Monday, January 3, 2011

At the beginning of the economic stimulus bill multi-channels u.s. stocks rose sharply on the day

United States President George w. Bush on February 13, signed a total of about $ 680 billion stimulus package. The Act is divided into two-year, mainly in order to avoid the United States economy into recession. And benefit from good news stimulation as well as United States January retail sales growth unexpectedly, United States on the day of the sharp rise in the stock market.

According to http://finance. in recent years, in the United States introduced a Bill, a Bill to be fresh as a package of economic stimulus bill this "high-speed". The Bush administration in mid-January of relevant recommendations, in early February the Senate vote, to February 13 after Bush officially signed the Act entered into force.

Such "high speed" of the United States behind the economic situation is grim. Some economists even believes that the United States economy may have into recession.

Economic stimulus Act there is only one of the core goals: substantial rebates and stimulate consumption, thus stimulating economic growth and avoid the economy into recession. This is because the United States is a "consumer" social, personal consumption is the main driving force of economic growth, stimulate consumption naturally become stimulating economic growth plan of the most important starting points.

According to Bush just signed a bill up to the individual get one-time tax rebates of $ 600, a couple can get a $ 1200 rebate, a minor child may drawback was $ 300. Some small businesses will also be part of the refund.

Bush believes that the Bill will stimulate economic growth in the United States. It has also been recognised by many economists, PNC financial company United States Chief Economist Stuart · Hoffman said, the Act does give the United States economy fresh impetus. He anticipated, due to the implementation of this Act, the United States economic growth in the second half of this year will be 2.25 to 2.5 per cent, than non-implementation of the economic stimulus bill increase of about 1 percentage point.

But there are also some economists believe that the Bill was eventually able to work, mainly to see people are those tax rebate for consumption, but also its effect requires some time to appear. So, now that you can completely avoid the United States economic recession was too soon.

United States survey API company, only 19% of respondents said they would refund for consumption, 45% of people said they would use that money to pay arrears, and another 32% of people said they would put this money to invest. Not willing to get consumer respondents now economic prospects unclear, or save a little as well. But the United States consumers if at this critical moment the "Save", then the United States economy lost growth of main power.

Although the proportion of people are going to consume, but United States Moody's Corporation Economist mark · praise di believes that the main beneficiaries of the tax refund is the United States to low-and middle-income people, their consumption habits decide they will soon take their hands.

Some economists believe that to avoid United States economic recession, the United States Government should now be multi-pronged, in addition to the economic stimulus package for consumption, the United States Federal Reserve Board should also continue to cut interest rates to stabilize the markets and other supporting interventions must also be implemented as soon as possible.

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