Monday, January 3, 2011

Bush criticized the Senate housing motion.

<P> U.S. President George W. Bush (George W. Bush) on Thursday attacked the Congress to help the owners of the proposed housing difficulties, the motion said the Senate will provide relief to lenders and speculators, and this is unnecessary. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. News, Bush is the first official press conference this year, made the above point of view, he expressed optimism the U.S. economy, although the frequency of the recent bad news. .Bush said, do not think the economy will fall into recession, but there is no doubt that economic growth is slowing. .</ P> <P> Bush said the government hopes to support the American consumer, encourage them to spend. .He said earlier this month by the size of 1,520 billion economic stimulus package should support consumer spending, is expected to tax rebate checks will be mailed in mid-May. .</ P> <P> In addition, Bush also said that, exit the North American Free Trade Agreement is a bad idea. .</ P> <P> Bush said that unilateral withdrawal from the agreement would be a bad policy, U.S. trade partners would send the wrong message. .The agreement brought prosperity to countries in North America. .</ P> <P> He urged Congress to approve free trade agreement with Colombia, saying, rejected the deal will seriously affect U.S. national security interests. .</ P> <P> When asked about the importance of the dollar to boost exports, Bush reiterated that they trust the strong dollar policy, adding that the U.S. dollar valuation will be closely related to long-term economic fundamentals. .He believes that the long-term U.S. economic fundamentals are good. .</ P> <P> asked about energy prices and gasoline prices could top $ 4 a gallon, Bush said the current situation had a lot of uncertainty. .But he said the best way to cope with uncertainty is to him in 2000 and 2003 tax cuts made permanent. .He also reiterated the hope that increased domestic oil and gas production, and criticized the House of Representatives (House of Representatives) for a proposal. .If the proposal is adopted, major oil companies to encourage investment in development of wind energy, solar energy and energy efficiency tax cuts implemented by the policy will be canceled. .</ P> <P> Bush said it is raising taxes, the current situation is not desirable. .He added that this will make it more difficult for oil companies to reinvest. .</ P>.

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