Monday, January 3, 2011

Bush's real reviews Exposure: Wall Street "hangover unawakened".

U.S. President Bush's recent speech on Wall Street a comment in the media site exposure, he refers to Wall Street is still "hangover unawakened", with his usual consistent stance in public, do not meet. .<P> (Http://finance.) Bush on Friday in Houston, a Republican fund-raising activities, that Wall Street is still "hangover unawakened." .And he did last week at a press conference earlier that the U.S. banking system is basically sound, although there are still many concerns, but economy is still growing. .</ P> <P> the clip was also uploaded to YouTube, the Wall Street Bush, the sluggish economy in the middle segment, questioning how long before Wall Street banks to wake up hangover, "is no longer an attempt to crush these fancy investment vehicles." .Bush added: "There is no doubt that Wall Street was drunk ... now ... this is why I called you turn off the camera because ... ... it got drunk and hangover unawakened." Bush said here, the people present were a large .laugh. .</ P> <P> though we specifically asked Bush to speak before the turn off the video equipment, but the speech is still in the presence of ABC reporter taken down. .Bush then change the subject, change about the subprime mortgage crisis, that Houston and Dallas have not been hit by the housing market downturn, he said humorously: "Because Laura (Bush's wife) is going to buy a house here. ."</ P> <P> Bush recession, dragged down by real estate a large ranch in Crawford, he said:" I like Crawford, unfortunately after eight years, I am no longer seems to be good decision makers .should be determined by the Laura. "</ P> <P> response, White House spokesman said President George W. Bush only describe the observation of the majority of the stock market, and we all know the market does not fully understand the complex financial instruments therein lies the danger. .</ P>.

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