Saturday, January 1, 2011

U.S. subprime mortgage crisis a tremendous impact.

<P> With the worsening sub-prime crisis, a recovery of real estate, the debtor out of the house of the wave is sweeping the United States. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. This crisis has shaken the U.S. housing market, financial institutions could lead to further confusion, the amount they invest in the subprime market of up to 1 trillion. .</ P> <P> Cleveland, Ohio, on Lake Erie traditional industrial areas of the United States. .</ P> <P> Here is the U.S. subprime mortgage capital. .One in the city who go house-family homes are empty. .The property was recovered, rising crime, the entire district was destroyed was a mess. .</ P> <P> where the majority of real estate has a claim now owned by banks and investment funds. .Property recovered most of the Cleveland Trust by Deutsche Bank on behalf of investment funds. .</ P> <P> Cleveland is facing a rising crime rate, just the removal of the availability of needed tax revenue from the city out of $ 100,000,000. .</ P> <P> ancient Asian financial head of the county where card Rocca Keith said: "Wall Street is not taken to pay the down payment, not to investigate the qualifications of housing loans took the life of our city." </ P .> <P align=center> the subprime crisis to expand </ P> <P> sub-prime lending is spreading across the United States, especially in Southern California, Florida, Washington, DC and New York City, business is particularly hot. .</ P> <P> Currently, one in five U.S. mortgages are this type. ."Responsible Loan Center" (the Center for Responsible Lending) of Kaier Hong pointed out that with the credit crunch continues, "more and more families across the country have lost their homes in the figure ever, been deprived of family property ., the entire district was destroyed. "</ P> <P> subprime loans compared with other lenders bear the risk of default is much higher. .</ P> <P> This is because most of the "balloon mortgage" (technical term, said: Mixed rate mortgages ARMs), the implementation of the lender's fixed rate two to three years, and then converted to a high floating rate of interest. .</ P> <P> majority of mortgages will be converted to floating rate in the next two years, lenders will be unable to repay. .</ P> <P> according to the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee estimated that in 2007 the first 8 months, the United States has 1.7 million lawsuit to recover property; in the next two years, there will be up to 200 million families losing shelter .by..

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