Saturday, January 22, 2011

Second United States Congress passed the anti-China trade bill vote.

<P> The White House does not want to pass the bill. .Members also know that many of their final bill will not become real legislation, but to encourage them to put forward some proposals too far, made some strong remarks, just to leave their own records, and to gain political allies. .Even if the bill eventually become the British Ge Lixi formal legislation, the Chinese can still file a complaint at the WTO - Carnegie Foundation for the Chinese economic experts Keidel Location: Washington, United States Congress; time: U.S. time at 16:00 on the 27th; .Number of votes: 255 168; Event: U.S. House Speaker slams down a heavy hammer, announced that seeks to impose countervailing duties on Chinese goods, "U.S. Trade Rights Enforcement Act" clearance. .</ P> <P> members from Pennsylvania for the British Geli Xi, the years do not discount does not spare to promote this trade bill against China at this moment to finally reveal his contented smile, even though he .know very well that after a second "Break" was passed, and the dispute with the United States will be bipartisan bill may end up tangled just a "fake." .</ P> <P> as a "pawn" of the British Geli Xi proposal once the "dust settles", the efforts of the Republican Party in return received after 8 hours: 27 midnight local time, the Bush administration pushing the Central American Free .Trade Agreement (CAFTA) by 217 votes to 215 the end the most votes in the House of Representatives by a slim margin. .</ P> <P> suspected of a political deal </ P> <P> at least as early as 2003, the British began to make Geli Xi related to China's trade proposal. .In his proposal, the implementation of trade agreements to force China first, and then accuse China of currency manipulation is required, and this ground tariffs on Chinese goods. .</ P> <P> However, these proposals are numerous other proposals, like the Congress, the ultimate all down the drain, but this does not affect the continuing British Geli Xi put forward a similar proposal. .Pennsylvania is an old industrial base, by the serious impact of economic globalization, English Geli Xi need a little action, and good to go home to his constituents when the cross. .</ P> <P> in this session, the British Geli Xi went on to repeat the job. .He first made in June 21, the Ministry of Finance to review the RMB exchange rate, if it is proved China is manipulating its exchange rate, overall tariffs on Chinese goods. .July 14, he proposed a broad and comprehensive plan, that "the United States Trade Rights Enforcement Act", requires the countervailing duty law to expand the scope so that it can be applied to China and other "non-market economy" of goods. .This time, the opportunity finally came. .</ P> <P> At the time, House Republican leaders are to promote CAFTA and the bruised and battered. .This trade agreement will eliminate the United States and six Central American countries trade and investment barriers between the United States can therefore more easily enter the market, but must also open the door to these countries. .U.S. manufacturing will inevitably be subjected to further shocks. .</ P> <P> determined to win the White House to hold by the determination of CAFTA, this determination is not derived from economic factors. .U.S. exports of goods to the six countries of Central America about 150 million U.S. dollars, which for more than one trillion U.S. dollars a year in exports is only a drop in the bucket. .However, in politics, Bush too need this shot in the arm CAFTA was. .</ P> <P> Bush's new term began several months, lousy. .Look at polls continued to decline, although the White House seems calm, but in fact, a victory for Bush too need to build support in Congress, so too quickly into the second term "lame duck" status. .In addition, CAFTA is clearance, but also to build his grand Free Trade Area of the Western Hemisphere. .</ P> <P> CFATA vote in the House of Representatives, Congress is scheduled to leave on August 1st completed. .Although the bill had been in the Senate poise, but more in the members of the House of Representatives, but the state is facing almost out of control. .Republican leaders, according to estimates by at least 20 votes in this Agreement, the gap. .At this juncture, it clear that the British Geli Xi does not support CAFTA, as an "ugly duckling", like a swan, like jumping into the eyes of Republican leaders. .</ P> <P> in the UK Geli Xi July 14 trade with China announced its new proposals at a press conference, a lot of power in the House Tax Committee Chairman Thomas (BillThomas) show up to attend. .This move has shown that Republican House leaders will give the green light for the proposal. .Thomas admits, as the British Geli Xi insists that linked China, CAFTA bill and, therefore, in exchange for support for CAFTA, and he will oppose the proposal before the conversion support. .</ P> <P> British Geli Xi also reciprocated, in addition to said he would absolutely support the CAFTA vote, he has also promised that if the proposal can be put to the vote, at least there will be other 4-5, and his colleagues will .the same turn. .For Republican leaders, despite this does not ensure that the CAFTA pass, but at least can still give it a try. .