Monday, January 3, 2011

Korea-us prepare for the Asian trade strategy Center


If there is any kind of prospects than China's economic rise even more United States, it must be the United States on its own exclusion in complex offers trade agreements outside of the network concerned, the national trade currently Asia show symptoms.

"(Bush) Administration should be concerned about the East, in particular in Northeast Asia, the United States in the future will be to the exclusion of the mode to development," the Washington Institute for International Economics (Institute for International Economics) by Marcus • Nolan (Marcus Noland).

Korea is Asia's third-largest economies, or the source of the bilateral trade disputes. If the United States decided to expand trade agreement negotiations with Korea, will send a strong signal that Washington has decided to increase the intensity of their economic diplomacy and expansion of business in the region. "Agreement with Korea will start an important precedent, and with considerable symbolic value," Seoul Ewha University trade experts Cui Ping Yi (Choi Byung-il). He added that this could also cause similar United States and Japan.

Washington was on bilateral and regional trade arrangements expressed doubts, that this harm the multilateral trading system. But in the past few years in Washington, in doing so, primarily with the Latin American countries and Africa reached an agreement, even though the United States has so far only in Asia and Viet Nam, and Singapore reached an agreement.

United States are seriously considering to reach with several countries, Korea trade agreement is one of them. Close to the initial negotiation, both sides want in the next two months.

United States Government currently has several goals. It hoped that the United States Korea cancels imported beef ban, claiming that this prohibition is based on mad cow disease of unwarranted fear. In addition to the United States also wished to Korea to relax the show foreign films and television programmes of limit and reduce the United States automobile import barriers.

Potentially the most difficult problems of rice, the last year has been resolved, then Korea agree to let the United States and the other eight rice exporters more into Korea market in return for their tariff exemption extended Korea 10 years. Nevertheless, Korea other agricultural trade barriers to reach an agreement resulting in significant obstacles.

United States farm owners eager to find new markets overseas, but the standard standards, Korea at the Organisation for economic co-operation and development of this rich country club in the level of protection for agriculture. Korea farmers have nearly two-thirds of revenue comes from government subsidies or trade protection, than the OECD average of two times.

Wider political barriers may also become a stumbling block. United States Enterprise Research Institute (American Enterprise Institute) of Claude • Barfield (Claude Barfield) said: "there will be some hesitant, because Korea authorities in security and diplomatic face many problems. "United States Enterprise Institute is located in Washington, a conservative think tank.

"These problems for the authorities (Bush) is vital, therefore, this matter may have to wait until the next administration. ”

And any dealings between Korea and also must face the United States Congress on trade liberalization plan growing antipathy. "One of our response is, how can we even with an existing trade commitments are not possible with the progress?" a Republican Senate

Members said.

But another concern may be more prevail, and East Asian countries closer trade links will prevent the United States entered these countries market. The recent Korea, Japan and China joint statement highlights these worries. Analysts said that the three countries of the agreement between States, you may to United States and other countries at the cost of the expansion of South Korea, Japan and China in trade.

Last year, the Government of Chile and Korea signed its first bilateral trade agreements, and this year is expected to be concluded and ASEAN (ASEAN) negotiated agreements.

The European Union in 2001 and Korea signed a broad but lack the substantive content of the framework agreement, whether you are considering a comprehensive trade agreement negotiations.

EU officials are concerned that, once the United States reached an agreement with Korea, it not only makes the EU losing trade diplomacy, but also for EU exporters. They complain that other so-called United States free trade agreement will guarantee the "unilateral" included, i.e. a clear guarantee granting United States companies preferential treatment.

If George W George w. Bush presidential visit Korea in November when they negotiate bilateral agreement, he will most likely be in the EU and the United States, the two largest trade body-to trigger a war, both efforts in Asia, the world's fastest growing economic regions for economic advantage.

Anna • fee field (Anna Fifield), Allen • Betty (Alan Beattie), Guy de jonquel (Guy de Jonquières), Edward Alden (Edward Alden) reports.

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