Saturday, January 8, 2011

U.S. May unemployment rate rose to 5.1% expected rise of economic short-term difficulties.

With the U.S. May non-farm payrolls data will be released, some analysts expected in May recently consecutive payrolls declined in May, due to weak consumer confidence and extremely bad loss of property, enterprises employing courage. .Analysts said that under severe inflationary pressures in oil prices, the U.S. economy is still risky. .<P> (Http://finance.) Bank of America analysts said in a report to clients: "Credit-related 'resistance' and, ultimately, weak demand, suggesting that the weak labor demand in the rest of this year." This reduction of the working population, the unemployment .rate of 5.0% the previous month rose to 5.1%. .</ P> <P> Insight Economics analyst at Wood said some of the important leading indicator of employment has continued to indicate a material weakness in the job market - and continued in initial jobless claims rise in the employment market conditions and family assessment. .</ P> <P> the impact of job cuts this year, mainly from the manufacturing and construction industry, since the property bubble burst in late 2006, since these two sectors of the employed population were reduced by about 50 million. .This year, employment has been reduced by about 25 million, analysts expect there will be further layoffs, especially in the case of consumers to reduce spending. .</ P> <P> U.S. economic outlook is still not good, the Atlanta Fed's Lockhart on Monday claimed that the current turmoil in financial markets, announced the premature end of the U.S. economy will gradually recover, but its prospects remain face enormous risks. .</ P> <P> He said that despite some areas of financial market conditions have improved, but still can not relax. .Economic road is still covered by many uncertainties, serious risks remain. .High oil prices and further weakness in financial market conditions and severe than expected housing market downturn, will disrupt his second half of the U.S. economic growth will rise to expectations. .</ P> <P> He also said that inflation is uncomfortably high, and signs of rising inflation expectations implied. .But as energy and food price inflation has become moderate, and a weaker economy will limit companies to pass on to consumers the ability to price pressures, inflation pressures will slow down. .</ P>.

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