Monday, January 3, 2011

U.S. Treasury currency report will not be included in China a currency manipulator.

<P>: Http://finance. News, Beijing on June 13 at 10 points, the U.S. Treasury Department posted on its website the half-yearly report on exchange rate policy, China again refused to affix a "currency manipulator" label. .However, the report stressed that China has a high foreign exchange reserves, the risk of excess liquidity could hurt the global economy. .</ P> <P> China is a major focus of the report, 35 pages, 5 pages are specifically for the Chinese on this. .</ P> <P> report pointed out that the Chinese economy still maintained rapid growth rate, but exports and investment-led economic growth has been "severely" out of balance, outstanding performance in the high savings rate, insufficient domestic demand and non-flexible exchange rate .system. .</ P> <P> reporters contrast historical documents discovered in the past, the United States has repeatedly stressed that China should adjust its exchange rate to correct the imbalance in the global economy, and said that the Chinese yuan would help cool down the overheated economy. .This time is different. .The report highlights China's huge foreign exchange reserves may be risks to the economy. ."China has experienced boom - bust cycles of the risks are increasing, which may hurt global economy." .</ P> <P> report points out that monetary policy of China in the slow pace of reform. ."China should no longer hesitate to take more effective action to correct economic imbalances, the yuan appreciate faster to correct the currency undervalued, making for greater flexibility in exchange rate system." </ P> <P> report carefully with just the right .criticism and praise of the measured, mentioned last month in Washington the second round of Sino-US strategic economic dialogue, said Chinese officials continue to promote dialogue and stressed the importance of reform that China has realized that exchange rate reform in this process .important role. .</ P> <P> U.S. Treasury Department said that while the yuan is undervalued, market sentiment was inclined to appreciate, but the Ministry of Finance concludes that China as a currency manipulator does not meet the technical conditions, the Chinese exchange rate policy does not prevent effective .balance of payments adjustment. .</ P> <P> in accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Treasury Department every 6 months to be submitted to Congress a report on the international economic and exchange rate policies of the report. .Been identified in the report manipulated currency exchange rates for the countries and economies, and ultimately may be subject to U.S. trade sanctions. .</ P> <P> Since this report was released last night, the People's Bank of China has not yet responded. .RMB exchange rate yesterday, a new high, breaking 7.63 mark for the first time, reaching 7.6282 yuan, compared with the previous session it rose 193 basis points. .</ P>.

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