Saturday, January 22, 2011

Obama attacks McCain fight economic weakness in Western Key States.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Tuesday that he will aggressively fight for those who vote for Republicans 4 years ago, the western states, and focus on economic issues, this just is not good for the economy and a decision McCain .level. .<P> (Http://finance.) Obama and McCain campaign began to compete for the key western states - New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado. .President Bush also went to the west, McCain and Republican fund-raising, but for McCain, it is a blessing or a curse is also unknown. .</ P> <P> Obama now only a thin 52 party can win the Democratic nomination, while Hillary Clinton is now substantially behind, almost impossible to re-nomination. .</ P> <P> Obama 27 to conduct elections in Nevada, he would have focused attention on economic issues. .April, the loss of Nevada, the right to housing foreclosure rate reached the highest level of the United States, 146 homes lost in foreclosure have a right to receive the relevant notification, 4 times higher than the national level. .</ P> <P> 27, McCain plans to speak in Denver, then to Nevada. .Obama plans to visit later this week in Colorado. .</ P> <P> Bush, 27, organized a 3-day travel in the West, but only in the Phoenix airport, Bush and McCain appear together briefly before the public. .Since this is 3 months before Bush publicly endorsed McCain and McCain after the first joint appear. .</ P> <P> Obama hinted that eventually released in the Democratic nomination, he will be lost in those four years ago, the Democratic Party's campaign efforts in the western states. .He said he needed to introduce themselves to voters, and he improved the economy, ending the Iraq war and the issue of universal health insurance plan. .McCain said that Obama's problems in these areas, no experience, no knowledge, no background. .</ P>.

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