Wednesday, January 5, 2011

25 admit only "Time" magazine to apologize to China.

<P>: Http://finance. News, Editor's Note: The U.S. magazine "Fortune" ("Fortune") was predicted in 1995, will return to Hong Kong death. .But the return of Hong Kong decades later, the latest edition of "Time" magazine, after 13 years to re-examine this statement in order to recognize the full 25 pages of its sister magazine "Fortune" reported an error that year, more than ever, more direct recognition of Hong Kong .dynamic. .</ P> <P> "age": sunny, with clouds </ P> <P> the latest edition of "Time" magazine of 25 pages of changes in Hong Kong back ten years, and "sunny, with clouds ( .SunshinewithClouds) "Looking for the title of Hong Kong's future. .</ P> <P> article said, "Time," the sister magazine "Fortune" will return in 1995, Hong Kong had predicted death, but the return of Hong Kong has not died, the Hong Kong even more vital than ever: "" Time "sister .magazine "Fortune" has no honor, the incorrectly predicted its return to China will bring death. However, Hong Kong and even more vitality than before. "</ P> <P> article points out that the financial turmoil in Hong Kong over the past decade, .Avian flu, SARS ... ... when people think that Hong Kong is blessed in your days are numbered, but one by one in Hong Kong boil over. .In the eve of the handover, the stock market index (a key barometer of the health of Hong Kong) to maintain a record at that time fifteen thousand two hundred points, it is now hovering around twenty thousand thousand points mark, a steady rise in property prices. .</ P> <P> "as a thriving part of China, which is almost guarantee that it can always be prosperous." Wrote the article. .</ P> <P> However, the "Time" also believes that the sunshine comes when there is clear sky among the clouds: Hong Kong's future still many uncertainties. .Hong Kong identity and positioning still feel lost. .The mainland is not only partners, but also a competitor, as China continues to relax investment rules, more convenient business, more and more companies may choose to operate directly in the mainland. .</ P> <P> "New York Times": traces disappear, and no one mourned </ P> <P> "New York Times" published an article 6, recalled before the handover to Hong Kong from the now fading colonial imprint .. .As the title says a "relic of British rule will disappear, no mourning (AVestigeofBritishRuleIsAbouttoVanish, Unmourned)". .</ P> <P> article says the Hong Kong Government Planning Office and an important legislative committee agreed on May 23, in order to harbor side of the highway and shopping center to make room, the Queen's Pier should be removed. .Queen's Pier is the Chief Executive in World War II the arrival of the colonial and other official activities or leave the design and construction. .It has become the disappearance of British influence in one of several symbols. .</ P> <P> Now, though the park still has a statue of the British monarchy and the colonial name, but the residents speak Cantonese operating this piece of land, the Queen's birthday has been replaced by the Chinese National Day holiday. ."Hong Kong's economy now and the close ties in China, rather than Britain's. Investment banks and shipping companies in the past placed Hong Kong as a base for doing business throughout Southeast Asia, now put the emphasis on China as the headquarters of the business .. "the article said. .</ P>.

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