Saturday, January 1, 2011

World Bank chief economist: the subprime crisis will end after a few months.

<P>: Http://finance. News of the World Bank chief economist Francois Bourguignon said the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis will end in a few months, it did not affect the overall U.S. economy .will be too large. .</ P> <P> optimistic remarks on the 5th of its annual report released United Nations Conference on contrast. .</ P> <P> AP Bourguignon told Indian media interview, said that the subprime mortgage crisis and the impact on the U.S. economy during the first half of economic growth will be offset by faster than expected. .According to his words: "This crisis is very small, and will end after a few months." </ P> <P> According to the Associated Press reported, the chief economist of the World Bank's optimistic words and 5 .UNCTAD's annual report on contrast. .The report notes that with the risk of future mortgage lending operations and further threaten the U.S. economy is possible. .</ P> <P> UNCTAD's report predicts that in 2007 the world economy will grow 3.4% in the first five years of consecutive growth. .However, this growth rate is slightly lower than last year's 4%, mainly due to U.S. economic growth will decline. .According to the report, the property market downturn, the U.S. economy in 2007 is expected to grow from last year's 3.3% to 2%. .</ P> <P> Citibank chairman William Rhodes: Now to the ultimate impact of the subprime crisis is still too early to conclude </ P> <P> held the 6th annual Summer Davos meeting, .celebrities of the international economy and the subprime crisis may affect the global economy discussion, that the current subprime mortgage crisis is hard to fully assess the financial institutions need to strengthen risk awareness and prevention and control mechanisms. .</ P> <P> Citibank chairman William Rhodes, President and CEO, said that, although now the ultimate impact of the subprime crisis is still too early to conclude, but it is certain that the crisis will be on .U.S. domestic consumption and negative impact on the overall economy. .</ P> <P> MIT Sloan School of Management Professor of Economics Kelisiting Forbes on the performance of the subprime mortgage crisis a more positive and optimistic attitude. ."As for the subprime mortgage crisis, an opening in the U.S. economy, although there are negative effects, but not shaken the U.S. economy overall." .She said that the current U.S. economic fundamentals remain good. .Although U.S. economic growth in the first quarter, only 0.6%, but in the second quarter reached 4%. .In addition, the overall performance of the U.S. business community in recent years, well, a substantial increase in profits, helped the U.S. economy continues to grow. ."My car just like there are some small problems, but do not drive the truck to the depot for a major overhaul." Forbes said. .</ P> <P> former Japanese minister Takenaka General: Possible to Japan and other exports to the U.S. economy adversely affect </ P> <P> subprime mortgage crisis, the U.S., Eurozone, Japan and other global .each of the major central banks to inject huge amounts of money the banking system to ease liquidity shortages. .</ P> <P> former General Secretary of Japan, the World Economic Forum, Takenaka said Council members, with the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, the U.S. financial market upheaval, global investors decline in demand for dollar assets, which led to .depreciation of the dollar, this situation may be on Japan and other economies adversely affect U.S. exports. .Meanwhile, the decline in U.S. domestic consumption, will also include China, Japan, including the impact on other world economies. .</ P> <P> but Forbes believes that the U.S. government and the U.S. Federal Reserve Board will be based on the evolution of the subprime crisis, including cutting interest rates and tax cuts to take, including monetary and fiscal measures to hedge subprime mortgage crisis .negative impact. .</ P> <P> subprime mortgage crisis caused a global reflection on the financial risk supervision. .Rhodes said in the past few years, banks and other lenders failed to fully consider the market risk, regulatory risk relaxed, a direct result of the crisis. .In particular, he suggested that in responding to the forefront of the market crisis, financial institutions must establish a strict and prudent risk management system. .Meanwhile, the central bank should also strengthen supervision. .</ P>.

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