Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Visa intends to record 18.8 billion IPO financing of the United States.

<P> Is the largest in U.S. history, amount of financing the sum of two IPO </ P> <P> It http://finance. News, the world's largest credit card giant Visa (Visa International), said yesterday that it may by the first .public offering (IPO) to raise about 18.8 billion U.S. dollars, this funding will make it one giant the largest in U.S. history IPO. .</ P> <P> Visa to the United States Securities and Futures Commission in the (SEC) documents that the company will issue 406 million new shares shares at an issue price of 37-42 U.S. dollars, the increase in the share offering, the underwriters .Business will have to purchase an additional 4,060 shares of priority. .</ P> <P> issue price in accordance with the average price, Visa's IPO financing will reach 15.6 billion U.S. dollars; the right if you count the underwriting firm to purchase additional 406 million shares, financing will reach 18.8 billion U.S. dollars. .This will be more than one IPO in U.S. history, the financing of any size, approximately equal to the size of its financing in U.S. history before the two largest scale and the IPO, in 2000 the nation's third-largest mobile phone company AT & T106 billion in financing amount and .2001 Kraft the amount of 8.7 billion financing. .</ P> <P> Visa from the listing would mean its a private company into a publicly traded company. .Visa, MasterCard and American competitors, the financial services giant American Express are on sale in 2006. .MasterCard year course in its IPO nearly 2.39 billion financing. .Last November, that is listed in the year and a half after rival MasterCard, Visa has finally launched the long-awaited IPO. .Prior to Visa said it would through a series of acquisitions to restructure its international division and became a member of the Visa has a new listed company. .But in the end the plan has been shelved until now only response. .</ P> <P> Visa's IPO is in a relatively deserted the occasion of issuing new shares, since February last year, MasterCard shares fell more than 5.5%. .Visa was submitted last June the first IPO to SEC documents, and its shares will trade on the NYSE, the trading symbol V. .</ P>.

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