Monday, January 3, 2011

UK GDP growth in three years, the slowest first quarter the economy crumbling.

27 Office for National Statistics announced first quarter gross domestic product (GDP) rose by 0.3%, the slowest in three years the growth rate, not only inferior to scholars estimate of 0.4%, far below last year's 2.3%. .<P> UK property market, consumer confidence and service economy - accounting for about 3/4-- showed the British economy shrinking output, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has hit the polls - the lowest since World War II came. .</ P> <P> UBS economist Amit Kara in London, said: "There are clear signs that, (British) economic growth has been substantial mitigation, in the second quarter will be weaker." He believes that the UK household spending is still .bankruptcy, threatening the barrier is only a matter of time. .British stock index FTSE 100, fell this year to a total of 15%. .</ P> <P> president of the Bank of England Mervyn King has said that supporting the British economy last year, household spending growth is expected to also be slow. .Diego high fuel prices, coupled with lack of credit in the impairment of the sensitivity of consumer confidence. .</ P> <P> according to market research firm GfK NOP data, the British consumer confidence has dropped to 1990, the lowest since Margaret Thatcher stepped down. .</ P> <P> At the same time, the French Bureau of Statistics also announced that first quarter GDP revised down to 0.5%, the former was 0.6%. .</ P>.

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