Monday, January 3, 2011

The subprime crisis many banks insolvent U.S. banking wraps.

The U.S. banking industry, this summer, especially "cold." .Early July, California IndyMac (IndyMac) bank because of financial difficulties by the federal government to take over and become the third largest bankruptcy in U.S. history bank. .25, there are two small banks - First National Bank of Nevada and First Heritage Bank of California, declared bankruptcy. .So far this year have been seven U.S. bank failures. .<P> <P> IndyMac Storm on the eve of the fate of banks such as more severe storms may also merely a prelude before the arrival. .U.S. banking regulators - the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the main 席希拉贝尔 22, warned that more U.S. banks may face bankruptcy risk of banks in the United States in about 8500, the first quarter of this year, 90 banks in "problem .institutions "list. .<P> Even Citigroup, Wachovia and other large banks, the performance is disappointing. .To Wachovia, for example, the bank reported second-quarter loss amounted to 88.6 billion dollars, compared with profit of 2.34 billion. .Response to the crisis, Wachovia has been significantly reduced dividend and cut staff of a thousand people. .<P> The U.S. banking crisis, and the U.S. housing market bubble has a direct relationship. .With house prices continuing to fall, many families into negative equity state, this negative equity crisis directly to the erosion of superior level of banking loans, leading to rising default rates malicious. .A similar problem also exists in the credit card field, the largest U.S. bank deposits and loans bank Washington Mutual's second quarter report released recently on the show, the bank card sector appeared 175 million loss. .<P> Said some of the industry, Washington Mutual Bank issues also found in other U.S. banks. .This shows that the original so-called subprime mortgage crisis, in fact, far beyond the subprime area, and the entire banking sector to the credit spread of the field. .Government moves <P> <P> mood in panic, the stock is sold in many U.S. banks, bank run on the increase. .Although IndyMac Bank takeover by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, many depositors line up to take away or a night deposit. .In addition, the problem runs more to further increase the risk of some small banks. .<P> U.S. government has recently taken a series of response measures to ease the banking crisis. .First, calm confidence. .Recently, U.S. President George W. Bush has repeatedly stressed that the fundamentals of the U.S. economy is still good, the U.S. banking system is safe, people should hold this confidence. .Some analysts also believe that, despite the unpredictable future of some banks, they even closed down, it is still not shaken the banking industry is all about. .Moreover, the round number of failed banks can not be achieved much 80s of last century when the level of deposit and loan crisis, when thousands of bank failures. .<P> Second, the establishment of an insurance rope. .U.S. law, if a bank failure, deposits of 10 million U.S. dollars of depositors will receive the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the full Peifu. .Analysts believe that the U.S. government's current practice is to hold the bulk, such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the giant companies that the government will be funded assistance, to avoid the spread of the crisis; the other small and medium companies, the government can only follow the laws of the market ., allowed to self, to fend for themselves, to achieve the market's survival of the fittest. .<P> Third, urged the banking sector mergers and acquisitions. .For example, the newly bankrupt California First National Bank and First Heritage Bank, has been located in Omaha, Nebraska Mutual Bank to take over. .Previously, the Fed's urging, the fifth-largest U.S. bankruptcy of investment bank Bear Stearns by JPMorgan Chase also acquired. .Can be said that the banking crisis, but also an opportunity for restructuring the banking sector. .U.S. banking industry is also likely this pattern of profound change. .Experience of pain <P> <P> later this year will undoubtedly be a painful period of the U.S. banking industry, its ability to quickly out of the woods, the key still in the U.S. property market trends. .In order to save the property market, the U.S. Congress has recently passed a package of housing assistance bill. .In addition to the bill to help Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out of the woods, it will also provide to home buyers purchase a total of 15 billion U.S. dollars in tax rebates in order to promote real estate development. .<P> The National Association of Realtors chief economist Lawrence Yun believes that with the implementation of these relief measures, the U.S. property market is expected to be out of the woods. .Pick up the property market would also help stabilize financial markets and ultimately revitalize the U.S. economy. .However, these positive results, is likely to emerge until next year. .</ P>.

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