Saturday, January 8, 2011

Masterpiece after another! .$ 350 million acquisition of Bank of America credit card giant.

<P Class=fp> <! - Endclickprintexclude -> U.S. bank (Bank of America) yesterday finalized a deal will be about 350 million in cash and stock acquisition of MBNA, to become one of the top U.S. credit card issuers .. .</ P ><!-- startclickprintexclude -> <NOSCRIPT> </ NOSCRIPT ><!-- endclickprintexclude -> <P> Analysts said the deal will give JP Morgan Chase (JP Morgan Chase) and Citigroup ( .Citigroup) challenges. .JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup is the leading U.S. credit card industry, financial services giant. .</ P> <P> With the U.S. consumer credit card advances to pay off debt, the deal also highlights the independent credit card issuer MBNA and other business in the expanding challenges. .In reaching this agreement, the U.S. 30 billion purchase of Bank of China Construction Bank (China Construction Bank) 9% of the shares. .</ P> <P> in conference call with analysts yesterday, Bank of America CEO Ken • Lewis (Ken Lewis) said he had received information that senior Construction Bank, they may bring the MBNA acquisition .opportunity to feel "excited." .</ P> <P> Mr Lewis said: "At first I took as a credit card company MBNA, but then, I increasingly see them as very good marketer." "MBNA in the sales of other products .achieved limited success. "He said," we would be more efficient. "</ P> <P> Mr Lewis planned a series of transactions, and the acquisition of MBNA is the latest one. .2003, 47 billion U.S. dollars to commercial banks in M & A FleetBoston Financial, Bank of America near the transaction is most interesting one. .Bank of America believes in the financial services industry, will bring benefits of scale, and believe their ability to expand through mergers and acquisitions, the deal has strengthened the concept that they held. .</ P> <P> but the latest in the deal will make Bank of America's presence in the global banking industry, "mergers" list disappeared for some time. .In the global banking sector, Bank of America is often accused of a possible acquisition of British bank Barclays (Barclays). .</ P> <P> MBNA CEO Bruce • Hammonds (Bruce Hammonds) said the sale to Bank of America will allow the company access to "new marketing channels, customers, products and further expansion opportunities." .In a deal before the settlement of overdraft as consumer debt consolidation credit card industry there is pressure. .</ P> <P> MBNA headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, in 20 years, from a small regional business growth as the industry giants. .Issued by the Company and the Major League Baseball and other brands linked to the "identity card", on this basis, established their own corporate image. .The identity card to enable it to claim to have a loyal customer base. .</ P>.

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