail if the unsuccessful Democratic Party.

Former President Bill Clinton criticized Barack Obama does not win the nomination to Hillary ignominious way to suppress, oppress super party early position, the media are in collusion with overwhelmingly reject Hillary. .Hillary Clinton's strong support for fighting in the end, that if Hillary can not become the Democratic presidential nominee, political parties will lose the general election. .<P> Obama intends to invite Clinton to come forward, while the Democratic Party suture Yinxilali slip of the tongue caused by the differentiation and trauma, to strengthen party unity. .The Clinton campaign has said that if Hillary fails, Obama is willing to partner groups, the impact of November's U.S. presidential election, but Clinton seems to have changed his mind, his wife sent to the White House firm. .</ P> <P> the current Democratic presidential primary there are three, they are early in June in the territories of Puerto Rico, Montana and South Dakota held. .So far, most state primaries by Barack Obama to win points, his party gained more than 158 votes Bixilali. .Obama lead called beyond, except in the August Democratic National Convention's vote played a key role in the superdelegates to support Hillary. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) Clinton 25 in South Dakota to campaign for his wife, means Hillary in the primaries face unfair treatment. .He said that Hillary is the only position battle in the camel in the nomination, if not the end of election to all voters should be allowed to vote, but ultimately lost the case if they are willing to cooperate with the Democratic Party, in the general election against the Republican Party. .Unfortunately, some people try to super-party "press" and "pressure", "bully" their position as soon as possible, the situation is unbelievable. .</ P> <P> In his speech, Clinton has not directed its name, only to "he" to refer to Obama. .Hillary Clinton also criticized the media is not fair, the wife from the presidential candidate not legally entitled to respect, not only from the face of attacks since the Iowa primaries, and has long been some of the polls in her favor from the no .opportunities for exposure. .</ P> <P> Clinton said on Saturday (24) Institute of the investigation was to get elected, Hillary can be counted among the 300 electoral votes, reflecting the nomination of Hillary Clinton as long as you can get to win the election .But the media has exhausted all means to voters in the dark. .</ P> <P> the Gallup poll, 26 latest poll released Tuesday, the competition between the two parties, the national voters still believe that 希拉里比奥巴 horses more powerful prospective Republican presidential candidate beat McCain. .If the Democratic Party against McCain by Obama, McCain, 47% support, Obama 45%; if the duel of Clinton and McCain, Hillary will be 49% ahead of McCain 44%. .</ P>.

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