Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Merrill Lynch report: last year, more than the New York World millionaires population

Merrill Lynch 20, published a survey reported that last year the global individual asset exceeds the number of rich people reached $ 870 million, more than the total population of New York City has more than 50 million.

The most significant increases in the Middle millionaire

This survey shows that these millionaire owned assets total has reached 33.3 trillion.

In the high oil price and the stock market, in 2005, the Middle East region has the highest rate of growth of the millionaire, nearly 10%. Merrill Corporation in charge of the Middle East Branch Carmona · shahbazi stated: "here has developed into a very attractive investment areas. ”

The Middle East are growing up to become a millionaire, which to a large extent, also thanks to the local stock market boom, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the stock market last year increased by 100%. However this year some stock market decreased more than 50%, this means that some day this year might be a millionaire.

The largest number of North American millionaire

Affected by the impact of European and American economic cooling, global rate of slightly last year millionaire after two years ago, but the value of more than 30 million of super rich growth rates has increased, more than 10%, reaching 8.54 million. Merrill Lynch said that the excellent performance of the super rich thanks to their selected Asia, Latin America and the Middle East these investments in high-growth regions. In contrast, in North America and Europe to invest almost as much.

The 870 million millionaires of distribution are: North America up to 290 million people; followed by Europe, about 280 million, followed by Asia, about 240 million; Latin America and Africa have 30 million respectively and 10 million.

In addition this survey also found that most millionaires have their eyes turned to overseas, approximately 65%% people begin to focus on foreign markets, and another 30% of the purchase of real estate abroad.

10 years ago, Merrill company first begins to statistics the number of the world a millionaire, at about 450 000 millionaire. 10 years, the number of millionaires in the world has increased to 870 million, almost doubled.

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