Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Experts say the bailout is not the time to save the house still need to stimulate demand.

Local governments have recently bailout to get the affirmation Development and Reform Commission, as well as news that the program save the property market has been turned over to the State Council, announced just such an appropriate time. .In this regard, industry forecasts, cancel bailout plan does not rule out the second mortgage restrictions. .The experts pointed out that bail is not to save house prices, because it takes time to stimulate demand. .(Http://finance.) Communications, a worldwide financial crisis, "rampant", do not change trend of RMB appreciation, China's export situation is still grim. .Thus, in the "internal and external" pinch force, the expansion of domestic demand as the economic "growth" of the preferred path. .Have talked about expanding domestic demand, the contribution of the real estate market. .However, the past six months, the real estate market downturn is a foregone conclusion, a marked decline in both parts of volume. .Recently, the State Council Development Research Center, Institute of Finance, deputy director of Ba in Guangzhou, said real estate is the "confusion of expanding domestic demand." .He believes that real estate is required to stimulate domestic demand have been driven, but the current real estate prices have risen very high, the real estate market is still in macro-control state, "therefore, can only be 'God's return God, Caesar's Caesar' ., real estate according to market and launch, while the low-cost housing but also to ensure protection to keep up with supply. "However, many local governments seem to try to break this" Puzzles in expanding domestic demand. " .To date, 18 cities have been launched with varying degrees of real estate "bailout" policy. .Industry to determine, the local government in the central parts of the "acquiescence", the rescue policy would be intensified, measures will become more diversified, but do not rule out the central government and the future economic growth based on the purpose of security, the introduction of policies to stimulate the real estate market .. ."Indeed, two sets of mortgage policy is the 'killer'!" A real estate analyst said that since the "9.27" since the New Deal, had been crazy soaring real estate market into a drop in price to the amount of shrinkage of the Shenfudiaozheng. .Facts have proved that two sets of mortgage property market introduction of the policy is worthy of the name "inflection point." .September this year when, experiencing the financial crisis and domestic economic growth may slow down the worries, the central bank will be the wind shifted to macro-control "growth" through interest rate cuts and lower the deposit reserve ratio "easing." .And twice a month down the "double rate", which is since 1996 the central bank cut interest rates once the most intensive steps, also formally announced a monetary policy into the cut channel. .However, the market does not agree so will bring about fundamental change in the real estate industry. .Because, compared to the adjustment of interest rates, two sets of mortgage policies have much more on the real estate market. .According to estimates Bohai Securities, which allows consumers to cut interest rates twice 2.61% increase in housing affordability. .However, the proportion of the two suites down payment policy requires a 10% increase, making the biggest decline in 25% of housing affordability; and lower loan interest rates increased to 1.1 times the benchmark interest rate, then declined further to 5.25%, the largest housing affordability. .Therefore, the rate cut demand for improving the pulling effect is relatively small. .Now, the market was mainly supported by rigid demand and high demand, and improve the type of demand and investment demand are compressed. .Guangdong Real Estate Association, Cai Sui sound to this reporter said that the Guangdong Society in the research found that two sets of policies succeeded in limiting the mortgage real estate act, but suppressed to improve the type of wards needs. .According to reports, research Canton HS 15 cities this year, only Shenzhen and Huizhou in the real estate is relatively larger. .Since the second half, the real estate industry continued to issue loans to modify or cancel the policy calls for two suites. .Recently, the SW of the study, believes that the future central based on the "growth" in the end, set the tone increases the probability of bailout, do not rule out the pilot to cancel the loan ceiling of the second suite. .Many experts said, to "save" to save the property market is not price. .Chen Sheng said: "save the property market transactions should be saved, not save the house, but not to save developers. The current property market adjustment, external regulation and the reasons for changes in the external environment, but still its internal law of fundamental performance of the former .two years of rising house prices inevitable result of too much too fast. "Experts believe that, since 2005, increasing the intensity of market regulation, the basic speculative demand has been squeezed out of the market, currently around under the" local conditions, guidance "principles .fine-tuning, the rigid housing demand and needs to improve relaxation, is understandable, but also conducive to optimize the consumption structure of the property market. .But to solve the current real estate market, wait and see "deadlock", also requires developers to moderate prices, so that prices return to reasonable..

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