</ P> <P> twice "checkpoints" </ P> <P> 7 26, that is, the day before the CAFTA vote, the British began to break through the barrier proposal Geli Xi. .Republicans want a quick fix by the Tax Commission decided the proposal directly to the delivery of hospital-wide vote. .According to the provisions of the legislative process, we must obtain two-thirds majority, the proposal to be adopted. .</ P> <P> the day of the debate, strong opposition to the CAF-TA Democrats, on the proposal to launch attacks on the British Geli Xi, criticized the proposal is the political deal. .The final result of the vote the proposal was 240 votes to 186 votes, failed to meet two-thirds majority, temporarily blocked. .The news came out, many are quick to Chinese media reports, the proposal was blocked applause. .</ P> <P> However, the United Kingdom Geli Xi, at least his first opportunity to lobby on the rules of procedure, the face of all the members for his proposal that keep on fighting and applaud. .</ P> <P> Republicans immediately change its strategy, the proposal submitted to a vote of the schedule is responsible for program committee. .If the Commission decided that the proposal be put to the vote, only need a simple majority to pass. .In the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, it is not difficult. .</ P> <P> 7 27 afternoon, the House of Representatives debate on the proposal again. .In the morning, I also rare in the Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, accompanied by the Congress in person, stay more than 1 hour for the evening will be the CAFTA vote warlord encouragement. .</ P> <P> for the Democrats, the United Kingdom Geli Xi China is no different in the CAFTA vote on the proposal of the outpost, they launched attacks more violent. .Heated debate in both parties, the Democrats attacked the Bush helpless in the face of economic problems. .Democrats probably will not forget, they have put forward a similar proposal, but under the Republican's have no chance to block out the vote. .</ P> <P> McDermott Democrat Washington (JimMcDermott) said: "The U.S. deficit than the speed of the shuttle launch even faster. Republicans blame everyone else except other than to do nothing. ."He ridiculed the British Geli Xi said that the proposal is only to return when he can say," I am very tough on China. "pretend as if he cares about voters. .</ P> <P> However, all this ultimately failed to stop the proposal by 255 votes to 168 votes clearance. .</ P> <P> radical original "go down" a proposal or a "fake" </ P> <P> 7 月 27 At about midnight, news of the burning the midnight oil the U.S. Congress, after heated debate in the night, .215 by 217 votes to Republican votes in the most narrowly passed the CAFTA. .From 11 pm, the voting scheduled for 15 minutes, delayed for nearly 1 hour. .Republican leaders at the last minute is still tight marking to lobby wavering party members are. .</ P> <P> high when singing the praises of George W. Bush, claiming that the freedom-loving countries to promote peace and prosperity in the Western Hemisphere when the commitments made by the British Geli Xi members to plan for summer enjoyable journey home, and would like to .think how he will portray the great achievements of the next campaign posters. .As to whether this is a "fake", to him, it is not important. .</ P> <P> legislative process under the provisions of the bill is finally the British Geli Xi to become formal legislation, passed in the Senate needed, and need to get signed by the President. .However, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (HarryReid) has this day pot of cold water poured down. .He said the lack of any signs of the Senate will push this legislation, so this bill is unlikely to become legislation, can only be a "fake." .</ P> <P> the Carnegie Foundation's China economist Keidel (AlbertKeidel) also believes that once the House of Representatives election every two years, lawmakers need to be seen, to win re-election, while the Senate every two .Only a third of re-election, so the pressure is not so much for re-election. .</ P> <P> Keidel believe, in fact, the White House does not want to pass the bill. .Members also know that many of their final bill will not become real legislation, but to encourage them to put forward some proposals too far, made some heated words, their purpose is simply to leave their own records, and to gain political allies. .</ P> <P> He said that even if the bill eventually become formal legislation, China can still appeal in the WTO because the U.S. does not recognize China in the WTO as a non-market economy status, but also in the domestic legislation .China as a market economy. .</ P> <P> However, the degree Keidel resumes for the Congress in September there are some concerns. .U.S. Treasury Department October 15 to submit a new assessment of China's semi-annual report, he said, then, the Democrats fear that Bush will pressure China is not enough, the Republicans will say that China has improved, the same .also played the political game. .</ P> <P> China Institute for International Economics expert Radi (NicholasLardy) also believes that Congress initially positive reaction for the yuan appreciation, but they may slowly realize that, in fact, a slight appreciation of the impact on Sino-US trade .little discontent with the United States will likely grow. .Moreover, the People's Bank of China has denied the rumors continue to rise, the future of Sino-US trade issues between the less likely will not. .</ P>.

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