Wednesday, January 5, 2011

United States House of representatives passed a bill you've invested in health reform

United States House of representatives 7 day after 12 hours of heated debate, to 220 votes to 215 votes hard by a total of about $ 12000 billion health care reform act.

In the Democratic Party members in the majority of seats in the House of representatives, the Democratic Party of reform programmes through a very difficult. But the House Speaker Pelosi on the night of the vote before the vote is very optimistic. She said that the passage of the Bill of significance comparable 1935 social safety act as well as 1965 Medicare bill.

Bills passed by the House that night was his subordinates three Committee health reform programmes based on the integration of the final version. This final version up to 1990 page to determine the United States will spend the next 10 years 10 000 dollars to promote health insurance reform, Medicare coverage expanded to the United States national population of 96%, and to help the Federal Government to reduce the fiscal deficit of us $ 1000.

Health reform motion also include the establishment of public insurance agency, to stimulate competition in the insurance industry, Interior, for United States citizens to provide more choice to buy insurance.

The motions of the vast majority of people purchase health insurance in the United States, the Federal Government for those who cannot afford insurance costs of providing appropriate subsidies. In addition, larger companies are required to provide health insurance to their employees. Violation of the foregoing individuals and companies, will be punished.

In the 7th night's debate, members are around Medicare should cover the abortion issue long controversy, the ultimate in favor of Conservatives won the victory of Chung, the House of representatives to 240 votes to 194 votes in new health reform programmes on abortion insurance restrictions.

This dramatic scene for health reform programme won many relatively conservative Democrats support. Ultimately, 258 in democratic party congressmen 219 had voted against the motion. But only one member of the Republican party.

This is a United States President Barack Obama's victory, Obama's health reform plans is therefore a major step forward. He issued a statement after the passage of the Bill, the United States health care reform distance victory "near Bastille".

The House of representatives passed a Bill, the health reform's focus will be concentrated in the Senate. Obama said he told Senate passed the Bill. "I look forward to signed before the end of the medical reform act. "(New)

Obama in the United States will be a joint meeting on health care reform plan

United States President Barack Obama 9 November in joint meeting of Congress, articulate their health policy reform plan, calls for the promotion of this reform measures to rescue has been in crisis for years in the United States health care system.

Barack Obama delivered a speech in Parliament that evening, said that the present United States healthcare system crash, a growing number of people without health insurance, the insured person cannot get stable health insurance. In addition, the existing healthcare system to bring huge budget deficits, to a burden on taxpayers.

Barack Obama announced that his health care reform plan to achieve the three objectives, to have insurance to provide more security; to uninsured people in their financial ability to pay of choice within the healthcare system to ease; United States home, Enterprise and Government expenditure growth.

He also clarified that the health reform implementation, in the first ten years is expected to cost $ 90 billion, mainly through reducing existing healthcare system to raise money to waste, will not increase the financial burden on taxpayers.

According to tradition, the President of the United States are typically only made in joint meetings of the Congress of the Union address. Therefore, the United States media commented that Obama this rare move shows the Government's commitment to advancing health care reform.

Obama in January of this year after the program start ruling United States nearly 70 years of the largest health care reform, the aim is to let each United States can afford health insurance, access to good medical benefits. United States Senate last week has begun on the new Medicare law draft for discussion. Since then, the two will expand consultations to reach a consolidated text, the formation of health care reform bill eventually.

Prior to this, since the views inside the Democratic Party and the Republican party's opposition, the health reform bill introduced in Parliament again. In addition, the United States ' experts and scholars, the media and the public around the debate on this question. Commentators considered that the success of the launch health care reform not only testing the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats ruling power and authority of the United States, is also able to effectively improve people's livelihood, settlement of budget deficits, out of the economic difficulties of the key. (This article source: Xinhua NET author: Wang Wei yang qingchuan)

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