Monday, January 3, 2011

High price to pay America's wealthiest woman $ 1,000,000,000 divorce alimony.

<P> He started out by real-time traffic information coverage of the U.S. billionaire, she was due to the high fashion and antique furniture, crazy hobbies and "notorious." .In the 23 years of marriage, the two men over the luxury of living on a magazine cover repeatedly. .Now they want to divorce the message again to make a return to American society by stimulating: awful divorce case appear to be normal expected value of 10 billion dollars in alimony end. .This is not only half the net worth of all the man is the history of divorce in the maximum amount of compensation. .</ P> <P> According to the British newspaper "Independent" 23 reported that Texas business leaders, Republican David major political donor. Sapositan Sweden because of falling in love with 32 year old Paul Muxilewei. Svensson, to .and the same for the Swede's 45-year-old divorced his wife Suzanne. .Suzanne has won half of the property if her husband, she will break the record of the amount of compensation in divorce proceedings. .The current record of arms dealer Adnan by Saudi Arabia. Ka Shuji record in 1982, when he paid his ex-wife Su Laya $ 890,000,000 breakup fee. .</ P> <P> Interestingly, Saab Stein met with the couple's break up with some kind of fate with the aircraft. .</ P> <P> previously told the magazine reports indicate that David and Suzanne's relationship was on the plane began. .In a business from Europe traveling to the United States, they at first just sitting around and talking, feeling compatibility and eventually come together. .</ P> <P> last July, Saab Stein couple aboard a private jet from the "flower of Liz," to Texas, David dropped the plane to a divorce Suzanne While this "blockbuster." .</ P>.

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