Saturday, January 1, 2011

Underground black market economy into a data base camp sensational U.S..

<P> In the United States that countries with highly developed financial system, the credit card security issue has attracted panic </ P> <P> It http://finance. News, International Herald Tribune reporter Zhang Zhongxia from Washington this year, who .No wallet, a few cards. .Credit card, has more and more Chinese people to accept. .Bank cards can be a security vulnerability that the risks have to say, even the U.S. financial system so highly developed countries, tens of millions of cards every turn data leakage, but also heard frightened consumers. .That the security situation, is it more the more my heart not the end of the brush? .Recently, the U.S. discount retail giant TJX exposed 45.7 million credit and debit card information stolen by hackers, the United States by far the most serious of a financial information security incidents. .</ P> <P> most serious information security incidents </ P> <P> TJX in early January, the company has disclosed invasion of computer systems by hackers. .It was not until March 30 the night filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission archive, recognized by the impact of this wave of hacking attacks actually up to 45.7 million customers - this is a conservative estimate. .TJX first time in so long to disclose the matter, so that consumers very angry, but in order to "appease hearts and minds" of the tone explained that the data from hackers 3 / 4 might be "useless data." .Because their system has been specially encrypted data, the number of credit card numbers in some alternative storage with an asterisk, there are some other cards in the hacking of the expiration period. .While TJX tried to play down the seriousness of the incident, but security experts here obviously do not agree. .American market research firm Gartner analyst Litan pointed out, "This is the largest to date with the card data theft, (to consumers) caused serious damage." .Prior to this, the most serious of information disclosure in 2005, Card Systems, 40 million credit card information stolen by hackers. .And Gengrang security experts worry that the TJX hackers break the direct encryption software, "is to get the door key into stealing." .Security experts pointed out that the cause of this serious information security incidents, indicating that there is a lot of consumer data storage companies, especially those customers a huge retail giant, the information security system full of loopholes. .</ P> <P> the underground economy, sensational </ P> <P> U.S. media reports said last week in Miami, Florida, police arrested six people suspected of using other people to buy from the TJX Companies crazy consumer credit card number ., the amount totaled $ 1,000,000. .As the network trading activities continued to rise, data theft has become increasingly rampant. .Second half of 2006, information security company Symantec (Symantec) found that about 600 million computers were "suspicious software" infection. .Symantec said it has formed the ground as if "network economy", hackers have changed from the individual combat organized crime group, theft of data through to an "underground network chain" transactions. .Symantec conducted a 6-month follow survey data leakage, data from hackers, generally regarded the data on the site to get the illegal trade. .It is reported that a joint credit card number of the card security code, probably priced at between 1-6 U.S. dollars. .More detailed personal information, including bank account numbers, date of birth, social security number (identity number of the United States), the price of 14 and 18 dollars. .Other black market "electronic transactions" variety: Get a Skype account, about $ 12 to spend other people's money can make free Internet phone; for which there is still a balance of payments account, asking for $ 10 to $ 500 range, .can account for online shopping to others ... ... "This is a dark-line trading network," Symantec's report said. .The second half of 2006 alone, they "monitor" to a 4943 credit card information is illegal transactions, which led to the loss of up to consumption of fraud millions of dollars. .Symantec survey showed that 33% of global hacking activities from the U.S., 46% of the fraudulent "phishing" website in the United States, 44% of spam sent from the United States. .The United States is undoubtedly the largest hacking "poisonous nest", so the data will become black market, "Camp." .</ P>.

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