Saturday, January 1, 2011

United States attacked China by the presidential candidates rally popular.

<P> As the U.S. Democratic presidential candidate will run subject to economic and trade up, China has become their number one mouth "monsters." .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, in order to catch up in the March 4 primaries in Ohio for blue-collar votes, Hillary? Clinton (Hillary Clinton) and Barack? Obama .(Barack Obama) invariably increase their populist and anti-free trade rhetoric. .The two leading candidates have lead paint on toys, toxic pet food recalls and safety of fault events unwarranted charges. .</ P> <P> compared to Obama went a step further, he accused the Clinton administration in 2000 and established permanent normal trade relations with China at the expense of the safety standards. .This is Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to her husband during the administration's China policy and the 1993 North American Free Trade Agreement signed (NAFTA) tied together. .</ P> <P> Obama's campaign speeches often catch-phrase is the American worker found the factory equipment "to be split down suddenly transported to China to go." .Dayton, Ohio, on Monday at a rally, that is it cause the audience a strong resonance. .</ P> <P> the other hand, Hillary Clinton in Renminbi exchange rate issue as a shelling target. .Her speech on foreign policy in Washington, said: "President Bush's policies to the Chinese government has simply become a U.S. banker. Now, China's iron and steel were shipped to the United States, the United States is the loss of jobs. When the United States .behave, the Chinese are manipulating their currency. "</ P> <P> Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is a joint U.S. Senate a bill sponsor. .The motion proposes to establish a set of rules, such as China and the like used to determine whether the countries in the manipulation of the exchange rate. .Manipulate the exchange rate behavior will be subject to the WTO (World Trade Organization) framework of legal sanctions. .</ P> <P> Polls show Americans growing discontent with free trade. ."Wall Street Journal" and NBC News last December in a survey carried out in collaboration, nearly 58% of Americans think globalization is not a good thing the country, only 28% of people think that globalization good for America. .In contrast, 10 years ago, only 48% of Americans think globalization harmful, while 42% support. .</ P> <P> in the loss of manufacturing jobs by the pain of the American Midwest, anti-globalization sentiment is particularly intense. .A poll last week showed that voters believe Wisconsin Qicheng, including free trade agreements, including NAFTA caused the loss of employment, only 17% of people believe that these agreements create jobs. .</ P> <P> Do not look now to the two candidates for anti-free trade of the voters supported the fight, in fact, free trade-related with the Senate vote, the position of both of them have been in sync. .For example, in 2005, both voted against the Central American Free Trade Agreement (Central American Free Trade Agreement), are opposed to the United States and South Korea and Colombia trade agreement reached, but also a series of bilateral trade agreements signed by the United States voted in favor. .</ P> <P> and the two candidates do not advocate the United States to completely withdraw from NAFTA or WTO, in fact, both in person within the Democratic Party from the Trade School. .Obama on Sunday during a visit to Ohio once a factory, says that if the United States did not promote free trade, slowed the pace of these two trade protectionist sentiment within the party will be more severe. .Meanwhile, he also called for American workers to "recognize that the tide of globalization is unstoppable, irreversible loss of work." .</ P> <P> analysts believe that when the election began, the shelling of China will become more important. .Because it can reduce the Democrats were Republicans labeled the risk of charges of protectionism. .</ P> <P> While the U.S. trade deficit with Canada's 640 billion dollars, Mexico's trade deficit last year hit a new high of 74 billion U.S. dollars, 2,560 billion dollars in trade deficit with China before, it is not worth mentioning .. .U.S. Cato Institute (Cato Institute) trade policy expert Dan? By Kenson (Dan Ikenson), said people who criticized the government deficit to take acting as a proxy. .According to their argument, the United States suffered losses because of huge trade deficit, and the reason is because of these losses in U.S. trading partner cheating, and the largest cheating is China. .</ P> <P> Every presidential campaign has come to America, China will always be a target gun, but once the new president took office, his position will be softened. .For example, in 1992 Clinton presidential campaign accused the Bush condoned the "butchers of Beijing", China is only in his assistance in 2000 for permanent normal trade status. .George W. Bush say that he had run for president in the first Clinton administration's policy of massive criticism, saying China is a "competitor, not a strategic partner." .</ P> <P> by Kenson said that in the presidential campaign, and aimed at foreign countries is a kind of "cheap" strategy, because you do not pay the price. .Once the presidency, we should look to a more comprehensive look at the problem. .</ P>.

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