Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New Report: Asian American population into the nation's most affluent.

<P> United States is a nation of immigrants, of which the ethnic Chinese population is represented by the Asian one of the fastest growing ethnic groups, has now increased to 1,400 million, accounting for 4.85% the U.S. population. .Last week released a new market research report shows that already the nation's most affluent Asian population, with 434 billion U.S. dollars in purchasing power, has become the nation's consumers can not be ignored all walks of life. .The report predicted that by 2010, Asian buying power will reach 611 billion yuan, of which Chinese is the largest and most important Asian consumer groups. .</ P> <P> Asian nation's most </ P> <P> units of a network of Maryland launched market research company, "Asian Survey spending power," that the education level, household income, popularity of computer and network ., in the number of professional and managerial work in terms of all of the leading Asian. .The report combines the U.S. Federal Census Bureau data, and manufacturers have been released for the Asian market over the past data synthesis. .</ P> <P> findings of the report shows that as the nation's most affluent Asian population, the average median family income of 5.6161 million, 26% higher than the U.S. average, 15% higher than the white community than the Hispanic .56% higher than twice the African American community. .About 28% of Asian households earning more than 10 million. .</ P> <P> to the average personal income, Asians 2.5786 million also lead all ethnic groups, the nation's per capita income of only 2.4020 million. .Among these, the highest per capita income of Indians, to 3.1438 million, followed by Japan, Chinese ranks third in per capita income of 2.8012 million. .</ P> <P> Asian preferred investment </ P> <P> to the report, each Asian families spend an average of $ 50,000 per year, higher than the U.S. 14% of general consumption units, but Asian household consumption .style, not the U.S. mainstream paycheck to paycheck, a considerable portion for savings and investment. .</ P> <P> relative to the average American, Asians have a higher proportion live in large cities, so the scale of their living expenses than the average American. .Their overall spending 9.7%, is generally used to pay the mortgage, 6.8% higher than the average American. .</ P> <P> both men and women, Asian Americans are more general than the love of shopping, even if not to buy things, a lot of Asian men and women will go shopping. .In general, they pay great attention to price, will be looking for more cost-effective products. .Compared with the overall U.S. adult consumers, Asian consumers are more likely due to discounts or coupons which they rarely made a special trip to patronize the business, or spend an hour at factory direct stores, and patiently wait until the business reduction .only pockets. .</ P> <P> Asians like every two or three years to buy a car, and usually buy a new car, rather than second-hand cars popular in the United States. .Asians are more likely than the average American consumer is better that the quality of foreign cars, open up more display their status. .</ P> <P> than Asian people do not want money, but also want others to think they have healthy honest. .They are more than the average American consumer financial security, but they also knew that poor financial management capability of financial investments, poorly understood. .Even so, Asian Americans are more likely than the average for financial investments. .They often feel that the U.S. stock market risky, but 19% of Asian investment in mutual funds, more than 16% of Americans, three percentage points higher than the proportion; 13% of Asian investment in stocks than the average ratio of 10% of Americans .high..

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