Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bring disaster to the U.S. shortage of cheap labor in China holiday.

<P> Although a few months from the end of season, U.S. retailers have been looking forward to make a killing. .Recently, however, because of unexpected problems and their distress. .Retailers in the U.S. manufacturing base - China's cheap labor drastically reduced, making it difficult at the end of the U.S. holiday retail ready before the arrival of rich goods. .In the U.S., selling the commodity of the fourth quarter, more than 50% of toys sold in the 11 and Dec., and toys made in China accounted for 90% of world market share, which makes toy suppliers in North America is facing a crisis even worse. .Chinese enterprises in the transport or production processes in any significant delay to the U.S. vendor will bring economic losses. .World's second largest toy maker Hasbro said it has been closely following China's labor issues. .</ P> <P> 4 years ago, is located in Guangdong and Fujian in southern China began to experience labor shortages plant has many workers from rural areas to look closer to home more attractive job opportunities. .New York-based labor organization, a labor shortage attributed to China for 3 reasons: </ P> <P> First, from the late 70s of last century has changed the implementation of family planning, China's population structure. .At present, China is reducing the supply of young workers in 2015, China's working population (15-64 years) will reach its peak, and then began to fall; Second, China has been pursuing in recent years, attention to agricultural policy, the government has increased the agricultural .subsidies and abolition of agricultural taxes, increasing income of farmers, many migrant workers who return to re-farming; the third, the industrial areas of low wages forcing rural workers to Shanghai and other cities in search of higher service revenue related to work. .</ P> <P> some of the regional economic experts believe that China's southern industrial zone in particular, there is cheap labor shortage, coupled with rising raw material prices will eventually undermine China's strong export capacity, so that foreign investors will be transferred to other plants .area. .Wharton Professor Mayer said: "If China's labor problems persist, Vietnam and Thailand will become an alternative production base for U.S. companies." </ P> <P> Toy Industry Association, the American consultant Weijia Li believes that U.S. companies .will soon move out from the Chinese market, "U.S. companies in China conducted a large number of science and technology, infrastructure, training and supplier's investment in network construction, it is difficult in the short term will be transferred to factories in other countries. even if wages increase in China .By contrast, other regions are still not cheap. If the U.S. toy manufacturers to absorb some increased costs, while U.S. consumers spend more money when shopping so that we can ensure adequate supply. " .▲ </ P> <P> (taken from the August 9 CNN, the original title: China's labor crisis bring disaster to the U.S. holiday of 帕里加卡尔 Wiens, Zhao Dongguo translation) </ P>.

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