Tuesday, January 11, 2011

U.S. economy is bad track "School House" or the differences between slow and seeking cooperation.

<P> Hours after arrival in Saudi Arabia, Bush said publicly that he had the Congress that will advance the controversial Saudi arms sale plan. .The plan has aroused some of the Israeli and the U.S. Gulf allies uneasy, for fear it would break the Gulf military balance. .Then, Congress would support the controversial plan? .Analysts believe that almost no possibility of congressional opposition. .Although the Bush administration and the Democratic Congress under the leadership of differences on some issues, but the arms-for-dollar for the practice of the White House, Congress had not raised objections. .Decline of the U.S. economy was now on track, Congress would never oppose it. .In contrast, under the pressure of the economic downturn, the White House and Congress will strengthen cooperation and seek common ground, common through economic difficulties. .</ P> <P> common ground to stop the recession </ P> <P>: http://finance. Bush's visit apart from the "nuclear", there is one purpose is to "oil." .Since last year, international oil prices hit record highs, breaking a hundred dollars and for a time mark, making the U.S. economy overwhelmed. .Despite record high oil prices, after falling, but at 14, the international oil prices due to a weaker dollar and other factors, but also slightly higher. .On the New York Mercantile Exchange, February delivery of light crude oil futures prices barrel higher than the $ 1.51 the previous trading day to close at $ 94.20. .</ P> <P> fact, fatal to the U.S. economy is still the largest - the United States subprime mortgage crisis erupted last year, the U.S. economy has been sluggish. .This year in particular, by the sub-prime shadow and multiple negative effects, the U.S. stock market has fallen for three weeks, the worst since 1991, the annual start, stock markets overshadowed concerns about the future economic slowdown. .Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and many other well-known investment banks have already said that the U.S. has entered a recession period. .</ P> <P> former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, 14, has also publicly said the U.S. economy may be in recession, or is about to slide into recession. ."Signs are clearly visible, that would not start smoothly, usually on the market are not consistent with the performance of the signal, the data in recent weeks may represent such a situation." He said. .Late last year there have been reports quoted the words of Alan Greenspan, saying that the U.S. recession is about 50% chance, and before him, that the probability is 30%. .Greenspan also cited the Institute for Supply Management purchasing managers index fell, and the December unemployment data, said the possibility of a recession is still close to 50%, but "more likely than high low." .</ P> <P> economic downturn, high oil prices, coupled with an election year. .Analysts said that despite the White House and Congress in the Iraq war and health care differences on a range of issues, but in the current U.S. economic situation becomes increasingly serious situation, between the White House and Congress will put aside political differences and seek common ground, more concerned about how .economic problems and work together to fix the problems. ."This is very common, when the country's economic brink of recession, the two parties will cooperate to save the tide." Economist at the American Enterprise Research Hassett said: "This is often the case." </ P> <P> .Currently, the United States, the economic problems is a priority. .According to U.S. economists said that the current U.S. needs 50 billion to 100 billion U.S. dollars of the money flow to stimulate the economy. .Therefore, analysts say the U.S. economy in urgent need of money when the arms sale plan for the White House, Congress is no reason to oppose it. .</ P> <P> parties to stimulate sluggish economy </ P> <P> fact, how to stimulate the U.S. economy, the United States the parties are finding ways and seeking common ground. .U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Monday conducted a closed-door talks. .She hoped to reach agreement on a financial plan, the plan can meet the U.S. Federal Reserve cut interest rates. .She said he conveyed to the Bernanke "Americans are concerned about the needs are not met while." .10 this month, Bernanke said the housing and credit markets in order to avoid the problem situation the economy into recession, the Fed is ready to further cut interest rates when necessary to stimulate economic growth. .In response, many economists believe the Fed's actions in line with the Congress, should take a temporary fiscal stimulus package, including possible tax incentives. .</ P> <P> on Friday, Pelosi and Democratic Leader Harry Reid also joint letter to Bush, hoping to meet with him as soon as possible to discuss economic issues. .White House spokesman Tony Fratto said Bush's aides have started consultation on Capitol Hill. .Bush is visiting the Middle East, also said he was willing to listen to suggestions for a program assistant on the economy, and in the January 28 State of the Union speech, announced a package of policies conducive to economic development measures. .According to speculation that Bush announced in the program, most likely in the form of tax relief. .A Republican congressman said that the White House is swing on the tax rebate policy, but no final decision. .Democrats welcomed, but the differences between the two sides is whether locked to a particular income groups, such as the middle class or low income tax poor people. .A Democratic aide said that although the two parties disagree on many issues, both sides are limited in some measures such as legislation to address the subprime mortgage crisis and other major energy bill to reach consensus. .</ P> <P> addition, the U.S. presidential candidates several parties planned for the economic stimulus plan. .U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Sunday has thrown an economic incentive programs, including workers and tax credits, grants and one-time pension is facing foreclosure for buyers of housing assistance programs, the total value of the program .750 billion U.S. dollars. .Obama's main rival Hillary Clinton was unveiled on Friday a 70 billion U.S. dollars of the incentive plan, the plan focuses more on her inability to repay mortgage loans to help the family. .</ P>.

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