Monday, January 3, 2011

Crisis over world grain storage is only enough to pay for 57 days!.

<P> Has been unable to get rid of the human problems of high oil prices, and now must face the challenges of high food prices. .For humans, expensive oil, you can drive less or not to open the door, but the stomach is starving will kill people! .Media reports said the world reserves of food stocks is only 57 days, and the highest level in history in 1962, compared to 81 days, down 30%, experts said, the current rising food prices is in the paragraph, I am afraid that the food crisis has enveloped the world. .</ P> <P> British "Guardian" recently said that high food prices and food prices soaring, the poor countries, is simply a disaster. .In Burkina Faso, the price of bread from a round in April 2005 rose to 120 CFA francs to 25 francs in West Africa; in the Ivory Coast, the price of 1 kg of beef in a few days rose from 1,300 to 1,800 West African francs CFA francs. .</ P> <P> Most people believe that is the source of the food crisis caused by global warming, natural disasters such as drought and flooding increase, there is a serious cause of desertification of arable land decreased. .Russia's "Morning News" in September this year, also pointed out that extreme weather is frequently affected agricultural production, Canada, Australia, Ukraine and other grain-producing countries have reduced the crop this year. .But experts believe that high consumption of low-cost reserves and led to frequent food shortages and rising food prices curse. .Throughout the Cold War, the global large-scale food crisis only happened once, and after the Cold War already happened five times, and this is the most powerful proof. .</ P> <P> World War II, global food production is much higher than the growth rate of population growth, but when the famine still threatens world food security, the key is crazy per capita food consumption growth. .According to statistics, in the past 45 years, world food consumption increased from 230 million tons a day to day, 5.6 million tons, an increase of 149%. .</ P> <P> the Cold War, countries to ensure food security, a lot of hoarding grain. .The late 60s of last century, the major countries in Europe and America for the national consumption of food reserves 80.9 days, the United States as much as 103 days. .After the Cold War, countries generally considered uneconomical to maintain large-scale food reserves, no need, leading to food stocks plummeted, a final grain reserves crisis. .</ P> <P> In fact, the global food security is largely artificial. .Uneven global food production, food security and the real threat of being fatal, is sub-Saharan Africa as the representative of the poor. .For a long time, about two hundred million poor people in Africa rely on foreign food supplies for a living. .In food production, the United States, Australia, Brazil, a monopoly, a country the United States alone, the export volume share of the global food year-round and stable rate of about 35%, of which wheat is as high as 60%. .Sharp decline in world grain stocks news, and did not cause the attention of ordinary Americans. .</ P> <P> professionals in the United States a significant reduction in world grain reserves have started the crisis response. .They believe that the world is facing a looming food crisis, but also an unprecedented crisis. .Previous history, the culprit is a food crisis caused by a variety of climate anomalies from the oil disaster, the causes of this crisis are multiple, including lack of irrigation water, food crops for fuel of Health and population growth, rising demand. .</ P> <P> combination of these factors made the crisis more complicated, even the invisible hand of the market also can not change the status of water resources and population automatically be adjusted. .Experts predicted that the world grain prices, like oil prices will be from low to high jumped up the development of the same, is currently in the start up period of rising segment. .</ P>.

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