Monday, January 3, 2011

Interest rates rose to become corporate America's most worried that the problem.

What is it <P> bosses sleep at night? .These days in the case of interest rates. .</ P> <P> one of more than 1,600 small and medium enterprises for the fourth quarter, chief executive of survey, interest rates have replaced fuel prices as their top priority was worried. .</ P> <P> the quarterly survey by TEC International organized. .Survey showed that 27% of the respondents believe that the U.S. economy, the interest rate rise is biggest worry, followed by rising fuel costs, 21% of the respondents mentioned; national deficit, 18%; inflation, 11%; Iraq .war, military spending, 9%. .4% of the respondents said, not worried about economic developments. .</ P> <P> to their own companies, they are most worried about is to hire and retain employees and other personnel issues, followed by including materials, energy, health care and other compensation, including compensation and corporate costs. .</ P> <P> majority of respondents (54%) expected at the transfer within 12 months the price of their products or services, 40% said they would maintain the current level of 6% is expected to be reduced. .More than 80% of the respondents considered their company's revenue next year will increase, 15% of people estimated to remain unchanged, only 4% of people think that revenue will decline. .</ P> <P> In addition, 41% of the respondents said that the current U.S. economic situation similar to last year, 37% said improved, 22% of people considered inferior to last year. .</ P> <P> around the Federal Reserve Board (Federal Reserve) Chairman of the feedback received regarding the change of up to 42% of people think that the new President took office will not affect the economy. .</ P>.

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