Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Retreat" White Wall Street elite

From a hundred years ago the "opposition" Central Bank President J · P · Morgan began this year on 31 May by Treasury Secretary Henry m. Paulson · nominated, generation after generation of Wall Street elite in continuous not Jedi deduction with "financial + politics," the legend of power, in today's era of Pecs, the "great game" will be renewed or is near its end?

"2006 Goldman Sachs graduates Summit"

George · W · Bush's second term will double deficit in half, and the exchange rate of the bleak cold cloud, United States high-level economic team began making a reshuffle.

The beginning of the year away four Korean Veteran Alan Greenspan, the light up dark hand piece, leading the United States interest rates in the economy and gracefully dancing a 18 year old gentleman, one never worked in the capital market of Princeton scholars — — hate inflation famous Ben Bernanke instead. Like a way of balancing intentionally or unintentionally, May 31, 60-year-old Prince of Wall Street, Goldman Sachs Group, current Chairman and CEO Henry Paulson was nominated President ·, take over the snow became the new Minister of finance, United States.

This is 10 years second Goldman (GoldmanSachs) headed the Ministry of Finance of investment bankers, a Clinton-era of attention of Robert · Rubin. At present there are two former CEO at Goldman Sachs United States political positions: Stephen · Friedman — President Bush's former economic policy adviser, former Chairman of the Foreign Affairs think tank; Jon · branch Hussein — New Jersey Governor. In addition, Paulson was nominated long ago, the White House appointed from Goldman Sachs European area Joshua · Bolton as Director of the Office.

Goldman Sachs Giants will bring together political, was again jokingly "Goldman graduates Summit". Wall Street recaptured in Bush term positions fall short, aspects of nature are on Paulson has expectations. It was speculated that he will be adhering to the predecessors Rubin's strong dollar tends to strengthen the independence of the Ministry of finance; it was hoped that his control government spending, deficit reduction; some people expect him to play China contact advantages, seeking to make a difference on the appreciation of the Renminbi.

Call a spade a spade, the United States Government in the face of fundamental situation (regular project, government expenditure, high deficits and the dollar), as well as policy orientation (tax cuts, strictly controlled inflation), may not be able to leave a number of developing financial Paulson, foreign exchange policy, Bush chose him as Treasury Secretary, more still rely heavily on his experience in the financial sector, the background and reputation to the existing policy when a good salesman.

Over the past 40 years, the Wall Street Journal to the Ministry of finance to the 6-bit Finance Ministers, add up the total working time for more than 20 years. Many of them leave marks of marks, such as the Reagan era Corrigan (Regan), Clinton era Rubin, may become a specific era and a symbol of the economic policy.

The so-called financial elite magical influence, has always been a legend of the "United States" in an ancient and divergent views. However, if the patient examination dazzle "Goldman Sachs" Super graduates, look back over Wall Street's power lever dramatic swing, in contrast, they seem more like a bright and disturbing epilogue.

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