Monday, January 3, 2011

Dow Jones News Corporation Board of Directors has approved the acquisition of.

<P> Finance. News: According to informed sources, Dow Jones & Company (Dow Jones & Co.) Board on Tuesday (17th) night voted to approve the News Corporation (News Corp.) Offer 5 billion U.S. dollars to buy the company's proposal, .The case now before the Bancroft family group in the final vote for approval. .</ P> <P> According to "The Wall Street Journal" reported that News Corp., said people familiar with the acquisition of Dow Jones, Leslie Hill (Leslie Hill) and Dieter Hall Ci Linke (Dieter von Holtzbrinck) abstained .votes and has been seeking other potential acquisitions Christopher Bancroft (Christopher Bancroft) is ahead of exit. .</ P> <P> by the 16-member board of directors approved the decision made after the Offer will be submitted to the control of Dow Jones voting rights of the majority of the Bancroft (Bancroft) family for the final vote. .The family will hold a meeting next Monday, and several days to consider the offer. .Support of the board will allow the Bancroft family is facing the pressure of approval of the transaction, but they still have the right to vote against it. .Within the Bancroft family to accept the bid for the differences. .</ P> <P> Dow Jones board of directors issued a statement saying the company will make preparation for approval of the transaction and recommended including the Bancroft family, including News Corp. shareholders to accept $ 60 per share takeover offer. .Dow Jones said in a statement also said that if there are enough Bancroft family members vote in favor of an agreement signed, immediately expressed support for the Offer, News Corporation board of directors will be authorized to approve the deal. .</ P> <P> News Corp. for Dow Jones board voted grateful for the support. .</ P> <P> News Corp. and Dow Jones, 16, reached a preliminary acquisition agreement, News Corp. will be the original quoted price of $ 5,000,000,000 acquisition of Dow Jones. .News Corp boss Rupert Murdoch has a huge circle in the financial impact of the "Wall Street Journal" coveted. .He plans to build their own financial cable news channel, with GE's CNBC television profits quite good competition. .</ P> <P> Murdoch had on April 17 sent a letter to Dow Jones board of directors, said he would like 60 dollars per share to buy Dow Jones, which was much higher than the share price down 36 dollars. .May 1, Dow Jones said in a statement officially, News Corp. has received 50 billion acquisition proposed by the proposal. .If the ultimate success of this acquisition, Dow Jones has a "Wall Street Journal," Barron's and other prestigious financial media will join Rupert Murdoch's vast media empire. .</ P> <P> earlier, Dow Jones's controlling Bancroft family has issued a brief statement, said the majority of family members against the News Corp. acquisition. .The family's representatives said they would use the stock they have veto power to veto the plan. .Bancroft family members a total of more than 30, although only 24.7% mastered the Dow Jones stock, but including some of the enjoyment of super-voting shares, so the family's actual voting power in the Dow Jones up 64.2%. .</ P>.

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