Monday, January 3, 2011

5 consecutive years in China as the fastest growing U.S. export market.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, Vice Minister of Commerce Gao 23, said that for 5 consecutive years, China has become the fastest growing major U.S. export market, and is expected late this year or early next year surpassed Japan to become the United States .third largest export market. .</ P> <P> Gao of the State Council Information Office press conference that China has become the United States for 5 consecutive years, the fastest growing major export market, the average annual growth rate of 24%, which is the main export markets in the U.S. growth rate .ranked second in 3 times the average annual growth rate of world exports is the U.S. 3 times. .Currently, the United States are each other's second largest trading partner. .</ P> <P> He pointed out that Sino-US economic and trade cooperation and mutual benefit is the significant features of Sino-US economic and trade cooperation has brought the two peoples tangible benefits, but also contributed to the world economy. .</ P> <P> Trade Commission under the U.S. study, by 2010, Sino-US economic and trade cooperation could increase U.S. GDP growth of 0.7%, 0.8% decline in the price level, each household disposable income increased $ 1,000, the manufacturing sector .Productivity increased 0.3%. .</ P> <P> end of last year, the U.S. invested enterprises in China, more than 50,000, the actual investment over 54 billion U.S. dollars. .In 2006, the US-funded enterprises in China's domestic market sales of 800 billion U.S. dollars, total profits of about 100 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P>.

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