Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fed tightening mortgage regulation.

U.S. Federal Reserve on Tuesday launched a prevention <P> high-risk mortgage loans under the new proposal, which is the Federal Reserve in the subprime mortgage crisis, the most comprehensive undertaken remedial measures. .The 5:0 ratio by the Federal Reserve Board adopted the proposal would limit the range of high-risk lending practices, these provisions also can reduce the various types of mortgage loans misleading advertising, and enhance the borrower's financial disclosures. .Click to enter the United States subprime mortgage crisis project "" "" unfair and deceptive act, not only hurt the borrowers and their families, and society as a whole and even damage the entire economy. This behavior in our mortgage system .is not tolerated. "Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said on that day. .The proposal limits the lending institutions at higher risk of early repayment of mortgage borrowers, to the fines levied on the borrower's behavior; proposal requires lending institutions to ensure that borrowers set aside enough money to pay the taxes and insurance; and prohibits loans .bodies in the absence of proof of income the borrower made under the premise of loans. .However, this proposal allows the Fed "thankless", whether to support or oppose tougher regulation of mortgage loans to the two camps, the content of this proposal are disappointed. .According to: http://finance., Lending institutions that the Fed was too demanding and may limit consumer choice, consumer interest groups on behalf of the view that, from helping homeowners, the Federal Reserve issued a proposal too .late, and this proposal can not adequately protect the interests of the borrower. .Legislators and other commentators have asked the Fed to take more radical action. .The Fed is scheduled to conduct inter-bank market on Wednesday to up to 200 billion dollars in low-interest short-term auction, the funds of the period of 28 days. .The tender aims to encourage lending between banks to strengthen, activate the money market. .The Fed's response to this tender also equivalent to a severe test of the credit crisis. .</ P>.

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