Monday, January 3, 2011

Sino-American confrontation between the six countries of the Kyoto Protocol?

A u.s. both rejected the Kyoto Protocol signed by the country-led, and secretly negotiated over the past year's new climate control agreement announced on 28 July.

In Laos, ASEAN and its dialogue countries, the United States, Australia and China, India, Korea and Japan six countries announced this means through science and technology reduce greenhouse gas emissions of non-binding agreement. This one is the Asia-Pacific clean development and climate in the NEPAD Declaration of intent of the new agreement will build on existing technology shared on the basis of bilateral agreements, there is no set protocol for emission reductions in the implementation of the standard and specific timetable. It is noted that the new Protocol of the six-party will be held in November at the met for the first time in Australia.

Therefore, the relevant greenhouse gas emissions restrictions dispute will be divided into European-led the Kyoto Protocol and the United States-led "Six Nations community" and the two institutions. The Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by international treaty, from the beginning of this year.

However, the United States Deputy Secretary of State Zoellick said, this agreement is intended to complement rather than replace the Kyoto Protocol.

Development of clean and efficient energy

Agreement signed by the six countries of greenhouse gas emissions globally 47.9% (2000). Including China, India and the United States, Australia or the world's largest producer of four coal. China, Korea, India signed the Kyoto Protocol was classified as developing countries, thus ending phase 1 — 2012, these countries is not responsible for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, but after 2012 must fulfil to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

According to Xinhua News Agency reported that in the United States and other countries in the statement that will be committed to the development of clean and efficient energy to meet growing international demand for energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution resulting from the negative effects. Declared plans to establish relevant institutions to strengthen national energy efficiency, clean coal, LNG, cooperation, and to encourage private sector participation. The statement also decided to countries in the areas of consensus and implementing measures to establish specific agreements.

The representative of the Government of China, the Chinese Embassy in Laos Ambassador Liu Xing in 28-day Press Conference stated that climate change is an environmental problem is developing. Addressing climate change is to achieve sustainable development, the key is to achieve technical innovation, transfer, promote its flexible and pragmatic international cooperation. He said that China is willing to strengthen the scientific and technological cooperation between the countries of the world and helping to solve the energy problem and achieve sustainable development and to successfully address climate change challenges.


28, published by this Agreement shall not be binding nor develop implementation mechanism, the main points of agreement are six Nations cooperative research and development of less polluting energy sources, including more clean coal, nuclear, wind, solar, and technology transfer to developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Six countries will enact the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions targets.

United States President George w. Bush's Senior Adviser Connor's noted that the diplomatic efforts of tall long consultations with the birth of the agreement, "does not require enforcement and private sector investment," and share increase energy efficiency, reduce pollution, science and technology.

Confrontation of the Kyoto Protocol?

As far as Australia Environment Minister Campbell revealed that the u.s. 's secrets on the protocol negotiation over the past year. Because of this new agreement is signed by rejecting the Kyoto Protocol is denounced by u.s. States jointly launch, also sparked media for a new agreement will in future play a role of general concern.

Some environmentalists criticize the new protocol is attempted in the United States to the United Nations will be held in November to how to extend the Kyoto Protocol in Montreal before dispersing talks to the international community's attention. But the u.s. Government has clearly indicated that the Asia-Pacific clean development and climate in the NEPAD Declaration of intentions will not weaken and will not replace the Kyoto Protocol. Participation in the new agreement of the Government of Japan also stated that the agreement will become the "Kyoto Protocol useful complement.

Experts also pointed out that from the Declaration made by the six countries will jointly develop "can significantly reduce the greenhouse gas intensity, while promoting the economic growth of the" new technology, more like a trade agreement, their clear intention is to enable u.s. companies to enter the Asian markets to sell their renewable energy and reducing carbon dioxide emissions technology. "The agreement before the United States trade representative Robert Zoellick to sign, the sign of occasions and in Laos, ASEAN Summit. So obviously, this is not the challenge made by the White House, the Kyoto Protocol, which is a very simple technical agreements, aimed at promoting the United States in the area of trade. "WWF climate change projects of Hans · Carswell farmers said.

The new agreements and comparison to the Kyoto Protocol


28, signed by the Asia-Pacific new clean development and climate partnership programme intent Declaration is not binding, it does not have enforcement mechanisms, and protocols of points is the Six Nations cooperative research and development of less polluting energy sources, including more clean coal, nuclear, wind, solar, and technology transfer to developing countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Six countries will enact the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions targets.

Mandatory provisions

While the Kyoto Protocol, by 2010, all developed countries, emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by 6 number than 5.2 per cent in 1990, developing countries do not have emission reduction obligations. On the developed countries, from 2008 to 2012 must complete the reduction target is: compared with 1990, the EU cut 8%, the United States cut 7%, Japan 6%, Canada cut cut 6%, 5% reduction in Eastern European countries-8 percent. New Zealand, Russia and Ukraine is not necessary to cut the emissions stabilized at 1990 levels. Protocol while allowing Ireland, Australia and Norway's emissions compared with 1990 respectively increased by 10%, 8%, 1%.

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