Monday, January 3, 2011

Dropped sharply! U.S. real estate market confidence index to its lowest point in 15 years.

<! - E IIMA -> <P> U.S. real estate developer confidence index fell to its lowest point in 15 years. .Strong U.S. housing market was a sharp decline. .<P> The National Association of Real Estate developers in July of this year published confidence index fell 7 points, dropped 32 points since February 1991 was the lowest since. .<P> Analysts say the reasons for the cooling real estate market, rising interest rates, resulting in high cost housing loans. .<P> U.S. interest rates increased 20 times in a row after the first time in August this year, unchanged at 5.25%. <P> Many times previously the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates, aimed at the big U.S. economic growth to reduce inflation situation .inflation pressure. .But the Federal Reserve <P> specifically mentioned in overheated real estate market last year, is an important reason for raising interest rates. .<P> In recent years, as economic growth and low interest rates, the U.S. real estate market strong. .<P> National Association of real estate, said Sanders, chief economist, real estate developers are currently facing a tough battle. .<P> He said that due to uncertain real estate market, potential home buyers are now to wait and see attitude. .<P> In addition, some data released Tuesday show: the United States in the second quarter of the country's second-hand housing sales fell compared to last year 7.5%. <P> Decline was the largest in Arizona, Florida ., California. .The three states have real estate market is extremely active. .</ P>.

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