Sunday, January 16, 2011

Foreign Editorial: China is a risky move, or threaten the Bush step in the U.S..

<P> According to finance. News, United States, "The Wall Street Journal," 3, the author pointed out that the U.S. government has just in the WTO on China's so-called "trade subsidies," file a complaint, this may pose a risk to the United States. .Because, as the Bush administration to cater to the Congress on trade issues in China to take a tougher stance with China, a major trade partners are also likely to deteriorate. .</ P> <P> U.S. trade with China, a hardening of positions </ P> <P> U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab announced on Friday, has made representations to WTO, accusing China of providing subsidies for domestic manufacturers to boost exports .. .She claims the move is to safeguard the U.S. interests of workers and manufacturers. .</ P> <P> this, "The Wall Street Journal," 3, entitled "WTO litigation highlights the new position of U.S. trade with China," the article pointed out that the latest move shows that the Bush administration on trade issues with China, are moving .a tougher stance with the change, but also to the White House "at the economic and trade relations with China worsened the risk." .</ P> <P> reported in recent months, the United States more and more attention to the U.S. through the strategic dialogue to resolve trade disputes. .However, the rapid increase in trade deficit with China and the Democratic congressional majority in the pressure to force the Bush administration have addressed a number of U.S. manufacturers complain. .They claim their products are difficult to enter the Chinese market, because of subsidized Chinese products constituted unfair competition. .</ P> <P> According to U.S. government estimates that 2005 trade deficit with China exceeded 200 billion U.S. dollars, is expected to hit a new high in 2006. .The level of trade deficit hit a single country's trade deficit with China the most, have incurred some U.S. lawmakers and interest groups dissatisfied, they have been called on the government to take action. .</ P> <P> in the latest complaint, the U.S. accused China of iron and steel, wood products and export industries such as information technology, provide tax breaks, saying such acts are of WTO rules is prohibited. .</ P> <P> However, "The Wall Street Journal," the article quoted analysts as saying that even if China is more substantial adjustments in the tax policy, not necessarily shake the cheap labor to the Chinese manufacturers the competitive advantage. .The report quoted Foreign Economic and Trade University, Beijing International Investment Research Center Lu Jinyong as saying: "We do not fear such a complaint. Strategically, we have not considered, tactical, we are to face." </ P> <P> senior Chinese .more concerned about the trade imbalance </ P> <P> article also noted that recently, the Chinese leadership is concerned about the trade imbalance increases, the report quoted the Minister of Commerce Bo Xilai said last month's speech, reducing the trade surplus .The Chinese government's top priority this year. .But the article also pointed out that Bo is not clear that the current policy which specific changes occur. .</ P> <P> It is reported that the U.S. will start a lengthy appeals WTO dispute settlement procedures, first, a 60-day consultation period, if the negotiation fails, the United States will set up a special right to request WTO dispute settlement committee. .If the U.S. wins, WTO authorized the United States would levy retaliatory tariffs on Chinese goods. .</ P> <P> reported that this is the second time the Bush administration over the past year to the WTO complaints against China. .Last March, the U.S., EU and other countries have import tariffs on auto parts in China to the WTO Joint filed a complaint accusing China through tariff measures "to prevent unfair," the United States and other foreign auto parts to enter the Chinese market. .The case is still pending. .</ P>.

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