Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bernanke: Fed does not want to further dollar decline.

3, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said inflation risks in the pressure, the Fed does not want to further dollar decline. .Bernanke is in Spain at the International Monetary answering a question at the seminar made the above remarks. .As a rule, comment on the dollar exchange rate has been the U.S. Treasury's "privilege." .For Bernanke, the wording of this, analysts say, suggesting that the Fed's inflationary pressures from abroad very seriously. .<P> Concerned about inflationary pressures <P> at the seminar, Bernanke said the dollar continued to fall in large part to the 2002 amendment to the strong dollar years ago. .However, the Fed hopes U.S. will not fall further, because the weak dollar over the past year has been "caused by import prices and consumer prices continued to rise unwelcome." .<P> Previously, the parties to the weak dollar has given sustained attention. .For the United States, the weak dollar to their own once the Asian countries have to bear down their currencies, the dollar will increase the risk that the collapse of major risks. .U.S. dollar weakness was also repeated in a way that increased oil and food prices possibilities. .Government sources made it clear euro-zone countries, the U.S. dollar against the euro, which is currently level on neither side. .<P> Mr Bernanke's speech surprised the market after the dollar against the euro in mid-afternoon trading, up 0.6% to 1 euro $ 1.5440; U.S. dollar against the Japanese yen rose 0.8% to 105.30 yen; U.S. dollar .rose 0.2% to 1 pound sterling 1.9640 U.S. dollars. .At the same time, oil prices fell to below 126 dollars a barrel, the price of gold fell from 18 to 875 U.S. dollars. .<P> Suggesting interest rates will stabilize <P> the same time, Bernanke pointed out that the Fed is unlikely to cut official interest rates further. .He hinted that further stabilize housing prices in the United States is unlikely to consider before raising interest rates, unless inflation is expected to further warming. .Public opinion, Bernanke will be the policy topics ranging from economic and financial crisis shifted to inflation and the dollar is concerned, it may be possible for future Fed rate hikes foreshadowed. .<P> The weak dollar could become one of the factors of inflation expectations, Bernanke said the Fed was "concerned about the value of the dollar changes on inflation and inflation expectations" and "policy to prevent any part of the dual task .possible risks, including long-term risk of deterioration in inflation expectations. " .<P> However, some analysts believe, despite the Fed's Bernanke cautiously expressed concern about inflation pressures, and that "in the second half down the U.S. economy may still exist," but the exchange rate of recovery and stabilization of interest rates makes the U.S. subprime mortgage .impact of the crisis into multi-possibility of large-scale currency crisis is on the wane. .</ P>.

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